After waiting for everyone to settle down Reima eyes the next vial, the one containing the Mutagens derived from the flesh of Kalameet. He honestly doesn't have a clue as to what this will actually do, biggest guess is some kind of fire resistance?

Quelina "Are you sure about injecting this one? The results last time were rather... Scary?"

Reima nods, "I've tested these already, besides if anything goes wrong I've got you guys on standby, right?"
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They nod at him as he takes the Mutagen and centres himself to prepare for the oncoming pain. After half a minute he injects it into his arm and await the pain...


The others look confused since he hasn't dropped onto the floor screaming yet, I love their optimism...


Just when Reima thinks it hasn't work he is wracked with a terrible headache, he slouches over in an attempt to relieve himself even if a bit. This doesn't work however as it feels as if someone is physically pushing down on his brain, panicked thoughts begin to run through his mind as he thinks of the possible things that could have caused this... Swelling of the brain? Is there even a solution to that in this world? Perhaps his skull is just shrinking? While this is happening he doesn't notice various objects around the room beginning to shake and move towards him, the girls present prevent anything important from being damage thankfully and the painful experience eventually ends after forty minutes.

Once over Reima falls backwards off of his knees and onto his butt, rubbing his temples lets out a long hot breath, relieved that it's finally over... Atleast until the next Mutagen.

Rhea and Anastacia run over to him and prop him up, he allows them to do what they want and so they both start casting powerful healing Miracles. This doesn't seem to do anything as the pain has already subsided but it's a nice thought regardless.

Quelina "Do you feel any different?" she asks quizzically.

Reima doesn't say anything and tries to feel and sense anything off with his body, he doesn't feel anything besides a trail of blood that apparently had dripped from his nose. He holds his hand out to the side while asking "Can someone pass me th-" he's stopped as everyone watches a rag fly into his hand...


Reima "Huh... Telekinesis? I should've guessed considering the dragons abilities" he muses to himself under the curious gazes of the people present. Looking at them he reassures them, "I was able to use telekinesis previously but it felt much weaker than it did just now." He tries to push away a nearby chair but finds it extremely difficult to even get it to move... He tries to pull it and it's slowly dragged over, he realises the new ability only improved his ability to pull objects. While still extremely useful it's use is now rather limited compared to his previous assumption.

Reima "Alright, let me rest a little before I inject the last one... The way this is going that one is going to be by far the worst." he says as he retrieve some water and starts sipping it to moisten his dry mouth.

Thirty minutes later Reima is ready to have another go, seating himself back on his knees Reima does a few breathing exercises to calm himself before biting the bullet and injecting himself with Seath's Mutagen. Priscilla watches closely as this directly relates to her father, while she never met him she still desired a father figure, and while Solaire provided her with reassurance and protection she still wished Seath wasn't the monster her brother had described him as. For now she remains content with having Quelaag and Quelana acting as Faux-Mothers for her.

Back to Reima all is definitely not well, what does that mean? Well if by well you mean not bleeding from his entire body and every oriface than no, he is not doing "well". The pain started out slow but the unbearable thing about it is that it felt as if insects were crawling beneath his skin, it continued to spread across his body until he wanted to flay himself to be rid of it. He'd only noticed his hair dropping from his head and onto the ground after he wiped the blood from his eyes, he's not that worried about the hair as his Doppler Mutagen allows him to grow it back rather quickly. Exsessive bleeding however is obviously a big problem, despite only enduring this for a couple minutes now he already feels feint. He can hear the others panicking for him but he has to concentrate on the issue at hand, sensing his body he can feel new skin forming, destroying the already present layer and replacing it. This is similar to flaying someone and transplanting the flayed skin back on, that is how Reima would describe the sensation at least... He tries to force his healing factor into overdrive via his Doppler Mutagen, while not extremely effective it might help with the recovery? One thing he noticed was the new skins structure... It was almost as if it'd mimicked Crystalline structures, while significantly weaker due to it's base components its definitely more durable than before.

An hour passes and Reima finally stops bleeding, he'd actually had to eat a BloodRed Moss Clump to stop himself from dying of excessive blood loss, the plant helping blood clot faster and boosting it's production. He asks the girls to leave the room as he watches the blood from his body and clothing, afterwards he looks to the dried blood staining the floor and shrugs at it, it adds a layer of depth to the room he jokes to himself...

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