Eighth Crown

Chapter 950: Israel's waste and Uruk's waste

To be honest, this was an idea that made Liu Xia very tempted.

There are countless treasures in the treasure of the king. This "numerous" is not a virtual reference, but there are really endless treasures, and they will be updated with the update of human history. It is a conceptual level of human history treasures. library.

As long as Gilgamesh is locked in the King's Treasure, and he is barely kept alive, with the support of endless magic, Lucia can use the power of a usurper to hold the King's Treasure semi-permanently.

Although keeping such an enemy alive and keeping him by his side is a risk in itself, Liu Xia's strength has become stronger and stronger, and he doesn't need to care too much about this level of danger.

In addition, if a legend is formed in a certain world in the future, it is not that there is no possibility of turning the treasure of the king into his true Noble Phantasm. At that time, there is no need for this heroic king to exist.

Or kill him directly, then use the eight rooms to control it and use it as a puppet?

Judging from the way he has received flesh, he should be able to perform such an operation, right? I just don't know if his corpse can still use the treasure of the king after the soul returns to the Throne of Heroes... Well, I can use the future to deduce it later.

"Worth a try."

The more Liu Xia thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was feasible, and she gradually made up her mind.


Catch it alive first!




Dozens of golden Noble Phantasms poked their heads out of the golden ripples and aimed directly at the extremities of Gilgamesh who was furious on the opposite side.

Ignoring the incompetent and furious roar on the opposite side, Liu Xia waved his hand, causing dozens of golden Noble Phantasms to shoot out like an arrow from a string!

In an instant, a torrential rain of light descended on the mansion again, but the target being targeted was the exact opposite.

The treasure trove that belonged to the king, but at this moment, it made a rebellious cry to the king!

"Damn it, **** it, **** it!!! How dare you touch this king's treasure with that dirty hand——!"

Gilgamesh was furious like never before.

But at this moment, he was completely powerless, he could only watch helplessly at the treasure house that originally belonged to him, releasing light in the hands of others, his expression suffocated.

If only part of the treasure was taken away, there are corresponding treasures in his treasury that can be reclaimed, but when the entire treasury is taken away, he becomes powerless.

As the Archer class, he has all his abilities above the treasure house, and even his most trusted Noble Phantasm, the most powerful Noble Phantasm... and so on, are all placed in the treasure house.

When the treasure house is taken away in person, the treasures in it will naturally become unusable, and he has lost control over all the treasures in the treasure house.

At present, all he can rely on is the golden armor on his body.

But can't stop it.

Even in his rage, he knew that with this piece of armor alone, it was impossible to block the burst of King's Treasure.

Facing the overwhelming golden rain, Gilgamesh's eyes widened, and the scarlet snake pupils shrank up——


But at the moment when the golden rain was about to fall.

A very familiar golden barrier suddenly rose in front of him, and then a golden light suddenly descended from the sky. The dazzling and sacred light suddenly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Chuck cluck clack-!"

With the dense clanging sound, the golden barrier that rose in front of Gilgamesh completely blocked the golden rainstorm that burst out, causing the golden Noble Phantasm to continuously sputter out in all directions.

The silver-haired man in the red and white magic robe appeared again from the light and appeared in front of Liu Xia's eyes.

And protected Gilgamesh from the attack of the king's treasure.

"...It actually appeared again, Solomon."

Liu Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and the golden ripples behind him suddenly stopped.

"You appeared in front of me repeatedly and twice to protect the Servant I planned to kill. What is your intention?"

The last time Illya and Hercules were taken away by him, until now, Liuxia has not been able to find their whereabouts. According to his speculation, 80% of them were brought into his position by Solomon.

The king who has the eyes to see through everything in the future naturally also has the power to be close to omniscience and omnipotence.

"No special intentions, subservient."

Solomon landed on the ground from mid-air, and his golden pupils calmly stared directly at the opposite Liu Xia.

"I just respond to Master's expectations and help him win."


Not far away, when Tohsaka Rin and Saber heard the title, their eyes suddenly narrowed.

Besides, the title Solomon...isn't the King of Magic? !

What a joke! Can such a Servant be summoned by the Holy Grail War! ?

The last time they were outside the church, they didn't see Solomon's figure, so they didn't know the appearance of his Servant. Until this moment, it was the first time they saw his real person, and they immediately felt great pressure.

"If you want to gather other Servants to fight against us, you should come earlier."

Liu Xia's eyes tightly grasped all the reactions on Solomon's face, and tentatively said, "In this case, at least the king over there will not lose his treasure trove."

They have King Arthur with the Holy Lance, King of Conqueror, and Grey with the Holy Lance, which is also considered a fighting force, plus himself, it can indeed be said that it is an impossible lineup to fail.

If Solomon's purpose was to gather other Servants and fight against them, then his actions to shield other Servants from his hands one after another would have an explanation.

"You guessed it right, that's what I planned."

Solomon did not intend to conceal his true intentions, nor could he conceal his intentions, so he spoke bluntly.

"But this approach won't work, because this king is not an irrational Berserker. With his lawless and arrogant personality, if he doesn't suffer a little, he can't make him give up his contempt."

I see.

With Gilgamesh's arrogant character, if Solomon came directly to form an alliance, he would probably laugh three times, indicating that Solomon was too cowardly, only arrogance is the real king, and as a perfect king, there is no need for an alliance at all. !

"Hmph, are you, the trash king of Israel, worthy of commenting on this king?"

Standing behind Solomon, Gilgamesh sneered when he heard the words, and sneered at him. There was no gratitude to him in his expression, and it was even full of contempt.

"You, the trash king of Uruk, who even had his treasures stolen, is even less qualified to speak of me."

Solomon also sneered, his calm demeanor suddenly broke, and he sent out a bit of a bitter taunt towards Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh's mouth crooked with anger, and his face suddenly contorted.

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