Eighth Crown

Chapter 936: giant serpentine

The girl was imprisoned on the wall, with a thick purple rope like a rattan wrapped around her waist, giving a biological texture.

Both ends of the rope sank into the wall, and the middle part was tightly wrapped around the girl's waist, so that although she wouldn't be immobilized, she couldn't escape at all.

This girl does not seem to have absorbed the vitality, but her whole person's breath has become extremely weak.

And I don't know what the blow was, so that the whole person was dead and seemed to have no vitality. Even if she died, it seemed that she would not frown.

At a glance, Liu Xia saw the scarlet pattern engraved on the back of the girl's hand, which was clearly a Command Spell.

"So, she is the Master of the Matou family?"

Liu Xia looked around the underground cave, and she understood it slightly.

"Is this the betrayal of the Servant who was summoned by you and locked in this underground cave?"

After all, the Servant needs the Master to provide the magic power of the world, so even if the Servant is disobedient, unless he does not want to live, he will not kill the Master, but it is still possible to imprison him.

Of course, the premise is to invalidate the Command Spell.

However, the key now is not that girl.

But in the center of this underground cave——

There is a behemoth entrenched there.

It was a female monster.

The upper body is a human, and the lower body is a snake.

If you look at the proportions, the figure is slender and plump, the skin on the upper body is as white as milk, and the size of the chest is even more trembling, rising and falling with the breathing.

But if you look at it purely from a human point of view, it is a simple monster.

Counting the scaly-covered snake tail, the body length is probably at least 100 meters, and a long purple hair spreads on the ground.

If you look in the opposite direction of the hair, you will find that the thick rope with biological texture that binds the purple girl's waist is actually not a rope at all, but a hair of this huge female monster.

It seemed that the timing of their entry was good. The female monster was sleeping, her eyes were closed, she was curled up on the ground, her breathing was even, and she had no intention of waking up.

The second world suddenly noticed something, and suddenly stretched out his hand to the top of the cave, his face suddenly ugly.

above the cave.

A huge barrier is being erected there, covering the entire cave, emitting a faint blood-colored light, and it is also the only light source in the cave.

It was a barrier set up to absorb the life force of the internal creatures and convert the life force into magic power.

As long as they are in it, they will be continuously absorbed by the vitality. Those who have been dead for a long time in the corner die only when the vitality is absorbed by the enchantment.

And at the top of the barrier, there was even a huge eye, staring at the three people who emerged from the pool without blinking.

No wonder the second world looked ugly.

Not only because of the bad nature of this enchantment, but also because—they have been discovered.

"It looks like a mouse has gotten in?"

The underground cave trembled.

With the sound of this icy predator-like voice, the huge basilisk shrunk in the center of the cave also stood upright.

The female monster then opened her purple pupils and stared directly at the three people who emerged from the water with cold and cruel eyes.


At the moment when the female monster looked directly at them, an icy aura descended on the three of them.



The cells of the whole body were shaken violently, so that the second world only felt that his body could not move.


At this moment, the King of Conqueror suddenly jumped out of the water, setting off bursts of splashes, and at the same time, he also suddenly came to the shore of the cave and stood in front of the second generation.

The line of sight from the female monster was blocked, and the back of his king appeared in front of him, and the second world was shocked.

After gritting his teeth and letting the magic power run in his entire body, he recovered from the state of extreme fear just now.

so horrible!

Even if the heroic spirits are all monsters beyond the realm of ordinary people, the snake-shaped female monster is definitely a monster among monsters.

The magical atmosphere exuding from her whole body made people fall into a state of embarrassment just by looking directly at her, as if all their thoughts had been taken away, and even a magician could not resist.


At the same time as the King of Conqueror General II was rescued, a sound of burning flames suddenly came from the cave.

The second followed the voice and looked.

Liu Xia had left the water at some point and came to the center of the cave, and released a torch like a sky-high torch in his hand, causing the raging flames to shoot straight into the sky and slammed into the huge eye in the center of the barrier.


Under the irrigation of endless magic power, the flames, which are far higher than ordinary flames, quickly opened a hole in the barrier, and smashed it with a bang!


After smashing the blood-red enchantment, Liu Xia's movements did not stop at all, and the raging flames immediately bombarded the soil above, quickly burning the soil along the way into glass.

"You bastard—!?"

The Serpentine, who was attracted by the King of Conqueror, was startled, and cast a look of hatred and anger in Lucia's direction.

However, the next moment——

The underground cave was suddenly bright and bright, and all the soil above everyone's heads was burned, forming a huge passage to the surface, allowing the morning sunlight to shine from this deep pit.

The surface of more than ten meters thick was burned through by Liu Xia in just a few seconds, causing a majestic flame to shoot into the sky on the surface.

Under the supply of endless magic, not only the size of the flame has increased by several grades, but even the temperature and power of the flame have also been greatly increased.

"Bastard! How dare you—what?!"

Before the snake monster could react, a shocking force came from her tail, causing her to be dragged away.

Liu Xia hugged the Serpentine's tail, spit out flames that roared like a rocket lifted into the air, dragged the huge Serpentine monster up, and flew violently from the burnt hole to the surface above. .

The female monster was so shocked that she didn't even have time to fight back, the hair tied to the purple-haired girl couldn't help but loosen, and the whole person was pulled out of the underground cave and came to the surface.

in the cave.

"Have you recovered, boy?"

Seeing that Liu Xia dragged the female monster directly to the surface, Conqueror Wang Cai was slightly relieved, the tense expression on his face eased, and he turned to speak to the second generation.

"He dragged the monster to the surface just so that we could rescue these people, don't be so unsatisfactory! Well, hurry up and move them to my chariot!"

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