Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 222


The cold that goes deep into the bone marrow!

He was locked by a strong death energy, and he was unable to move in a short period of time.

Immediately afterwards, his Divine Soul felt a sting.

It's like there are countless ice needles poking around in his Sea of Consciousness, almost piercing him.

Zhao Haiya immediately recited the Three Purities mantra silently.

Under the invisible jade sound baptism, he gradually restored to sobriety and calmness.

The pain is gone, only the comfort remains.

Zhao Haiya looked all around.

There are no ice needles here, some are just black mist that spreads rapidly from the ground.

The surging black mist cut off the moonlight and turned the sand into a miserable white.

【Ghost Domain】

This is a Formation that is close to the domain!

Usually only the Amalgamation Stage cultivator can touch the law and master the real field.

But after all, this is not an iron law that cannot be easier, there are still many ways to let people master the field in advance.

【Ghost Domain】is the common means of Ghost Dao cultivator.

The basic idea is that everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high.

Using the ghost as fuel, a special Formation similar to the field can be created in a short time. The disadvantage is that this move is more expensive.

Zhao Haiya looked serious.

He is also experienced, and he has a lot of experience.

But when he was fully prepared, the sudden penetration attack of Divine Soul almost made him incapacitated and turned into a fish to be slaughtered by anyone on the chopping board.

Ghost Domain is amazing.

Zhao Haiya was afraid for a while.

If he hadn't met Bai Lian this time, he'd probably be in a dead end.

Zhao Haiya's eyes followed Bai Lian's back.

This world is not pure black after all.

In the center of the black fog, a paper lantern emitting pale-yellow rays of light floated in the air.

Although the black fog was weird, it still didn't dare to approach the lamp.

Su Youwei stood under the lamp.

At a distance of half a zhang from Su Youwei, there is a person cloths whiter than snow, holding a ball of Spirit Qi in his hand, letting that pure white sword spin in midair.


The ground shook.

A second roar accompanied the shock.

"What kind of dog that has a son without py..."

puff puff puff ——

Countless yellow sand sprayed from the hole. out.

"Come out!"

Zhao Haiya's eyes widened.

He saw Yin Spirit more than ten feet tall, and golden corpse puppets with long spears in their hands, and they all stood up from those holes.

From War General.

Zhao Haiya clenched the gun in his hand.

He is not the opponent of the devil, but the puppet that drags the devil summon out is no problem.

"Fairy Bai Lian, leave it to me here, you..."

Zhao Haiya was dumbfounded halfway through the words.

He heard ka ka crackling in his ears.

When he looked towards the place where the voice was, he saw Bai Lian's Stainless Sword swinging round after round of white halos.

“Ice and Snow!”

This is the Magic Art that comes with Stainless Sword after being promoted to Mid-Grade Spirit Artifact.

Where the frost goes, the monuments are frozen, the Yin Spirit is frozen, the corpse is frozen, the mating scorpion is frozen...

This is not the limit, the frost is still spreading far and wide.

At the end, with the Stainless Sword as the center, the sandy land with a radius of several hundred li suddenly turned into a pole.


Zhao Haiya wiped his eyes hard.

He absolutely didn't expect Bai Lian this move to freeze Yin Spirit.

Yin Spirit, wrapped in a layer of ice clothes, doesn't have the slightest bit of ferocity, it just makes people feel cute.

Maybe this is Saint prestige!

"It's so cold."

Su Youwei huddled up at this point.

The clothes on her body were too thin to resist the cold at all.

Something went wrong.

Bai Lian found himself unaware of this.

As a young "mother", she still has many deficiencies in taking care of her "daughter".

Thinking of this, she immediately rolled up a ball of spiritual power and wrapped it around Third Junior Sister's body.

Bai Lian's Spirit Root Attribute is very common, although the grade is not low, but after all, it lacks some changes, so the water energy she attracts wrapped around Third Junior Sister can only keep out the cold, not heating.

But it doesn't matter, she drives spiritual power high-speed rotation, and it warms up after a few more frictions.

Seeing that Third Junior Sister was back to normal, Bai Lian turned around with satisfaction.

A hole was opened in the monument, and a sturdy man in fancy clothes came out of the hole.

