Eighth Crown

Chapter 925: Kill her, Berserker! (3/3)

In a daze, Shirou Emiya woke up from his slumber.

It was already dark outside, the sun disappeared from the sky, and the moon at the beginning of the month could hardly be seen in the night, only the twinkling stars in the sky.

It was not until he looked down and saw that he was wrapped in layers of bandages, his consciousness gradually returned to the cage, and he remembered what happened during the day.

"Are you finally awake?"

A pretty girl's voice came into his ears, and he followed the sound. The figure of a girl with a pair of ponytails, a red coat and a black miniskirt was imprinted into his eyes.

Wearing a red trench coat, she certainly has a noble aristocratic style, but wearing a close-fitting jacket and a miniskirt, she shows the charm of a young girl even more.

Especially the absolute realm between the skirt and the stockings is exceptionally fascinating.

"Tohsaka? Did you help me heal?"

Emiya Shirou touched the position of his chest, let alone a blood hole, he couldn't even feel the slightest pain, as if the serious injury during the day was just an illusion.

"No, it's Rider who helped you heal."

Tohsaka Rin chuckled and looked at Shirou Emiya, "That's the Servant who almost killed you and Saber during the day."

"That guy?! Help me heal?"

As expected, Emiya Shirou's face showed a ghostly look.

This look is exactly the same as expected, which makes Tohsaka Rin feel quite happy, and there is a sense of pleasure in making fun of people successfully.

"By the way, is that girl okay?"

Emiya Shirou suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked again, thinking of adjectives lamely, "It's that... blond girl!"

"Although the girl was slightly injured, I helped her during the day and she has recovered."

Tohsaka Rin stroked his smooth chin and looked at Shirou Emiya inquiringly.

"Eigiya-kun, let me ask, do you know the basic rules of the Holy Grail War?"

totally no idea.

Just by looking at his confused expression, Tohsaka Rin could guess the result.

As a half-hearted man, let alone the Holy Grail War, even the basic common sense of magic, he seems to have mastered nine of ten skills—no knowledge at all.

"Then I have to start over with you."

Tohsaka Rin thought for a while, "If that's the case, then let's go to the church, which is the place of the supervisor, and it is also the duty of the fake priest to help the newcomers to solve their doubts!"

Emiya Shirou said that I don't understand anything, so just do as you say.

The church in Fuyuki City is also called Kotomine Church.

Since more than ten years ago, this church has been under the control of a family named Kotomine. After the father, Kotomine Rizheng, died ten years ago, and was inherited by his son Kotomine Kirei.

Kotomine Ri was the supervisor of the fourth Holy Grail War ten years ago, and Kotomine Kirei was the supervisor of the fifth Holy Grail War this year.

After tidying up a little, Tohsaka Rin took Emiya Shirou and Saber towards Kotomine Church.

Because Saber couldn't be reincarnated for some reason, and she didn't want to take off that armor, Shirou Emiya prepared a yellow-green raincoat for her.

However, the atmosphere between the two was a little awkward.

This is also of course.

Emiya Shirou's previous behavior of rushing out to block the gun was not only irresponsible for himself, but also for Saber's.

In order for Servants to fulfill their wishes entrusted to the Holy Grail, they cannot live without the Master who is the source of magic power, so Servants protect the Master is the most correct way to get along.

Put the follower's safety above himself, if something happens, not only will he die, but even the follower will disappear.

Saber discussed this matter with Shirou Emiya, but they broke up.

Emiya Shirou stubbornly believed that as a girl, she should not go to the battlefield, and she was injured all over because of it.

After seeing the dripping bloodstains cut out by the enemy on her body, he rushed up without thinking, moving his body faster than his brain.

It's called machismo, but it's not right.

The two of them hadn't said a few words at all, and the only exchange was quite incongruous, and the atmosphere between the two of them was naturally not much better.

An hour later, the three took a shortcut and came to the Yanfeng Church located in the southeast of Xindu.

This is a very standard European-style church. Under the night, only a few street lamps illuminate the surroundings. It should be a holy church, but it does not give people a sense of stability. The cross on the eaves makes people feel faint. palpitations.

Tohsaka Rin took Emiya Shirou into the church.

Saber was left alone outside the gate.

She looked at Kotomine Church, which was dead silent under the night, and a haze appeared in her eyes.

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou were just ordinary people, so they couldn't find them, but as a Servant, she had a good aura perception ability, so she could clearly feel the thick filthy aura buried deep in the church.

If there were no years of resentment lingering in it, it would not be possible to form a filth of that scale.


In the middle of the night, there was a thick fog all around.

And from the thick fog, for some reason, there was a young but crisp, silver bell-like girl's laughter.

The swordsman girl suddenly looked stunned, and looked towards the road where she came.

Immediately afterwards, the pupils of her eyes suddenly opened, and an extremely complicated and incomprehensible look appeared on her face.

Follow her line of sight.

In the thick fog, a petite girl with an appearance of only thirteen or fourteen years old, with long silver hair and red pupils, had an appearance that did not resemble a human being walked out.

And beside her, there is also a huge warrior who is more than two meters tall, with a naked upper body, wearing a steel skirt, and his muscles are knotted.

The difference in height and body shape between the petite girl and the strong warrior gives a huge sense of contrast.

"Good night, my name is Ilya, Ilyasviel von Einzbern."

The petite girl came not far from Saber, lifted her skirt, bent her legs slightly towards her, and performed standard noble etiquette.

"Do you remember the name, Saber?"

Saber was silent.

The face hidden under the hood of the raincoat was even slightly deflected, whether it was not knowing or escaping.

"...It's also true, how can a creature like a heroic spirit remember what happened last time."

The silver-haired girl's eyebrows and eyes drooped slightly, and the little anticipation in her heart was pinched away.

"Kill her, Berserker!"

The girl closed her eyes and raised her head slightly.

Immediately, with a cute voice, he issued a cruel order.


Following her, the terrifyingly sturdy warrior suddenly bowed and let out a loud roar full of frenzy, and then the muscles all over his body burst out—


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