Elder Blood Witcher

701 Time for action

Reima raises an eyebrow at him, "Horcrux?"

Harry rapidly nods and points, "I can feel it... She's wearing a Horcrux, we must destroy it!"

Nerissa glowers at him, this old acquaintance already accusing her best friend of having one of those vile artifacts.

Moka puts her hands to her chest and looks at them imploringly, "What's a Horcrux? Is something wrong with me?" she asks quickly.

Reima opens a portal to the war room and gestures at it, "We should speak about this in private."

Nerissa nods and drags Moka into the portal as Mizore, Yukari, Luna, Harry, and Hermione follow them in.

Reima steps in and lets the portal close behind him, glancing at Harry who's still sending a heavy glare at Moka. "Alright Harry, I'm assuming you're being straight with me and haven't got a concussion from earlier... What's up?"

Harry "That girl, she's got a Horcrux, there's no doubt about it." he states.

Yukari "Erm, sorry, what's a Horcrux?" she asks, confused.

Harry "A kind of dark magic that stores a piece of your soul to prevent you from dying, a dark lord Reima killed had created them and I was forced to hunt them down after he dumped the task on me." he says with a sigh.

Mizore "Ludvig-san so lazy..." she says with a neutral expression.

Reima waves them off, "I was busy alright? Inter-dimensional elves were trying to catch Ciri..."

Hermione "Yeah, you looked very pressed for time..." she says sarcastically.

Moka "Ano... I don't know you are talking about... I've never even heard of a Horcrux before..."

Harry looks to Reima, "You mind if I check her over?" he asks, not wishing to receive another beating.

Reima crosses his arms, "I'll be keeping a close eye on you, don't do anything without asking first." he states.

Harry nods and walks over to Moka who's standing stock still, Nerissa still glaring at Harry. He lifts his palm and manervers it around like some sort of metal detector, moving it across her legs, body, arms and finally... Neck.

Harry points at the Rosario, "What's this?"

Moka "It's... It's the seal that keeps my Vampire form sealed."

Reima "Hmm, maybe..."

Harry nods, "This is it... The Horcrux..."

Yukari "Ah, but..." she tries to argue but realises it does make sense...

Reima "You mind if we take it off for a moment Moka?"

Moka slowly nods, "Just... Don't destroy it without being sure.." she mutters.

Reima nods, "Rissa?"

Nerissa nods, walking over to Moka and slowly taking the Rosario off...


It comes off without issue, an explosion of magical energy blowing past the group as Moka transforms. Her hair turning white, her bust growing in size, and her eyes turning red with cat-like irises.

Moka "What is the meaning of this?" she asks Nerissa with a glare.

Reima "Chill Moka, Harry just wants to check your Rosario"

Moka gives him a hard look, "Who gave you the authority over my body and possessions?" she growls out.

Reima shrugs, "You're in my country, as King I think that's good enough... Unless you think you can do something about it?"

Moka frowns at him but doesn't do anything, walking over to the large table in the middle of the room and leaning on it, "Be quick, and do not do anything to it."

Reima looks at the Rosario, "I see what you mean Harry... There's a soul locked inside here..."

Yukari "But, who would lock their soul into Moka's Rosario?" she asks, shocked.

Harry "Well, don't you find it weird that your friend's personality changes when she takes off the Rosario?" he asks, everyone's eyes widening simultaneously.

Yukari "No... Moka isn't like that..." she mutters, looking over at Moka who's looking contemplative.

Moka "I... I've had that Rosario for a long time, I can barely remember a time when I didn't have to wear it... I don't believe my other self would do something like that though..." she thinks aloud.

Harry continues examining the Rosario, "Regardless, this is definitely a Horcrux..."

Reima "What do you want to do about it then?"

Harry "Well... I'd like to destroy it-"

Moka slams her palm into the table, were it not reinforced it would have completely broken. "Absolutely not!"

Yukari "Yeah! We have no idea if other Moka is aware of what she is, or if it is even a Horcrux in the first place!"

Harry sighs, "I was going to suggest we speak to the soul sealed within it..."


Yukari "How would you do that?" she questions.

Harry fingers a ring topped with a black gem and smiles, "That's for me to know and you to find out..." he looks to Moka, "Do I have your permission to summon them?"

Moka anxiously bites her lip while clenching her fists. "I... Fine, do it." she says, turning her head as if it wasn't a big deal, though, it was obviously bothering her.

Reima "Go ahead Harry, just don't be shocked if I eat the soul if I don't like them." he states.

Harry runs the finger wearing the ring over the Rosario, the object glowing red before producing smoke from the gem in the center of it.

Yukari, Nerissa, Mizore, and Luna back away as it gathers into a pillar of smoke, shrinking into a humanoid shape.

The shape shifts, long flowing pink hair forming, green eyes, and pale white skin. They're dressed in some sort of ball dress that looks almost as if it were from the medieval period.

Yukari "Moka?" she asks, the see-through woman blinking a couple times and looking around.

"Moka? Why do you say that name?" she asks, her voice the same as before.

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