Elder Blood Witcher

704 Character sheet : Conquering the Witcher Spoilers

Age: 16/27

Class: Level 500 City Sim Manager (This is bs so don't take it seriously..."

Money : Literally owns a Kingdom + more

Cheats :

Pure Elder Blood.

Ability to use Haki.

Fast Learning.

Stats (Soul Level)

Vitality : 200 (Imagine a Dragon shrunk into a human body...)

Attunement : 240 (More magical than true dragons.)

Endurance : 130 (Don't come knockin' if the caravan's rockin')

Strength : 200 (Slightly weaker than Chuck Norris...)

Dexterity : 180 (Can steal your wallet without you noticing.)

Resistance : 150 (Likes to use Fluoroantimonic acid as a disinfectant.)

Intelligence : 180 (Somehow only extends to Sorcery? Must be a bug...)

Faith : -400 (He is religion...)

Humanity : Hentai Tentacle Monster! (Wut?)

Martial arts :

High Absolver Level

Styles :



Kahlt Method

Haki :

Armament Haki : 99% control.

Observation Haki : 60% control.

Conquerors Haki : This nerd still isn't even able to use it?

Energies :




Chaos Flames.



Abyssal servants :

Abyssal Mage : Rita Skeeter. (Rita-Creature)

Abyssal Sage : Avallac'h

Abyssal Navigator : Skeletal armour, able to cast black mist that corrodes and similar stuff.

Abyssal Wraith x130 : 8ft, wearing skeletal armour with Dark Wraith accents.

Scytheclops x3 : 17ft oak flesh cyclopses with claws. Eyes covered by oak flesh but glow red under it.

Mutagens :

Doppler : Hair and nail control + Increased healing rate.

Arch Griffin : Poison Resistance + Increased Strength.

Seath : Crystalline Skin + Stronger nails and hair (Shimmering twilight vampire hair), Pretty gay.

Kalameet : Increased attunement towards telekinesis (Only when pulling though)

Basilisk : Petrification immunity.

Yoko : Increases physical abilities, allows wingless flight, increases flame-based abilities. Adds "Yoko" mode.

Signs :







Witcher Spells :

Voice Projection.




Weed removal. (Drug dealers worst nightmare!)

Conjure Messenger.

Sorcery :


Pyromancy :


Pyromancy + Sorcery = Aderecery


Equipment (Notable):

Witcher gear (Looks like Mastercraft Bear school armour) : Reinforced with titanite.

Arcell : Sword of Arcell (Absolver)

Moonlight Greatsword : Seath's tail (Dark Souls)

Silver knight sword : Enchanted with Divine (Dark Souls)

Kalameet : Kalameet's tail, Obsidian Blade (Dark Souls)

Gough : Gough's Greatbow (Dark Souls)

Grant : Paladin Leeroy's Great hammer (DarkSouls)

Staff of Manus (SoulBound), binds the soul of the Dark God Manus. : Catalyst of Manus (Dark Souls)

Slumbering Dragoncrest ring : Purchased from Griggs (Dark Souls)

Flame Stoneplate ring : prevents MC from joining the fantastic four (Dark Souls)

Furniture : Most powerful weapon. (Incredibly potent against certain enemies...)

Blades of Mercy : Marvellous Chester (Blood bourne)

+ A huge amount of Dark Souls equipment.

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