Eighth Crown

Chapter 892: Hard conditions not allowed?

"By the way, I have one last question."

She wanted to leave with the three of Esdes, but Liuxia suddenly thought of something, turned her head, and looked at Justisa again.

"If the soul is materialized, can the special abilities possessed by the body continue to continue?"

In a word, it is the question of whether the ghost king's body can be preserved.

The essence of the materialization of the soul is to transform the soul that had no body into matter, that is, to use the soul as the blueprint to create a body that best matches the essence of the soul.

In this way, the original body is bound to be replaced, and whether the skills such as magic power release and strange power obtained because of the bloodline can still remain on Liu Xia's body, it has become a problem that he has to figure out.

"no problem."

Justisa answered in the affirmative.

"The soul and the body are intrinsically interconnected and affect each other. The way the body exists will also affect the shape of the soul. When your body changes into an alien, your soul will also change into the soul of an alien."

That is to say, the soul is not static, and as the body changes, the soul also changes.

For example, with the aging of the body, the soul will gradually become rotten, so many magicians who pursue immortality, in the process of the aging of the body, even the soul will be eroded by time, and become forget the ideals and ideals at the beginning. Pursuit, this is because the aging of the body will make the soul rotten.

Therefore, when Liu Xia's body became a ghost, his soul also became the ghost's soul, and the change of the body led to the change of the soul.

"When you build a perfect body based on the soul of an alien race, the body you get is also the body of an alien race."

Justisa explained: "Therefore, the ability obtained because of the special bloodline will not disappear with the materialization of the soul."

"That's good."

Liu Xia nodded knowingly, then turned around, and took the three of Esdes through the passage opened by Justisa, left the world inside the Great Holy Grail, and returned to the basement.

Fittoria is okay, Esdes and Dotya are secretly sulking, and they don't even want to play games.

Liu Xia planned to go out and look for two ceremonies.

"What about lunch?"

Before leaving, Fituria raised her head and looked at Liu Xia with earnest anticipation in her eyes.

"Let Esdes or Dotya do it."

Liu Xia said to her, "The two of them are not much worse at cooking than me."

The legendary weapons obtained in the world of shield bravery have unlocked hundreds of forms, and Liu Xia has unlocked the cooking skills to the highest level.

Although Esdes and Dotya are close to each other, they also have the level of Lv8, and they are also super chefs that are rarely seen in a hundred years among human beings.

Fittoria shook her head.

"Fittoria means, I want to eat dragon meat."

After eating the dragon meat feast cooked by Liuxia, the Philo Bird Queen, who eats dragons, is thinking about eating dragon meat every day, and she can't wait to see the shadow of dragon meat on the dining table every time.

Liu Xia took out the Eighth Room, summoned the Tyrant Dragon King from it, cut off a whole thigh, handed it to Fitria, and then left the house.


View Buzi North, the suburbs.

Deep in the bamboo forest outside the mountains.

Considering that the two rituals had already started school, Liu Xia came to the two rituals' house in the evening.

Of course, although it was evening, because it was a hot summer, the sun was still lying lazily above the horizon, and it would take at least two hours before I was willing to go down.

Under the guidance of Yanmu Qiulong, Liuxia entered the Liangyi mansion with ease.

At this time, the two rituals had just returned home and were taking a bath, so Liu Xia went to see the two ritual owners first.

"I want Shishi to go out with me tonight."

Liu Xia said to the head of Liangyi: "But it is conservatively estimated that I won't be back until at least tomorrow night, so let me tell you, and the school will take care of it."

As soon as Liu Xia said these words, not only the head of Liangyi, but also the leader of Liangyi who was reporting the company's financial report, all cast strange glances at Liu Xia.

"Liu Xia... how should I put it, this kind of thing can't be rushed."

The head of Liangyi deliberated his words with difficulty, "Men do have strong demand in this regard, but I think that neither you nor Shi are at that age..."


Liu Xia glanced at the Liangyi Patriarch with a puzzled look, and then suddenly realized.

"No, you misunderstood. I just want to perform a magic ritual for Shi, but the ritual takes a little longer, but it will definitely benefit her without any harm."

In fact, when the [two rituals] are in her body, the two rituals themselves do not need to engage in the materialization of the soul.

But it may also be related to the [two rituals]'s own policy, she will hardly interfere with the fate of the two rituals themselves, and she will never take the initiative to appear in front of her.

Therefore, in order to protect the two rituals, it is still necessary to materialize her soul.

As for the [two rituals] that connect the roots, it's just such a trivial matter, and it probably won't have any effect on her, so it won't make her object.

"Is that right……?"

Liangyi Patriarch and Liangyi looked at each other, with their shallow understanding of the inner world, they still couldn't judge whether what Liu Xia said was true or not.

"Don't worry, I'm only 12 years old."

Liu Xia said as usual: "Even if you really want to do something, the hard conditions don't allow it, right?"

This is true.

After hearing the words, the two patriarchs reluctantly accepted and nodded in agreement.

When Liu Xia was in Guanbuzi City, in order not to make himself look too abnormal, he would take the initiative to adjust his body size to a level similar to his social age, so he was only a twelve-year-old boy on the outside.

Of course, with his most advanced [Transformation] skills, the hard conditions for how powerful he wants to be can be easily obtained.

If he really had that idea, unless the [two rituals] ran out to stop them, the two rituals would never have escaped his palm.

Of course, at present, he will not have such thoughts, otherwise his purpose will change from pursuing sincere feelings to simply being greedy.

To be reasonable, if you are greedy, you also have the ability to change, and Esdess, who can be controlled, is obviously much more suitable than the two rituals with a slightly barren body.

After the two ceremonies came out of the bathroom, Liu Xia took the initiative to come to her.

"Go to your house for a day?"

The two ceremonies looked at Liu Xia calmly and raised their eyebrows, "Okay, will you serve dinner?"

The breakfast he made last time was really good, really delicious, and it made her remember.

"...Aren't you worried that I'm plotting against you?"

Liu Xia looked at the two rituals in surprise.

At least just now, her father and brother were all thinking about it for the first time.

"There have been countless opportunities over the past few months if you want to do something."

The two rituals answered indifferently while wiping their hair with a dry towel.

"I don't have the ability to stop you anyway."

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