Eighth Crown

Chapter 865: Are you interested in betraying the current Master?


Strings of rotting white smoke slowly rose from Liu Xia's body, and most of the flesh and bones of his body were corroded, and a strong tingling sensation accompanied the pain nerve into the brain.

No wonder the expression on Joan's face was so horrified, Liu Xia was still dripping with a lot of purple venom, and her whole body couldn't be seen completely. If it were another Servant, she would have already died at this moment.

The power of purple venom is quite powerful.

Even if Liu Xia wrapped his body with flames, there was still a large amount of venom that extinguished the flames, corroding his body into a human-like shape, and the deadly poison scurried all over his body.


Liu Xia picked up the knife without hesitation and stabbed him in the chest, accurately hitting the dead line of the poison that invaded the body.

No matter how tenacious and deeply ingrained the poison is, under the power of the Devil's Eye of Death, there is no chance of survival. Under this knife, the dark poison that was swimming around him slowly disappeared.

Then the ghost blood surged, and the rotten body completely recovered its original appearance in the breath.

The pain that is enough to make the gods survive and die, although it is enough to penetrate into the soul, the tenacity of his soul far surpasses everyone else, and because of the extremely short time, there are basically no symptoms left on him.

The strength of this divine beast itself is comparable to that of Karna and Achilles, and the poison it spews out, even if Karna accidentally falls into it, he must die on the spot.

It's just that it was defeated by Liu Xia with its poisonous ability, which makes it special.

"It's a pity that the body of this divine beast..."

Liu Xia turned her head and glanced at the corpse of Basum on the side. Although she had the intention to take it for her own use, she didn't have the ability.

Although Bafang can make corpses into puppets and manipulate them, this piece of imperial furniture itself has its upper limit, and even the corpse of the super-dangerous species Destaguru cannot be completely preserved. There is only one skeleton left, which has a higher personality. The beasts on the first floor are naturally even worse.

"It's okay, let's go."

Liu Xia turned around and looked at the gate of the main hall not far away.

It was a gate with a height of nearly 20 meters and a round arch. The whole was painted black, and there were statues such as pigeons on both sides of the gate.

The owner of the sky garden is in that main hall.

"It's really okay..."

Joan of Arc gave Liu Xia a strange look. Although she was also a Servant and an undeniable monster in the eyes of ordinary people, she felt more and more that this black Saber was the monster among the monsters.

She has memories of being summoned in other Holy Grail Wars, but she has never seen such an almighty type as Luca, and this is the first time she has seen it.

before the main hall.

Liu Xia stretched out his hand and slowly opened the door, and the scene inside suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

This is a very empty hall. The overall shape is a standard round arch. Gold and silver sculptures can be seen everywhere. The ground and walls are flat and smooth, which looks very imposing.

In the center of the hall, there is a huge high platform, dozens of stairs are covered with precious carpets, and above the high platform is a luxuriously carved throne, standing on it, like a condescending ancient emperor generally.

This is not so much the main hall as it is between the kings, but the king's residence.

On the throne of the high platform, a female Servant was sitting there at the moment, watching with interest Liu Xia and Jeanne who walked in from the main entrance.

It was a woman with a beauty that would fascinate any man. She had long black hair that was as long as a waterfall, waist-length, as well as golden vertical pupils and elf-like pointed ears. What did she look like? Half-blooded, with a delicate face, Liu Xia can also rank in the top three among the women she has seen so far.

She sat alone on the throne, wearing a black dress, and exuding a decadent and lazy queen-like atmosphere all over her body.

For any man, that sub-atmosphere is extremely dangerous, enough to make any man indulge in her, and from then on, he will fall completely and be completely helpless.

"Have you finally come here?"

She sat on the throne, her slender legs were folded together, and one hand supported her cheek, showing a lazy posture.

"Black Saber, and Ruler, welcome to this king, I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

That is the owner of the sky garden.

At this moment, she was sitting there with a proud attitude as if she was meeting an envoy from another country, with a smile that seemed to be more than enough.

"Red Assassin, the Assyrian Empress - Semiramis!"

Joan of Arc took a step forward and faced the opponent with a dignified expression. The ability to see through her real name made her call the opponent's name in an instant.


Is something wrong?

What do you think, a position beyond the temple level like the sky garden and the god-level magic level represented by the EX-level magic cannon should be Caster's masterpiece, not Assassin, who specializes in assassination?

However, it is reasonable to think that there is Archer who does not use bows and arrows to engage in melee combat in Chaldea, Assassin who does not engage in assassination and is unparalleled, and Assassin who uses air fortresses to attack.

"Where is your master?"

Joan of Arc took the lead in issuing a solemn question to Assassin on the red side.

"What kind of conspiracy do they have? Why did they think of assassinating me?"

The red Assassin, according to Joan of Arc, is called Semiramis.

She was originally the child of the goddess of fish, Decoduo, and a human male, but she was abandoned by her mother and raised by pigeons, so she had an extraordinary love for pigeons.

Later, he was picked up and learned all kinds of knowledge, such as makeup, hairdo, dance, music, etc., and he possessed a cultivation that ordinary people cannot match.

After becoming an adult, although he married an old general, he was taken away by the king of Assyria because of his unparalleled beauty.

But only a few days after marrying the king of Assyria, Semiramis poisoned the king of Assyria, and then regent for decades, showing extraordinary political talent, known as the Assyrian the empress.

Because it is the first recorded case of poisoning in human history, she is also known as the oldest poisoning of mankind.

The Hanging Garden, a miracle of human history, is generally considered to be built by the king of Babylon, but there are also views that it was built by the king of Assyria.

Probably because of this legend, Semiramis got in touch with the Hanging Garden, and took advantage of this controversial concept to obtain the Noble Phantasm of the Hanging Garden.

"It's really uneducated to ask questions as soon as you come up, Ruler."

Semiramis sat back on the throne with a relaxed smile on his face, "It's not that I can't answer you, but before that—"

Her expression paused for a moment, and then she cast an enthusiastic look in Liu Xia's direction.

"Saber of Darkness, are you interested in betraying the current Master and come to our side?"

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