Eighth Crown

Chapter 918: Terrible position on Mount Yuanzang

Liu Xia knew the direction, and drew a firework-like flame trail in the air. After only ten seconds, it cut through the sky and came to the top of Yuanzang Mountain.

"On the surface, there is hardly any abnormality."

Liu Xia looked at the lush hills below from a high altitude, and kept scanning his eyes, looking for possible abnormalities in the mountains, and found the Servant hidden here.

But the opponent's magic level is quite superb, no matter which direction it is from, there is no clue, and even the flow of magic power has not been confused or changed in the slightest.

From this point of view, the opponent should be a Servant of the Caster class.

However, because of Semiramis' previous experience, Liu Xia did not make an assertion.

"Just try it out."

Generally speaking, although caster class servants are highly skilled in magic, they are not very strong in frontal combat. Even if the opponent's magic level is even higher than Liu Xia's, if they really want to face it head on, he will definitely win.

Therefore, Liu Xia hardly hesitated, and by controlling the firepower, he landed from the mid-air towards the mountain on the ground.

But when he just fell to about 100 meters above the mountain, he felt as if he had broken a membrane and entered the extremely chaotic interior.


Liu Xia Ling's two knives appeared in his hands, and his eyes glanced around indifferently.


There was a flash of light on the ground, and a flashing magic bullet had already lifted off and came to him.

Because he was using a tiered panel for the time being and had no magic skills, Liu Xia instantly raised the knife and held it in front of him, cutting off the incoming magic bullet with precision and ejecting it.


But when they got close, it was like a machine gun shooting. The dense firing sounded, and hundreds of magic bullets shot out from the ground.

Although these magic bullets were shot in different directions, they turned a corner in mid-air, and shot towards Liu Xia in a concentrated burst.

"The magic bullet that must be hit?"

Liu Xia unleashed the huge magic power that was as vast as the universe in her body, and the majestic magic power directly formed a substantial storm, forming a heavy pressure field of magic power around her body.

When the magic bullet hit him, these projectiles composed of magic power squirmed and burst like a compressed balloon because of the heavy pressure of magic power, and none of them could get close to him.

This is a very extravagant use of magic power. Unless a **** who comes in his true body and possesses magic power like a sea of ​​smoke, even the most advanced magician would not dare to waste his magic power like this.


The next moment, a large number of invisible arrows cut through the sky and shot towards his face and body.


At the same time, there were also several flying monsters with a body shape that was almost transparent, appearing from nothing in the air, roaring and biting at him.

"What's up with these monsters and attacks?"

Lucia frowned slightly.

"There is no breath at all, are they all spiritual bodies?"

At the same time, his hands were not slow at all, and infinite magic power poured out from his body, forming a huge sea of ​​fire enough to cover the sky, spreading out from the whole body in all directions.

The arrows shot and the monsters that came, after falling into the boundless sea of ​​fire, they couldn't even raise a little wave, and they all disappeared into it.

After obtaining infinite magic power, if you want to say which skill is best to use, it is undoubtedly the magic power release flame.

This mana-consuming skill used to be unable to be used in the true sense because Liu Xia's magic power was not high enough, but after the magic power became infinite, because he did not need any scruples, he could spend his magic power recklessly, Liu Xia waved his hand and released a covering sky. The huge sea of ​​fire burned everything around it.

Simply put, the style of painting has changed.

In the past, the flame was wrapped around the weapon, and the flame sword energy was used for enchanting killing. Now, it is waved to release the forbidden spell that can destroy the city, destroy the city, and burn the mountain and boil the sea, which has a great visual impact.

If he wanted to, Liu Xia could wave his hand and unleash a huge sea of ​​fire enough to cover the entire Yuanzang Mountain, burning the small mountain into scorched earth in one breath.

Of course, because there is an upper limit on the instantaneous output ability, the limit that can be achieved in one move is almost the same.

Under the wide-area bombardment, all the attacks that came were insignificant.

Compared with this, Liu Xia is more concerned about the opponent's previous attack methods. He didn't detect the omen of any attack, and even a little breath did not leak, as if there were no living people at all, and all the attacks were spirit bodies. generally.

But the attack of ordinary spiritual bodies is impossible to reach that level. If you want to achieve the level just now, not to mention heroic spirits, at least you must be phantom spirits with a certain spiritual quality.

In this way, most of the Servants hiding in Yuanzang Mountain have a powerful ability to summon or summon spirit bodies.

Liu Xia did not hesitate, and released the protective shield of the sea of ​​​​fire around his body, ignoring the attacks of all the surrounding spiritual bodies, and fell toward the ground.

The number of spirit bodies was not at all, and Liu Xia's actions seemed to startle the monkey's nest, drawing out dozens or hundreds of spirit bodies with different spirits, and launched a barrage of firepower capable of destroying the ancient city.

However, the level of these attacks is not enough to penetrate the protective shield that Liu Xia supports with infinite magic power, allowing him to go all the way unimpeded and fall toward the ground.


But at a certain moment, as if some mechanism was touched, Liu Xia's figure suddenly swayed and suddenly became blurred.

The next moment, the ground of Yuanzang Mountain, which was only about 20 meters away, suddenly ran 100 meters away.

No, it should be said the other way around, it was Liu Xia who suddenly appeared in the sky 100 meters away.

Even after this mechanism was touched, the distance between the whole world was rapidly widening, as if a drop in the ocean, the sense of insignificance of oneself was infinitely widened.

"This is, the stretching of space?"

Liu Xia unexpectedly looked at the sky and the earth that became incomparably wide and distant.

"No, not only that, in this position, even the concept of space has become confused, and the distance is used by the other side."

In short, if you want to get close, you will be banished into the distance by the chaotic space, as if the space itself is so closed that it refuses any outsiders to approach.

It's incredible, you can make a workshop of this level in just one day?

Liu Xia felt that he might not be able to do it in a month. It was not a matter of time, but a lack of skill.

The guy here is even more skilled in magic than Lucia and Semiramis.

"Class switch - Archer."

Liu Xia let the two knives disappear in his hand, and a pitch-black longbow appeared in his hand, and then he bent the bow and drew the arrow, directly pulling the bowstring. At the same time, he added various bonuses to the arrows.

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