Eighth Crown

Chapter 930: black shadows that don't exist

After a few minutes.

The sturdy hero fell to the ground like a golden mountain and fell to the ground, his whole body was covered with blood, and his breath was extremely wilted, close to nothing.

The surrounding earth seemed to have been trampled back and forth by giants several times. There were cracks and gravel everywhere, and it was almost impossible to find a complete tombstone.

"This is the tenth life."

Liu Xia fluttered to the ground and flung the blood off the blade.

"If it's not bad, he should have equaled the twelve impossible trials he experienced in his lifetime as his life, and formed a Noble Phantasm capable of possessing twelve lives. In this way, he should still be able to Resurrected twice."

Twelve trials, that is, the Noble Phantasm obtained by Hercules, who appeared in the world as a madman.

Not only can it turn the body into a hard armor, invalidating B-rank and below-rank attacks, but also allow him to gain twelve lives, and it will also have a strong resistance to the ability to knock him down, allowing him to kill him. An ability that works once becomes difficult to work again.

In summary, that's about it.

To deal with second- and third-rate Servants, relying on his top-level physical strength will probably be unprofitable, but if it is against top-level, or even exceptionally strong Servants, it will appear to be a bit of a stretch.

Taking Liuxia as an example, when Hercules' power could not suppress him, he could kill him as he wanted.

When he runs out of sword moves, he will use his fists, elbows, knees, and legs, and sooner or later, his life will be exhausted.

In other words, the mad Hercules is essentially a killer of half-hearted heroes, but it is no threat to truly powerful heroic spirits.

"how is this possible……?"

The girl standing outside the cemetery, Ilyasviel couldn't help covering her wide mouth, her eyes full of surprise and disbelief.

"It shouldn't be, Berserker should be the strongest...!"

Ten minutes ago, she was full of confidence.

Believing that Lucia could not be the opponent of Hercules, Berserker is confident that Berserker must be the strongest in this Holy Grail War and can swept away all enemies.

But just ten minutes later, she saw that Berserker, whom she thought was invincible, had been brought down by the seemingly unknown Rider, and had been killed as many as ten times.

This made her brain feel very confused, and her self-confidence was severely frustrated.

She knew that Berserker didn't keep his hands, he had already done his best, but the Servant on the opposite side was too foul. In the face of the strongest hero in Greek mythology, he was able to kill as many as ten times!

"It can't go on like this... If you use the Command Spell, no, the opponent doesn't even use the Noble Phantasm, and even if you use the Command Spell, you may not be able to win...!"

The girl's heart could not help but gradually became anxious.

He had already killed Berserker ten times without even using the Noble Phantasm as a Heroic Spirit Ace. Even if he used a Command Spell to strengthen Berserker, he would probably not be his opponent.

"... retreat, Berserker!"

The girl bit her lip and cast an indignant look at Liu Xia, her face full of unyielding expressions, and then she shouted at Berserker.

in the field.

Berserker had just been resurrected from the dead again, holding the half-destroyed axe and sword, just about to launch a charge against Liuxia again. Hearing the words, the momentum of his charge suddenly stopped.

"Don't think about it."

Liu Xia's eyes were slightly cold, and a roaring flame was suddenly released from the He Dao in his right hand, forming a flaming long sword more than ten meters long, which slashed in the direction of Hercules.

Probably because Hercules has the ability to resurrect, so he has no plans to admit defeat, so even if Liu Xia has killed him ten times, but in the judgment of the anonymous spirit base, it still does not count as completing the mission. .


Although Hercules reacted in time and raised the half-destroyed axe and sword, he was still slashed by the flaming giant sword, completely destroying the axe and sword, and his legs were also forced into the soil.


Taking this opportunity, Liu Xia swung out the He Dao in his left hand, forming a second flaming giant sword and swept out, cutting Hercules in half.

The eleventh life ends.


In the blink of an eye, there was only one last life left, and the giant recovered at an extremely fast speed, roaring at Liu Xia full of anger and unwillingness.

Immediately, he turned around and kicked the ground without hesitation.

The whole person jumped high and ran quickly towards the direction outside the cemetery.

After coming to Illya's side, he stretched out his broad hands, grabbed the girl and carried it on his shoulders, then raised his feet and galloped out of the city.

Liu Xia just wanted to catch up, but inadvertently saw the prompt on the task template at the bottom right of the viewing angle.

[Spiritual base upgrade task I - basic ability value improvement limited: defeat three servants (3/3)] has been completed, get a chance to increase the basic ability value, which can make any one of the five basic ability values ​​unconditional Raise a level, or make a positive correction.

It seems that the result of defeating the enemy and fleeing has been recognized by the anonymous spirit base.


Liu Xia's eyes suddenly narrowed, as if she had discovered some unexpected scene, and looked in the direction of Berserker outside the cemetery.

outside the cemetery.

Berserker obeyed the command of the girl who was the master, carried her on his shoulders and retreated outside the city.

But just after running a distance of less than 100 meters, he suddenly braked suddenly. After rubbing his feet on the ground for a while, the whole person suddenly stopped and looked forward like a beast with frizzy hair.

The location near the forest.

There, a dark figure appeared out of nowhere.

No, that thing is not so much a human being, but a doll that is more like a life-size doll. The whole body is shrouded in a dark material like a cloth strip, and it is scattered from the head like a dress. The dark material covers the whole body, making people feel Can't see what's underneath.


Hercules made a warning roar at the shadow. Although it sounded very majestic, the muscles of his whole body were restless as if a beast had encountered a natural enemy, and he seemed to be strongly afraid of the other party.


Ilya sat on his shoulder, seeming to sense his emotions, and asked a question full of incomprehension, "What's the matter with you?"


Liu Xia also noticed the appearance of the shadow, and turned his eyes there.

The shadow had no breath.

It is not that the breath is hidden, but that there is no breath at all, as if it is not a life at all, but a mechanical creation.

Not only that, that thing is standing there, but it has no sense of existence. In this real world, it is like a mirage, giving people an illusory and unrealistic feeling.

It's right in front of you, but it doesn't seem to exist at all.

Even Liu Xia couldn't tell his true body for a while.


Suddenly, the cloth-like substance on the black figure suddenly moved without wind, raised like a tentacle, and quickly extended in the direction of Berserker!

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