Eighth Crown

Chapter 965: Get you all out! (3/3)

"This mansion is..."

When this foreign mansion came into view, Tohsaka Rin's expression suddenly became strange, a bit like an expression like trying to laugh and holding back on purpose.

"What, is there any problem with this mansion?"

Lucia noticed her strange look and cast her eyes.

"No, nothing."

The corners of Rin Tohsaka's mouth twitched slightly, looking very happy, but he waved his hand and brought this topic to the past.

Seeing her like that, it didn't seem like a big deal, and Liu Xia didn't care much, and walked into the mansion with a few people.

ten minutes later.

In the living room of the mansion.

The second was sitting on the long table in the living room, with a cigar in his hand, surrounded by smoke.

Rin Tohsaka sat opposite him. Although she was essentially a crazy girl, at least she did a good job on the surface, with an elegant and dignified temperament, and there was nothing to be picky about her etiquette.

Grey was helping the two make tea, while Emiya Shirou stood by doing nothing, and the negotiation was handed over to Tohsaka Rin, who was not good at such things.

"I see. I have a general understanding of what happened. I didn't expect that Ma Qili actually had such a conspiracy, and the scale of the magic king's subordinates has grown stronger and stronger..."

The Second World blew a smoke ring, slightly relieved his frown, and cut to the chase.

"The two of you are planning to come here to form an alliance with us, but with all due respect, now that you have lost your followers, why do you continue to fight?"

This question cuts right to the heart of the topic, and is too teacher-like.

"Ah, what a good question!"

Tohsaka Rin raised his finger, with a dignified manner, and said with a chuckle: "I didn't want to win for the sake of the Holy Grail. On the contrary, I wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War for the sake of victory."

"Simply put, it's for the honor of the Tohsaka clan, as well as my personal self-esteem. It is for this that I swear to win, so even if I lose a Servant, I will not give up my status as a contestant."

Grey looked at Tohsaka Rin secretly.

so good.

This girl is really very individual and strong. She seems to be the kind of person who is very assertive. When faced with a choice, this girl will definitely give the answer readily, rather than fall into painful hesitation and hesitation.

Grey has never been good at dealing with such people, but she has always admired and admired such a character.

This kind of initiative and strong character is exactly what she does not have.

"It turns out that, for the glory of the family and the individual, this is also the essence of a magician. What a beautiful answer."

The second pondered in a low voice for a while, and couldn't help showing a look of admiration.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the red-haired boy beside him.

"how about you?"

The second generation looked up and down this young man named Emiya Shirou.

Although he looks ordinary on the outside, his eyes are quite sharp. Considering that he has just experienced a war, he should have transformed from an ordinary person to a warrior.

"Eh? I'm also included... That, maybe it's ridiculous, I've always longed to be a partner of justice!"

Hearing the words, the red-haired boy showed a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

"So I want to prevent the appearance of the Holy Grail. We have all seen what it is. If we leave it alone, it will definitely cause a huge disaster... Just like ten years ago, so I must stop it!"

In addition, there is a battle from Archer.

Although I don't know the reason, but looking at Archer's resolute and cold attitude, it seems that he can't escape the fate of fighting the opponent.

He also understands that he is not an opponent, but since he cannot escape, he can only face it.

"It turns out that, although it is incredible, it is not something that can be laughed at."

The Second World considered it for a while, and also gave a qualified score, and nodded: "Alright, if that's the case, then I'll accept your reasons."


Tohsaka Rin raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Wait, I haven't agreed to cooperate with you."

Jise suddenly interrupted Tohsaka Rin's words, and then continued to speak with a near-cold attitude.

"I agree with your reasons for fighting, but I haven't seen your value yet. This is also a necessary move. After all, the next step is a decisive battle with the Magic King. We can't protect our worthless companions."

Ruthless, but realistic.

Solomon's goals should have been fully achieved, so the next step, no surprise, is a decisive battle with him.

In such a decisive battle, if they were distracted to protect Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou, it would be even more disadvantageous for them - the Magic King is not an opponent who can be defeated by distraction.

"Indeed, if we don't show value, we are embarrassed to join this side."

Tohsaka Rin responded affirmatively, and then a little devil-like smile suddenly appeared on her face, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Then, Your Excellency the Magician, do you know whose property is the mansion under your feet?"


Hearing the words, the Second World immediately froze.

This destination was arranged by him, and he only planned to rent it for half a month. I really don't know which property it is.

But at this moment, hearing Tohsaka Rin say this, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Hmph, you guessed right, this mansion is the property of the Tohsaka family!"

Tohsaka Rin shook his pale fingers, and a proud look appeared on his face.

"To be more precise, this place was originally a distant relative of the Tohsaka family, the property of the Edfield family. It was used by the Edfield family as a stronghold during the Third Holy Grail War."

"It was only later that Edfield's master married my grandfather and became my grandmother, and this mansion naturally became the property of our Tohsaka family."

But in fact, this marriage was not recognized by anyone. The master of Edfield stayed in Fuyuki City and married Tohsaka Rin's grandfather in the name of suspended animation.

Moreover, the master of Edfield at that time was a pair of sisters, and the one who stayed in Fuyuki City was the younger sister.

Because the elder sister firmly opposed the younger sister's decision and looked down on the Tohsaka family and this brother-in-law, after the end of the Third Holy Grail War, she angrily cut off contact with the Tohsaka family.

Therefore, although they are in-laws, they have never seen each other for seventy years.

But the Edfeldt family is a famous family in Finland, and they don't care about the ownership of a mansion, so the mansion was finally owned by the Tohsaka family.

Then it was rented out by the Second World.

"If you don't agree to cooperate with us, then I can only tear up the rental agreement and kick you out!"

A very bright smile appeared on Tohsaka Rin's face.

"Ah this..."

The second was stunned for a moment, and then covered his abdomen with stomach pain.

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