Reima vanishes from outside the cave and reappears in the now dark and gloomy Anor Londo, his currently location is just outside of the palace gates. He's about to go to where the pale demons are to find the bank when he hears an angry female voice behind him.

Keeper shouts as she sprints at him with weapons drawn "How dare you produce a blade upon a deity? How did you ever get this far?"

Reima draws Arcell and easily intercepts her attack, he locks their blades before flicking his wrist and send her sword clattering to the ground a couple meters away. He holds her at sword point and replies, "Your "deity" was an illusion created by the Dark sun Gwyndolin. I know this because I had Gwynever's daughter by my side as I dispelled the illusion."

Keeper growls, "You lie." Reima shakes his head, in annoyance and amusement. "Alright, I'll give you a couple choices since I'm feeling charitable..." He remembers the couch he stole and feels a need to give something back to the community, "Piss off and I won't butcher you like an animal, or die." his cat-like eyes drill into her helmet after he gives her options.

She seems to be battling over her loyalty to the Dark Moon covenant and her self preservation... She's a firekeeper therefore not undead, she won't come back after she's slain.

Keeper makes her decision, "I'll die before I betr-" Her declaration is cut off as blood streams from her slit throat. She holds the wound and drops to her knee's, she gives pained helpless grunts as she slowly drops to the floor, dead.

Reima "I feel slightly bad..." He thinks he should have at least let her finish her sentence... He looks down and see's her soul on the floor, like most other fire-keeper souls it pulsates with a huge amount of humanity, slowly warping it from the inside out. He stores it and continues on his merry way.

He goes to where the demons had previously attacked him and Priscilla before looking over the edge of the platforms, he pulls out the blueprints for the city and tries to align the known structures to the unknown ones. He curses himself at killing Gwynevere and making spotting this bloody bank harder, his low light vision is only so good... After around an hour of looking while referencing the map he sees a building with the remains of a bridge that used to connect it, he knows that they had destroyed all entrances to the bank to stop looting and realises this is the place. After finally finding the location he tries to judge the distance he'd have to teleport, Reima would say it's a couple miles away, and it's at a much lower altitude to his current location. The place he wants to teleport to is just outside some large golden gates that would lead to the shattered bridge, he concentrates for a moment before visualising himself at that place. He imagines seeing that location as if he were already standing there, due to the distance and unfamiliarity with his destination he tries to teleport a few meters off the ground to prevent teleport inside of the stone floor. Flash! he vanishes into bright blue particles.

Reima appears about two stories above his destination and shouts curses until he hits the bottom, he lands on his back but isn't severely injured. He hasn't inherited Geralt's weakness of relatively small heights... Reima almost laughs when he thinks back to Geralt refusing to shimmy down a mountain path with him, no matter what he says, he attributes his refusal to his inability to fall small distances without instantaneously dying... Or atleast that's what Reima likes to think. His musing is interrupted as he comes face to face with a large angry gargoyles and a small army of Silver knights... He looks behind them and sees the entrance to the bank being blocked by glowing golden bars, if Reima had to guess he would say that they were magic resistant...

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The Gargoyle sprints at him while the Silver knights stay in the back to protect the riches of their formerly glorious kingdom. Reima looks on in mild terror as he realises he's pretty boned if the situation doesn't change... He blinks behind the silver knights and runs to the bars while trying to kick through them.

CLANK! The sound alerts the confused enemies who turn around and see Reima nursing his almost broken foot, "HOW STRONG IS THIS METAL!?!?" he shouts in agony, his foot feels as if he'd just stood on a mountain of salty lemon covered lego's. Hearing what should be the Gargoyle unhesitatingly tear through the Silver knights to attack him he gets an idea... He vanishes into turquoise light and reappears... Behind the bars.

The Gargoyle slams on them to get to him but doesn't even make a dent, the silver knights push their arms through to try and grab him to no avail.

Reima chuckles as he remembers that Dark Souls has no form of teleportation aside from bonfire hopping with the lord vessel. "Thanks for the warm welcome but I've come to collect the overdue tax... You guys have been committing tax evasion for centuries, so I must do my civic duty!" he waves at the enraged enemies and strolls into the extravagant ornate hallways.

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