Eighth Crown

Chapter 915: The Insect Room Under the Matou House (3/3)

"No, there's no need for that."

The second shook his head, and then explained.

"What we need to do at this stage should be to let the masters and slaves who are still hidden take the initiative to jump out. In this matter, that Archer is still useful, anyway, his strength has almost been seen clearly... Well, the two The strength is also more clearly seen.”

In this Holy Grail War, the most serious enemy of the Second World is still the celestial body monarch. Compared with the monarch, the Yusan family is not on the same order of magnitude.

Anyway, Archer can kill at any time, it is the same to kill sooner or later, so it is better to use him to attract other masters and servants who are secretly watching.

Under Liu Xia's blow, Archer was seriously injured.

There must be other groups who can't hold back and want to take Archer's head, their purpose is those hidden servants.

It would be best to draw out the celestial monarch and his followers... but, to be honest, in terms of the monarch's spirit and scheming, it is unlikely.

"It turns out that it is indeed an excellent strategy."

Lancer nodded knowingly, then put away the holy spear in his hand, turned into a spiritual child again, and disappeared from the eyes of several people.

"Okay, let's continue investigating the Matou Mansion."

Jiro turned around and walked towards the depths of Matou's mansion.

"I have sent familiars to watch the Tohsaka family master and Archer. Let's see if we can find clues about the Matou family servants."

Lucia was noncommittal about his strategy.

It will take a while for the dragon to absorb those negative emotions. Before she completely absorbs it, Liu Xia does not need to rush to end the Holy Grail War.

However, before that, he can also find a few servants to beat him and complete several other spiritual foundation tasks.


Tohsaka Rin ran two kilometers away in one breath. When he was approaching his home, he slowed down because he noticed that there were pedestrians around him. His face turned red due to the surge of blood, and he gasped for breath. .

did not follow.

After confirming that there were no chasing troops, she breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person had a feeling of escaping from death.

She knew very well that this was her life being spared by the other party.

It may be that the other party sees that her servants are too weak, and they feel complacent, thinking that she is nothing more than that, so don't take their combination seriously.

Although she was very upset and dissatisfied, it was a fact that she took a life no matter what.

"Damn, such a monster, Archer can't win by himself!"

The girl's heart was full of resentment.

When she thinks of this, she gets so angry, she is so arrogant when she talks to her, with an expression like I must be the strongest, but she lays down faster than anyone else, and she still doesn't wake up.

If anyone were to stare at her now, it would basically be over.

"Go home first."

Tohsaka Rin sighed weakly and walked towards the Tohsaka house.

She was up late today, and after a trip to Matou's house, she had already missed school time, so she simply asked for a leave of absence from the school.

Before Archer wakes up, she is not suitable for wandering outside. It will be bad if she is targeted. At least the Tohsaka House is covered by a barrier, which is a bit safer.

"If I want to fight Rider like that monster, I'm afraid I need to form an alliance with the other Masters."

Tohsaka Rin walked into his house, thinking in his heart how to deal with the overly strong Servant.

She is not someone who will give up easily, and winning the Holy Grail War is the glory that she should achieve as the current head of the Tohsaka family.

A hard worker with motivation is someone like her.

"If I can cooperate with Einzbern or Matou's master, there is still a chance of winning, but Matou's side doesn't know what happened... Sakura doesn't know what's going on."

The girl opened the door of the entrance and walked into the living room with a heavy heart.

"In the evening, when Archer wakes up, let's go to Matou's house to have a look, at least to know Sakura's whereabouts!"


The day passed quickly, and the setting sun gradually visited Fuyuki City.

In the Tohsaka house.

After Archer woke up, Tohsaka Rin ignored the etiquette of a lady and called him out and scolded him.

Archer himself had nothing to say because he lost so badly. After all, it was him who boasted about Haikou and was killed in seconds, so he could only take Rin Tohsaka's scolding with a stinky face.

After a long while, Tohsaka Rin finally vented his resentment, and used his magic power to barely heal 30% of Archer's injuries.

Liu Xia didn't show mercy with that kick. He almost broke Archer's waist with one kick. If he hadn't dodged a little, he would have been sent back to the Seat of Heroes on the spot.

Tohsaka Rin was able to heal 30% of his injuries in half a day, which was already the result of her aptitude.

"Archer! One more trip with me, or to Matou's house!"

Tohsaka Rin took a deep breath, she didn't believe that those people could stay at Matou's house for a day!

Matou House.

Tohsaka Rin brought Archer here again. After confirming that Liu Xia and others had left, she breathed a sigh of relief and walked into Matou's house.

After a little investigation, she came to the same conclusion as the King of Conquerors, speculating that it was the result of the heroic spirit running rampant and attacking the Master.

"Rin, I found a basement."

While she was still wandering on the surface, Archer suddenly appeared beside her and said with a blank face, "It should be the Matou family's practice room... But you have to be mentally prepared."


After Tohsaka Rin pushed open a wooden door in the corner, he came to the real secret room of the Matou family.

However, it is more accurate to say that it is a worm room rather than a secret room.

The entire underground secret room is filled with a large number of insects, and there are various types, all of which have never been seen in the outside world.

Although they vary in size, most of the body shapes are beyond the category of flies and caterpillars. There are nearly tens of thousands of them, and they are densely packed enough to cover dozens of people. Just looking at them makes people feel both physical and psychological. Discomfort, nausea, dizziness.

"This kind of place... is a practice room—?"

Tohsaka Rin looked at these countless dense insects with a livid face, his eyes became extremely gloomy, and he couldn't help but drop his fist on the wooden door, smashing the door into pieces.

If it weren't for this accident, she would never have known the truth about the Matou family's magic... let alone what disgusting malice Sakura encountered in the Matou family!

"Did that child spend the past eleven years among these worms..."

The girl stood on the stairs and looked at the worm room below, with disgust and hatred that could not be concealed in her eyes, and her chest heaved violently.


Suddenly, some of the insects in the insect room suddenly fluttered their wings and made a disgusting vibration. At the same time, these insects also flew out of the insect room, passed through the passage, and flew towards the outside world in an orderly manner. go with.

"This is--?!"

Tohsaka Rin paused for a moment, then reacted immediately.

"Archer! Hurry up! This must be someone from the Matou family using magic! Maybe they will know Sakura's whereabouts!"

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