The Skelligan fleet was relatively large for this world, the population valuing their ancestor's ways of raiding the mainland shores over other things like farming or even trade. Thus, despite Skellige having a smaller country than most, they were able to rival the temple fleet in Novigrad.

Their boats were not meant for ship to ship combat however, only having a few low powered cannons on each ship, so even if they matched the Nilfgaardians fleet in numbers, they would still likely face defeat.

Hjalmar and Cerys were stood on the ship's bow as the Skelligan fleet traveled in-front of them, both look determined but didn't dare let their men see the worry on their faces. Morale was important and if they were to have the best chance of winning, they had to present a strong front.

Geralt, Ciri were looking over the side of the ship into the ocean with bored expressions while Yennefer prepared a number of spells for the eventual battle. Geralt seemed to be telling Ciri the story of the time he'd almost died heading to Skellige from a storm hitting the boat.

Reima, on the other hand, was sitting atop the sail watching the horizon for any sighting of Nilfgaard. Eventually, after a couple hours, Reima spotted the tips of black sails... He points shouts "Black ones!" causing the rest of the fleet to slowly spot them.

Slowly the trademark strangely shaped sails of the Nilfgaardian fleet appeared, their black sun decorating each and every one of them. Reima could only sigh at the sea of black before him, wondering how Skillige could have possibly defended against this without his and his friends intervention...

The Nilfgaardian fleet was massive, the boats at the front were around the same size as the average Skellige longboat, but these were only the scout ships, built for fast travel and possibly boarding parties... No, behind them were massive frigates with a huge arsenal of cannons and weaponry visible.

There were around thirty scout ships with seventy Corvettes behind them and forty frigates behind those... Immediately after Nilfgaard spotted them their boats started turning and displaying their broadsides.

Luckily for the Skellige fleet they weren't quite in range being around 2.5 miles away. Cerys and Hjlamar frown, the former standing tall on the bow and speaking to all the surrounding longboats.

Cerys "Warriors of Skelllige! This is your moment! This is your time to give your lives for your lands, your people, your ancestors! DO NOT let our history be destroyed by the Black ones, DO NOT let our people be enslaved and broken!... As Daughter of Crach and Jarl of Skellige I will fight til' my last breath!" She shouts coincidentally, loud enough for most of the neighboring ships to hear.

The men give a roar, their blood boiling from the speech and rage at those who'd wish to take away their freedom. Hjalmar steps next to Cerys and puts a hand on her shoulder as she overlooks the black fleet.

Cerys glances at him and quietly asks, "How'd I do?"

Hjalmar nods with a grin, "Like a true Jarl sis." he says, causing her to stand straighter at the compliment.

The Nilfgaardian Frigates and Corvettes form a wall with the broadsides of their boats, a single scout ship approaches and is let through by the other longboats so it can reach the Jarls boat.

It stops in-front of Cery's ship as she stands and looks down at the few finely dressed men standing as if they have a stick up their arses. "Ahem, is this the current leader of Skellige?" they ask in a foreign accent.

Cerys "I am the Jarl of Skellige, what say you? Do you wish to offer your surrender already?" she mocks, causing her men to laugh and jeer at the duck-faced nobles on the boat.

"HOW DARE YOU!" The leader shouts, "I AM OF NILFGAARDIAN NOBILITY AND I WILL NOT BE TALKED DOWN TO BY A BITCH PEASANT WEARING RAW ANIMAL SKIN! You will offer your surrender or die like the savages you are!" he shouts.

Cerys "How would it be seen if I were to sink this dinky ship?" she whispers to Hjalmar.

Hjalmar "I know Nilfgaard would see it as a war crime, you and I would be executed... I don't plan on surviving a losing battle though so go ahead sis." he laughs.

Cerys nods and points at the scout ship, "SINK IT!"


Three shots from three separate ships cannons annihilate the boat and everyone on board, the previous high and mighty noble becoming nothing more than chunks of fish food.

Almost immediately after this the Nilfgaardian fleet starts heading in their direction, obviously wishing retribution for the callous deaths of their compatriots...

Reima shouts from the top of the sail, "Hey, Hjalmar! You mind if I just destroy their ships on my own?" he asks, making his friends sigh and the Skellige warriors laugh at his arrogance.

Hjalmar shakes his head however, "I'm sorry Reima, if we let someone fight our battles for us then it would dishonour our ancestors... More will die, yes, but they will die for Skellige, a death all of us from these lands wish for." he says with a few warriors who'd heard it giving sombre looks while others cheer.

Reima frowns but shrugs, it was their choice... He could literally just teleport over there and set fire to all of their boats, but he'll play along for now... Atleast until the battle starts.

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