Eighth Crown

Chapter 902: Just about to summon the heroic spirit

Fuyuki City.

It was a seaside city located in the far eastern island country.

Although the name comes from the long winter, the climate here is actually warm, and the cold is seldom visited here. If you dig two springs, it may be a hot spring.

There is a long river in Fuyuki City called the Miyuan River, which flows from the upper reaches and flows into the sea downstream.

This Miyuan River runs through Fuyuki City and divides the city into two parts with completely different architectural styles.

On the east side is Xindu, a modern capital with everything.

On the west side is Shenshan Town, also known as the old capital. Basically, there are only residential areas and one or two commercial streets.

From the outside, it is basically the difference between a city and a township.

The two banks are connected by a long arched bridge called the Fuyuki Bridge, which is also the only path leading to both sides.

Because Weiyuan River is connected to the underground spiritual veins, Fuyuki City has become an excellent spiritual land.

Many influential magicians have settled here long ago, and these magicians and Fuyuki City itself are managed by the Tohsaka family, one of the members of the Clock Tower.

Around 1800, the Saint of Winter, Yustisa and Maqiri Sorgen, came to this land, and worked with the manager of the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Nagato, to carve a big picture in the underground spiritual veins. The system of the Holy Grail led to the formation of the Great Holy Grail system, and the Holy Grail War also began.

Around two in the afternoon.

The taxi, carrying the three of Nisei, Grey, and Ryuka, drove in the direction of Fuyuki City.

"That said, Fuyuki City is actually just a small city with a population of about 100,000 people."

In the car, II continued to smoke a cigar while introducing to Lucia and Grey.

"Ninety percent of the population gathers in Xindu. In comparison, Shenshan Town is an inconspicuous town, so it is more suitable for us to settle in."

In order to participate in the Holy Grail War at the right time, II has already done all his homework, and he does not know the situation of Fuyuki City well, but he also knows it at his fingertips.

"By the way, driver, please stop at the intersection ahead and we can get off there."

On the road, II suddenly said this to the driver who was driving.

Although the driver was puzzled, he did not refuse. After arriving at the intersection of Fuyuki City, he stopped the car and asked the three of them to take out their luggage before leaving on their own.

"Grey, Liangyi, you two wait here first, I'll go ahead and take a few steps."

The second handed the luggage to the two of them to take care of him, and then, as if he could not contain his excitement, he stepped into the intersection of Fuyuki City.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Grey stood at the intersection, looking at the gradually disappearing II with a puzzled look.

"Probably intend to enter the eyes of the Holy Grail, and then obtain the Command Spell."

Standing beside her, Liu Xia heard the words and replied: "The Holy Grail of Fuyuki City also seems to have certain rules in choosing a master."

After all, there were only seven candidates for the Holy Grail War.

And there are so many magicians all over the world, can anyone be chosen by the Holy Grail?

of course not.

The Great Holy Grail itself has rules for choosing a Master.

among these seven places.

First of all, the three imperial families of Einzbern, Tohsaka, and Maqiri each have one quota, and they can only get one quota, and three quotas are directly removed from here.

Secondly, because it is a ceremony to be named in the Magic Association, the Magic Association must also have a quota.

Of course, because of the loss of the monarch El-Melloi in the Fourth Holy Grail War ten years ago, the Clock Tower has also paid a certain amount of attention to the ritual in this country, and the number of places has been increased from one to two.

Among the two places, one is for ordinary magicians, and the other is for the designated executive board.

The quota for ordinary magicians was finally bought by a new family in the Middle East, the Galiastas, with a lot of money, and the quota for the designated executive board for the seal was bought by the monarch of the Astronomical Department because Bazette was severely injured by Liu Xia.

In this way, there are already five places confirmed to have the owner.

The last two places are randomly selected by the Great Holy Grail.

Of course, it is said to be random, but in fact there are rules to follow.

The Great Holy Grail will be in the land of Fuyuki City, and select the best magicians who have excellent magic qualifications and want to obtain the Holy Grail, and this magician cannot be in the same camp as the owners of the above five places.

Therefore, as long as he is a magician, if he goes to Fuyuki City during this period of time, there is a high possibility that he will be selected by the Great Holy Grail and given the symbol of the Master, that is, the Command Spell.

"The choice of the Great Grail is merit-based admission."

Liu Xia said to Grey: "And between you and Mr. II, there is no doubt that your aptitude is better. If you enter Fuyuki City with him, you will be the eighth achievement in obtaining the Command Spell."

"In addition, there will be no two Masters in the same camp, so once you become a Master, Mr. II cannot become a Master, so he must first enter Fuyuki City alone."

Although the aptitude of the second generation is very poor, he is also a magician after all.

As long as the remaining two places are not selected, then as long as he goes to Fuyuki City, he has a great probability of obtaining the Command Spell.

Of course, if this Holy Grail War is so intense that many magicians come to participate, and the quota has been decided, then he can only blame him for being unlucky.

Nisei himself wanted to come to Fuyuki City earlier so that he could confirm his eligibility, but he didn't get away until today because he was stumbled by Lenis.

However, fortunately this time the Holy Grail War does not seem to be fierce.

Liu Xia and Grey only waited for about ten minutes on the side of the road, when they saw El-Melloi II walked back from not far away with a look of joy.

On the back of his right hand, a very symmetrical three-stroke scarlet Command Spell, like a bird flying with wings, has emerged.

"...It seems to be quite simple?"

Lucia looked at him in surprise.

"Well, I'm also amazed at how easy it is to get Command Spells."

The second generation happily swallowed the smoke, and replied with a sigh of relief: "It's as if no one paid attention to this Holy Grail War. Compared with the tense atmosphere ten years ago, it is a world of difference."

Of course, this is just an illusion.

Not to mention what kind of preparations the Yu Sanjia will have, just talking about the astronomical monarch, who has abundant and incomparable resources, will surely become the biggest enemy of this Holy Grail War.

Well, as long as it doesn't come out as a champion hero, Liu Xia doesn't care at all.

"Let's go into town."

The Second World eased his mood, and then his spirit was lifted.

"I have already prepared the stronghold in advance, and I just need to summon the heroic spirit!"

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