Elder Blood Witcher

204 Fire Crystal Bomb!

Quelaag "H-how!" she asks shocked.

Reima chuckles, "I learned this trick when fighting Crystal Golems... If the Crystal is not too dense then it is extremely flammable, especially with Chaos Flames being involved, I wasn't however expecting an exploding armour piercing round like that. Congratulations Quelaag, you've created a powerful spell."

She scoffs, "I can't create Crystal so your praise is meaningless. If anything you're the one who created this spell, all I did was apply fire to it."

Reima "I'll teach you the formulae to condense mana then, It's not difficult as it only does one thing.. You'd probably have to throw the flaming crystal if you don't apply the trajectory Formulae though."

She grumbles, Quelaag prided herself on her mastery of Pyromancy and Reima is expecting her to delve into Sorcery... Thinking further on it though, this could lead to a whole new school of spells, a hybrid class of Pyromancy and Sorcery. Just the very idea makes her excited. "... If you think so, I'll give it a try..."

Reima broadly grins, "Excellent, we start now then." he says as he stands over her and retrieves many pieces of parchment with strange drawings on them.

judging by the look on his face Quelaag knows this'll be his payback for all those times she "Punished" him...

Solaire stands at the bottom of the BlightTown elevator waiting for the rest of the troop to arrive, he finds it strange that despite living down here for so long most are completely petrified of even going near this thing. His confusion is quickly solved however as he sees a PyreBlade roll onto the wooden platform before slipping off and falling to his doom... Solaire steps backwards and grimaces slightly as the Chaos Servant brutally hits the floor and dies instantly, luckily Solaire knows that he'll just come back to life inside the Chaos Covenant Caves otherwise he'd shocked rather than mildly annoyed at the Servants clumsiness. Eingyi arrives at the bottom last after making sure no one else stupidly falls to their death again.

Eingyi "In all my years here I still have no idea how this contraption functions... Is it the will of the gods or a feat of human engineering, we'll likely never know."

Solaire nods, "Reima had the same thoughts when we traversed this area, he said it must be magic as there is no visible mechanism that'd enable this thing to keep running."

They finish their short chat as they survey the lands around them, usually they'd instantly be assaulted by many Chaos Insects, Hollows and Slugs but most of them had been wiped out by Priscilla's training expeditions and Quelaag's rage induced rampages.

The quickly traverse the swamp and Solaire suddenly remembers an area not far away, the area that leads to the Everlasting Dragon in Ash Lake... After saving Priscilla he'd been meaning to thank the ancient being, despite thinking she'd perished regardless of his efforts and forgetting that it had ever existed. Once he and Reima had slain Gwyn he'd go to visit the great beast and see how he's doing.

The large group enter through the previously destroyed entrance, Solaire goes to find Reima and Priscilla with Eingyi following quickly behind. They'd been gone for around three days as they would stop and practise formation for every conflict they encountered, this improved the synergy of the Chaos Servants significantly despite the increase amount of time the journey had taken. Once the duo arrived outside they're momentarily confused at the chaos happening around them, over in the far corner were two young girls with one throwing black lightning bolts, on another is Quelina throwing small Fireballs under the guidence of Quelana... However the most surprising of all is Quelaag forming small Crystals under the tutelage of Reima, the spell seems to be off from Reima's as she conjures many smaller Crystal shards instead of one big one. This doesn't seem to stop her however as she sets them alight and throws them at the nearby wall, the strength of her throw isn't that strong so they bounce weakly off but what happens afterwards shocks not only Eingyi but Solaire aswell. The small flaming Crystals suddenly seem to become unstable and simultaneously explode causing an explosion similar to a small cluster bomb back on earth. Each Crystal seemingly had the strength of an average strength Fireball which only impresses them further.

Quelaag jumps in joy at her first success, her formulae was slightly off causing many smaller Crystals to form but she attempted the spell anyway, accidentally creating a new spell in the process, even Reima is happily surprised at the effect it seemed to have.

Reima "Well, your Formulae was off slightly causing the ambient mana to condense unevenly, forming many Crystals... This would lead to a catastrophic spell failure if you were using regular Sorcery but it ended up forming a formidable spell, congratulations Quelaag." He's hugged into her bosom as her lower spider half dances in excitement as his feet part from the floor.

Quelaag suddenly hears a cough behind her, turning to inspect who interrupted them she sees a grinning Solaire standing beside a still shocked Eingyi, he finally regains his senses and exclaims, "Mistress! What was that? Such a unique spell must be shared among the Covenant!"

Quelaag drops a slowly suffocating Reima and crosses her arms in a haughty expression, "Of course, It's my newly created spell."

Eingyi "May I enquire it's name Mistress?"


Her smile starts to crumble as she turns to look at an amused Reima, "Yes Quelaag, we'd love to hear the name of your new spell." he says as he chuckles.

Solaire "Indeed, it was truly impressive!" he exclaims as the rest of the returning Chaos Servants approach, earnestly wishing to hear the new spell their mistress had devised.

A bead of sweat crawls down her forehead as he stutters, "Why of course, I-it is called... F-fire... B-bomb c-crystal... Yes, Fire Bomb Crystal."


Reima's chuckling only gets louder as the Chaos Servants begin repeating the new spell in joy and excitement. He steps next to her in an attempt to save her face in front of her servants, "Wouldn't Chaos Crystal Cluster be more descriptive?" She immediately agrees, "Ah, yes, even despite my originally great name this seems more fitting..." the Chaos Servants don't seem to be bothered by the sudden name change and begins praising their great Mistress...

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Reima "I was thinking this new form of Spell Casting should be called something other than Pyromancy or Sorcery as it merges the two, if anyone has a good suggestion I'd love to hear it." he says to the Chaos Servants as he leaves to practise Radial Crystal Impalement.

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