Eighth Crown

Chapter 861: Only the last two rides left (3/3)


With the sound of an explosion, five consecutive clone-like afterimages were released from Liu Xia, and almost at the same moment, they shot towards the two opposite.

The first afterimage was covered with electric light all over the body, like the incarnation of thunder and lightning. This afterimage, which is known for its speed, almost bore the brunt, and came to Achilles and Atalanta in the blink of an eye.

It is worth mentioning that at this moment, Liu Xia's body is still entangled with the original Rune, and the ghost blood on his body is still roaring, that is to say, this is the sword of the whole body wielded when the strength of the muscles is improved to the extreme.


The green light shield unfolded again, and the small world and the majestic ocean current once again protected Achilles behind him and blocked Liu Xia in front of him.

Knowing that Lucia was about to strike a fatal blow, Achilles was ready to release this Noble Phantasm again.

At this moment, the small world that appeared once again blocked the path of the afterimage of thunder and lightning with great precision.


But the afterimage of thunder and lightning didn't mean to stop at all, and raised the two knives in his hand, causing the sword gas surrounded by thunder to shoot out into an incomparable electric snake, bombarding the surface of the small world.

The small world shook slightly for a moment, but it didn't mean to be broken after all.


The next moment, the afterimage with flames all over his body suddenly rushed toward him, and between the swinging of the two knives, a vast sea of ​​fire spewed out, and in the blink of an eye, the currents around the shield evaporated.

The flames fell on the small world, causing the world projection on it to shake for a breath, but it still did not mean to shatter.


The third afterimage was surrounded by strong winds, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of knives were swung out.

Every knife is as sharp as the claws of a giant beast, and the trajectory of the sword energy seems to be messy, but the dozen or so knives land on the same point in the small world with great precision.


Finally, after the sword fell, a tiny crack suddenly appeared on the world projection, symbolizing that there was finally a crack in the incomparably strong defense.

Although this small world itself is flawless in concept, there is still a carrying limit, and it can still be destroyed with absolute power.


The fourth afterimage arrived as scheduled, its footsteps were as heavy as a giant, and the knife in his hand slashed down like a force on Mount Huashan.

This was the heaviest blow to date, and the sword seemed to be the very concept of power.


Under this sword of sublimation, the cracks continued to spread under the projection of this world, and finally shattered like fragile glass, breaking into countless fragments.

"—PhoebusCatastrophe (Arrow Book of Complaint)!"

At the moment when the world shield shattered, Atalanta, who was hiding behind it, released the Noble Phantasm without hesitation, filling the arrows in her hands with huge magic power, causing them to blast out.

However, unlike the last time that thousands of arrows of light were formed, this time, she gathered a large number of arrows and shot them in a narrow range. Arrow's attack power.

Because Achilles was attacked four times, he couldn't even stand still at this moment, and his whole body kept going backwards, unable to launch a counterattack at all.


But then, the last afterimage approached the two of them, and two water dragons came out with the waving of the two knives.

The two water dragons greeted the arrows that were shot, but in the blink of an eye, they destroyed the arrows like a rotten tree, and continued to dance.

Atalanta was suddenly shocked.

Although she also expected that she was not Liu Xia's opponent, the Noble Phantasm she released with her whole body was defeated so easily, which still greatly exceeded her expectations.

Immediately, before she could cry out in surprise, two water dragons had already rushed towards her, tying her and Achilles together from left to right. are extremely difficult.

"It doesn't look like it..."

Achilles sighed lightly, looked at Atalanta who was beside him, and laughed in pain, "Well, it's a blessing to be able to die with my eldest sister."

"Little devil, when your dad and I went to find the Golden Fleece, you weren't born yet!"

Atalanta glared at Achilles, but then sighed slightly, "It can only be said that the luck this time is really bad..."


In an instant, the light between heaven and earth brightened.

The next moment, a ray of light that was the same as the sun shone in the sky, radiating light and heat far beyond the five previous afterimages.

"—Huihui killed Dao Enguang."

Immediately afterwards, with the figure under the sun waving the He Dao in his hand, the huge sun suddenly fell from the sky, like a meteor falling to the ground, smashing towards the two of them.


The moment the sun hit the ground, extreme light and heat erupted, involving everything around them.

Dust, gravel, armor, and even flesh and blood gradually melted away under this blow.

The thunderous roar then spread throughout most of the floating islands, and the rumbling explosion wind radiated out in all directions, and the strong shock wave destroyed everything within a hundred meters.

until the light disappeared.

The smoke and dust all over the place gradually dissipated, revealing the huge dark crater below.

Under this blow, the entire floating island was almost cut into a hole.

And in that crater, Achilles and Atalanta had disappeared for a long time, and there was not even a trace left.

This is an anti-human Noble Phantasm, but Liu Xia abruptly cut it out of the power of an anti-military Noble Phantasm.


Liu Xia breathed a sigh of relief, the runes on his body gradually dimmed, and the magical features such as ghost horns also disappeared into the body. In a short breath, the whole person has returned to the beginning, and even the magic vest is automatically Patch was successful.

"Congratulations, to be honest, it was definitely a fight that horrified me."

After all the dust fell, Jeanne came to Liu Xia's side with a look of admiration.

"The Red Archer and Rider have been confirmed to disappear, this is your victory."

Liu Xia glanced at the floating island in front of him, which had been reduced to ruins, then turned around and walked towards the overpass to the center.

"Let's go."

"Aren't you going to find Archer and Lancer of Darkness?"

Seeing that Liu Xia had no intention of going to Chiron at all, Jeanne asked in surprise.

"From the bottom line of the seven rides, there are only the last two rides left."

Liu Xia walked forward without looking back.

"Neither of them are idle people, and there will be nothing wrong in a short time, but the Great Holy Grail may be activated at any time. Once the Great Holy Grail is mastered by the Red Party, it will be too late."

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