Early-Stage Deity Transformation Ah.

Bai Lian saw through that person's Cultivation Level, no wonder Zhao Haiya couldn't handle it.

If you don't have enough hard power, you will inevitably lose in the end if you write all the letters.

But Bai Lian is not afraid at all.

Her Concentration attribute has already reached the Deity Transformation Stage standard, and the Hard Skill, Soft Skill and Movement Skill have been honed during this period of time to allow her to punch the normal Peak-Stage Nascent Soul cultivator.

In addition, she holds the Master's love for her in her hand, let alone a "macho", she is not afraid of another.

“Bai Lian!”

Suddenly, the aggressive ghost cultivator dumbfounded.

The camouflage on Bai Lian's face has been removed under the scouring of spiritual power, and the ★ at the corner of his eye is not unremarkable.

The ghost cultivator recalled what he heard when he was out looting.

That happened two months ago.

Bai Lian is rumored to have had a sneak peek with Empress Chang after participating in Heluo State Empress Chang's Breakthrough Ceremony.

No one knows the exact outcome of the fight, but it can be deduced from Empress Chang's gnashing teeth every time he talks about Bai Lian and saying something like "honest", "nasty", "supercilious" out, Empress Chang must have suffered a loss on Bai Lian.

Empress Chang after Breakthrough Ceremony has Mid-Stage Deity Transformation Cultivation Level, and also mastered the Divine Ability of Star Creation. Bai Lian, who can take advantage of her, also has the strength of Late-Stage Deity Transformation.

I'm fucking you!

The ghost cultivator stands against the wall.


He was a little panicked, he angrily shouted: "What kind of dog that has a son and no py set up the Formation here to mess with Fairy Bai Lian is not happy, please stand up for me quickly!"

Bai Lian, Zhao Haiya, Su Youwei: "..."

"Fairy Bai Lian, I'm going to help you fix that The gangsters are here!"

After saying that, the ghost cultivator turned around and jumped into the hole he just dug.


Of course Bai Lian will not sit back and watch that ghost cultivator escape.

It has already come, how can she be reconciled if she doesn't get Task Reward's Low-Grade Spirit Artifact Chasing Yunzhou.

Bai Lian injected spiritual power into the Stainless Sword, and the Stainless Sword immediately turned into a deep purple.

Half ice and snow, half thunder!


A sword light rose into the sky for a while, and the remaining black mist in Ghost Domain was dispelled in an instant.

Huanghuang Heavenly Might, lead it with a sword!

Zhao Haiya raised his head, he saw the black clouds rolling in the sky, after a few breaths, countless lightning snakes fell from the sky, reflecting his face bright.

The light of righteousness shines upon the earth.


Along with the ice sculpture's shattering, the puppet wrapped inside also cracked into countless invisible particles with naked eyes.

But there's more to Stainless Sword's mystery than that.

Power of Thunder blended with the free ice spiritual power in the air, producing a special reaction that immediately triggered a secondary explosion.

The monument was completely leveled, and the Demon Sect gate hidden below was exposed.

Bai Lian entered with his sword raised.

Zhao Haiya was stunned for a while, and it ended like this?

He hurriedly shouted, "Let the others leave it to me."

"So good."

Bai Lian's voice came from the ground .

Zhao Haiya lifted his spirits and shot in from the main entrance of Demon Sect with a gun.

The battle lasted only half an hour.

That ghost cultivator shouldn't have fallen so fast, but he doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to let all the benefits fall into the hands of his Senior Brother, the more so, the weak spot he exposed when he fought Bai Lian more.

At a certain moment, when Bai Lian slashed a sword, he was careless and didn't have time to dodge, and his whole body was frozen into an ice sculpture.

He broke free in just one breath.

But for Bai Lian.

"One breath is enough time for me to kill seven in seven out!"

The sword light circulated, stabbing seventeen holes in the ghost cultivator.

After the fleshy body was destroyed, the ghost cultivator tried Divine Sense again, but with the cooperation of Void Walker and Eternal Lamp of the Moon's Reflection, all his plot against turned to dust.


Thunder in the sand.

A violent explosion swept hundreds of miles.

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