Eighth Crown

Chapter 852: Lucia: Sun wheel, obey death! (33)

In the sky.

The magic dragon flapped its wings and came to Liu Xia's side at a speed far beyond the naked eye.

After the sky garden was evacuated, Achilles also received the order to retreat, so he abandoned the dragon, returned to the battlefield and brought Atalanta with him, and left the battlefield in a dashing manner.

"That guy has a very powerful shield, I can't help that guy in the end."

The dragon was rather unhappy.

The first appearance in this world, in her opinion, at least there must be a perfect ending, in order to be in line with her status as the Dragon Emperor, and at the worst, Achilles must be killed, but the actual situation is , she couldn't even defeat the half-crippled Achilles, which naturally made her feel very discouraged.

"It won't be too late to deal with Achilles. Now the key is to get rid of the giant."

Liu Xia directly passed the soul contract and gave instructions to the dragon from the bottom of her heart, "Dragon, I will control your body in a while, you are ready to release your breath."

As Liu Xia said this, she raised the eight rooms again, causing two doors of different dimensions to open in front of her.

Immediately, a huge skeleton with a height of at least 20 meters and a middle-aged general in iron armor appeared in front of him.

The magic dragon manipulated the wind and formed a wind barrier, which was placed under the feet of the two, allowing them to stand in the air.

"Dragon, you and Destaguru go to the ground, Bud flew into the sky, and each prepared the strongest means of attack. The timing of the shot is controlled by me."

Under the command of Liu Xia, the magic dragon controlled the wind barrier and flew to the ground with Destaguru, while Bud activated the Noble Phantasm Thor's Wrath, Admiral, and controlled the electromagnetic force to lift himself up. Sky.

The original giant's intelligence is not high, it should only be close to the program-level intelligence, so it has been staring at Liu Xia.

That should be the order that the red side gave to Avis Bron. After all, it seems that only Liu Xia, who has the magic dragon, can pursue them, and they will naturally try to stop Liu Xia's footsteps.

Liu Xia held the God-killing spear in his hand, attracted its attention from the front, and led it to an empty space.

On the other side, under his control, the Demon Dragon and Destaguru stood behind the original giant's legs respectively, one of them was eager to try the dark dragon breath, and the other said the blue beam of light was gradually accumulating. .

General Budd flew into the sky, and the huge electricity gathered in front of him, forming a huge plasma ball, and the whole body trembled with thunder and lightning.

The weather in this world has become turbulent because of the gathering of huge energy.

Destroying this gigantic primordial giant requires not only at least four A++-level anti-city Noble Phantasms, but also extremely precise timing. If the timing is not properly matched, then there are four top-level anti-city Noble Phantasms. , and cannot destroy the primordial giant.

Fortunately, whether it is the dragon, Bud, or Destaguru, all of them are controlled by Liu Xia through the eight rooms and ghost blood, and Liu Xia can completely control them with precision to the second.

"It's coming."

Lucia took a deep breath.

Simultaneously accurately controlling the combat power of four top Noble Phantasms is also a big burden for his spirit.

At this time, if the Red Servant was still there and attempted to assassinate, it would really be a one-shot kill.

at this moment.

All the masters and servants in the fortress and grassland turned their eyes to Liu Xia's direction. Their eyes were both anxious and full of expectations. Even Chiron and Vlad III looked at Liu Xia with incredible eyes. look.

They all know that Liu Xia is very strong, but can he even deal with a kilometer-high giant?

in the field.

Everyone's momentum and energy are all brewing to the peak.

So, at a certain moment, Liu Xia pressed the trigger of the four people at the same time in her heart.

"Boom rumble—!"


At the same time, a jet-black dragon breath and a blue beam of light erupted from the mouths of the demon dragon and Destaguru, respectively.

Two long and narrow rays of light cut through the sky, one left and one right bombarded the original giant's leg joints, and the majestic energy exploded, blasting the giant's tens of meters wide legs away.

In an instant, the giant lost everything below the calf.

Primitive human beings were blessed by the earth. As long as they stood on the ground, they could continuously absorb magic power from the earth, so they had an immortal body in disguise, which was very difficult to deal with.

However, as long as its legs are broken to separate its body from the ground, its immortality will not work at the moment when it floats in the air.

As long as the head and the heart of the furnace are destroyed in these short seconds, it is enough to completely destroy the giant.


At the same time as the giant's legs were broken, Bud in the sky also threw the long-saved plasma ball, which fell straight toward the giant's head.

And at this moment-


Liu Xia instantly activated the Command Spell that was transplanted to her right arm, causing a huge amount of magic power to pour into her body, and the magic power consumed by launching the usurper was instantly replenished.

It is true that Liu Xia's magic power is provided by androids, but the usurping of EX-rank Noble Phantasm consumes a lot of his magic power every second. Even if dozens of androids provide him with magic power, the speed at which they replenish magic power is also limited. It was completely incomparable to consumption. In this short half-minute, the magic power in his body was almost drained.

Fortunately, there are two Command Spells on Liu Xia's body that were transplanted from Liu Dao Ling Xia's body, which can be used as a backup source of magic power, enough to support him in using the extraordinary Noble Phantasm in his hand.

"Heroes of charity, lend me your strength."

Lucia raised the magic spear in her hand.

It was a long spear nearly five meters in length. The handle of the spear was still the same as the previous golden steel spear, but the tip of the spear had undergone great changes because of the golden armor that Karna sacrificed before.

Its tip is three meters long, and the black material spreads out and fills it like a gun's wings. At the connection, there is a huge golden eye, as if a **** is overlooking the world.

"This thorn is extinction, burn everything—"

"—VasaviShakti (O Sun Wheel, Obey Death)!"

At the moment of liberation of the Noble Phantasm.

An extremely restrained golden beam of light was released from the tip of the divine spear, as if the galaxy had fallen to the ground, spanning a distance of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, and bombarded the original giant.

far away.

At the moment when the original giant's legs were broken and his body couldn't help but fall forward, the huge plasma ball and the restrained golden light beam landed on its head and heart almost at the same time.

"Rumble rumble rumble rumble ---!!!"

Suddenly, a vast thunder light burst out from the landing point of the golden beam, turning into a boundless sea of ​​thunder and lightning, gradually covering the entire body of the original giant.



The violent roar of thunder and lightning instantly resounded through the space of several kilometers in a radius. The dense thunder and lightning brought incomparably hot high temperature, and at the same time, like a rising sun, it attracted the attention of all living beings.

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