Eighth Crown

Chapter 880: Only the last person left in the red square

Until the three disappeared completely, Jeanne and Amakusa on the side were still unable to manage the expressions on their faces.

Although it has long been known that the strength gap between the two sides is not small, Astolfo and the others are only second- and third-rate heroic spirits, and it is definitely impossible to win against Liuxia, but they each have one or two strokes of Command Spell to support them. Is it still so easy to be killed?

And three kills in one second?

Is the gap really that big?


Immediately after, after all three of them were dead, a large swath of poisonous mist appeared in this space, turning the space between most of the kings and the air itself into a highly poisonous one.


Immediately, several magic circles spread out around Semiramis, and several transparent purple chains protruded from them, bound in the direction of Liu Xia.

It was Semiramis' second Noble Phantasm, and it was the Noble Phantasm she really possessed.

【The wine of the king of arrogance】.

It can make space and magic itself carry the property of poison. As long as it is in it, it will be contaminated with poison. Even if it is touched by Semiramis' chains, it will also be invaded by poison. That is because her magic itself has become poisonous.

Even if you poison a servant who is a familiar, you can spread the poison to the master through the causal line between the familiar and the master, and kill the master, which is quite a domineering Noble Phantasm. .


After killing the three of Astolfo, Liuxia's feet did not stop at all.

Under the surging atmosphere, his figure gradually disappeared like a mirage, and the whole person brought out pieces of afterimages and rushed towards Semiramis.

At the moment when the purple poisonous mist and the chains rushed towards his face, he swung the He Dao and swung several sword qi in an instant, accurately hitting the several chains and the poisonous fog itself.

In the next instant, these chains and poisonous fog shattered inch by inch, and were smashed by the sword's momentum like a broken bamboo, so that most of the kings covered by the poisonous fog were instantly cleared.

It is true that under the blessing of the Command Spell, whether it is Astolfo's Magic Flute, Frankenstein's Thunder Tree, or even Semiramis' poisonous mist, the power has been increased exponentially.

But unfortunately, whether the power is strong or not is not important in the face of the Demon Eye of Straight Death.

As long as you can't hide your own dead line, in the eyes of the demon eyes of the gods, it's just a lamb that can be slaughtered at will, and the size and shape are irrelevant at all.


His own Noble Phantasm was smashed by a knife, Semiramis groaned, and the expression on his face finally changed.

So outrageous!

Such a Servant should not appear in the Holy Grail War at all. His existence itself is a violation of the rules of the game. As long as he exists for one day, this game will never be played fairly!

"Master, hurry up and escape from here!"

Her face suddenly became extremely anxious, and with a wave of her hand, with the blessing of the little power left in the sky garden, a purple magic circle composed of ancient characters was opened in front of Amakusa Shiro.


Amakusa Shiro gritted his teeth, gave Semiramis a complicated look, and then raised his feet without hesitation, intending to walk into the magic circle.

That is undoubtedly the magic circle of space transfer. As long as Amakusa Shirou escapes from here, at least he himself has a chance to make a comeback.



The next moment, a sword qi lashed out and hit the magic circle dozens of meters away, causing it to dissipate in a glass-shattering sound.

"Don't think this set will work all the time."

Liu Xia was always on guard for the transfer magic circle that Semiramis might use, so the moment the magic circle appeared, he shot and destroyed it without hesitation.

Different from the space transfer with the command spell, the space transfer with the command spell will disappear in front of you without any warning, but if you use the magic to transfer the space, there is bound to be a process of releasing the magic circle.

And with Liu Xia's reflexes, it was easy to capture the process of using magic.

After smashing the poisonous mist and the transfer magic circle, Liu Xia rioted again, and the figure once again turned into a ghost and disappeared.

In just a blink of an eye, Liu Xia's figure had already arrived in front of Semiramis.


Almost at the moment when Liu Xia disappeared, Semiramis raised his arm subconsciously, causing a fin-shaped shield covered with scales to appear in front of him.

The shield was made from the scales of the mythical fish. It had a hardness that even a monster of the level of Chimera could not easily break. Because it was strengthened by ghost blood, the strength of Chimera was not inferior to some fantasy species. This shows how high its defense is.


Liu Xia stabbed a knife from the front, and stabbed the fish scale shield straight, and the two collided with a fierce sound of gold and iron.

And under his blow, only a few cracks appeared on the fish scale shield, and it didn't shatter on the spot, and it was quite solid.


But the next moment, his free left hand was raised high and slashed down with a strong knife.

In a burst of sound, the fish scale shield instantly broke, turning into countless scales, lasing out in all directions like bullets, embedded in the surrounding walls.


At the moment when the fish scale shield broke, Semiramis couldn't help exclaiming, and his body couldn't help shaking.

She is a magician and a poisoner, but she is not good at melee combat.

Her muscle strength is only the lowest E, and under the huge gap of several times, she can hardly bear the aftermath of the strength when the shield shatters.


In the next instant, the He Dao in Liu Xia's hand was like a deadly scythe, piercing into the heart of her chest and penetrating the spiritual core in her body.


The moment the heart was pierced, Semiramiston vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the blade.

The expression on her face immediately slumped, and a bitter smile emerged.

"Is this the end... Haha, what a pity... I, not yet..."

Before she could finish speaking, her breath had already returned to nothingness, her golden eyes were weakly closed, and her body immediately turned into pure magic particles, which dissipated from the eyes of several people.

In this way, the red side has only the last person left.

Liu Xia turned around and looked at Shiro Amakusa, who was now alone.

There was still a dazed look on his face, as if he didn't expect the good situation to be ruined in just a few minutes.

"...I have cut off the supply of magic power to you...Why do you still exist? Can you even kill them all in just a few seconds?"

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