Eighth Crown

Chapter 905: A foreign object above magic

After leaving the mall.

"Atlam Galliasta...that guy is not to be underestimated."

II took a deep breath.

"The Galiasta family is extremely well-funded. If you only look at the power in the superficial world, that family is also one of the best in the clock tower. Regardless of the price, the sacred relics he bought are probably quite precious."

Although holy relics only play a guiding role in the process of summoning heroic spirits, holy relics that still retain strong magic power after a long period of time are generally linked to powerful heroic spirits, and the summoned heroic spirits cannot be weak.

"I don't know what holy relic that person got."

Grey suggested somewhat unconfidently: "Can't we use his purchase channel to investigate what holy relic he bought?"

"That will take a lot of time."

II shook his head.

"And the Holy Grail War is only a few days away. It's too late... It seems that in addition to the astronomical monarch, we will have another big enemy."

Not only that, but more importantly, because of his reputation, he basically knew that he was summoning the King of Conquerors, and the real name of his heroic spirit was no different from the public.

In this way, the strength, skills, and Noble Phantasms of the Conqueror King are likely to be known by the enemy in advance, and the best method of attack can be calculated.

This is undoubtedly an extremely heart-wrenching development for the Second World.

"Isn't it easier to reduce a major enemy?"

Liu Xia followed behind the two of them, and when she heard the words, she said indifferently: "My subservant is following you, didn't you think about using it in advance?"

"That guy has no followers yet, and he has only a few magicians at most. It would be easy for me to invade his workshop and even take away his Command Spell."

Liu Xia paused, then said again: "If we can take away his Command Spell, it will not only reduce a major enemy in advance, but we can also summon another Servant here, no matter how you think about it, it will be a guaranteed profit. trade."


Having the sub-servant of Liuxia is the only and biggest advantage of the second world at present. As long as he is used as a sub-servant, it is entirely possible to have the absolute upper hand at the beginning of the Holy Grail War.

"Can you still do this..."

Grey was stunned when he heard the words, but then fell silent again.

In this case, it is no different from a sneak attack, and it also obliterates the opponent's reason for participating in the Holy Grail War.

For this kind-hearted girl, this is an insurmountable difficulty.

"The so-called Holy Grail War is essentially a battle of life and death. There is no good or evil."

Liu Xia continued: "You come to kill me, I will kill you, this is the real normal state of war, there is no reason... Moreover, how do you know that stealing his Command Spell is not a disguise to let him in the Holy Grail Survive the war?"

If he participates in the Holy Grail War, the possibility of Atlam's death is very high, but if he robs him of the Command Spell in advance and expels him from the Holy Grail War, then he can survive 100%.

"That's just sophistry, an excuse for greed."

The second generation was not instigated, and very calmly pointed out the essence of Liuxia's argument, but instead he changed his words.

"However, I agree that there is no good and evil in the Holy Grail War. I also agree with the strategy of taking away the Command Spell first. Don't forget, I also participated in the Holy Grail War. I am not a child, but Liangyi, you can invade Got Atlam's magic workshop? I don't think you seem to be interested in magic skills."

"There is now."

Liu Xia's expression was indifferent, and she replied briefly: "Entering a modern magician's workshop is like entering a no-man's land for me."

"That's it."

II nodded thoughtfully, then nodded firmly.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave it to you on the Atlam side... There's no need to kill him, just grab the Command Spell and expel him from the Holy Grail War."

In order to win, this means is also essential.

Grey thought silently in his heart.

If he could leave alive, it would be a good ending for that person.

"I also have to be prepared to fight to the death."


In order to win the Holy Grail War, Atram directly bought a building in Fuyuki City, spent a lot of money to buy multiple magic furnaces, turned it into a high-level magic workshop, and laid many traps.

It can be said that this entire workshop was built with money.

After Atram returned to the workshop, he closed the door and hid in the workshop, refusing to step out of the workshop.

Now that the subservient appeared, only the magic workshop, which was arranged with a lot of money, could give him a sense of security.


When night comes.

This only sense of security has completely disappeared.



The corridors of the workshop were filled with fire, and the blast wind shattered many windows.

The deadly spells were constantly being activated, and the magic crystals were filled into them as if they didn't need money.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the demon from approaching.

The young man with a demonic appearance just walked unhurriedly among the firelight and spells, approaching the core of the underground workshop step by step.

Any incantation will disappear directly into the invisible the moment it is close to him.

The shock wave generated by the explosion had no other effect than blowing his windbreaker.

The man passed through a large number of spell traps spotlessly, and came to the depths of the workshop without any loss of speed.

Witnessing the demonic youth approaching step by step, the despair in Atram's heart overflowed layer by layer.

If he is located in this workshop, he is confident that he will be able to conduct offensive and defensive battles with the monarch. If he is given time to arrange, he even thinks that the crown magician is not unmatched.

But that thing is too foul!

That can't be a product of the magic world!

It's not a matter of magic or magic at all, that monster is essentially a foreign object that surpasses magic!

To him, modern magic was like a breeze, meaningless!


The metal door of the underground workshop was kicked open, causing the entire door to deform directly and fly out.

The demonic young man appeared in front of Atram with a look of indifference on his face.

"Slow... wait! We are not enemies!"

Atram's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly searched his stomach to think of ways to survive.

"I also have a good relationship with the monarch El-Melloi II. When I was in the Clock Tower, I also visited him many times, and we talked very much... By the way! Cooperation! We can cooperate completely! All I need is just Victory, just to rectify the name of the family, the Holy Grail will be handed over to you, how about it?"

"If we join forces, won't victory be taken for granted?!"

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