Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 502

Because of her weak body, after walking a lot of mountains, she was so tired as if she had been fiercely taught by Master.

But she doesn't want to sleep at all right now.

She sat down beside the bed and swallowed the healing pill in one mouthful.

The medicinal power spreads in the mouth, bringing a surge of warmth that feels like eating the Master.

Bai Lian also received a reminder from the system while the injury in the body slowly recovered.

Her basic skills have improved!

Hard Skill increases by 18, Soft Skill increases by 20, Movement Skill increases by 27, and even Concentration increases by 8 points.

This is not only the effect of the Spirit Plant, but also thanks to the two Immortal Spirit stones she forcibly swallowed.

The Spirit Qi contained in the Immortal Spirit stone was all injected into Sea Beast's body, so Bai Lian's spiritual power Cultivation Level did not increase at all.

But after this painful exercise, her body was "widened".

She can hold more spiritual power.

She also became more resilient!

As her injuries slowly recover, her basic skills will continue to improve.

"This is a blessing in disguise."

Bai Lian snickered.

But she didn't dare to try this dangerous operation again.

Immortal Spirit Stone.

Once enabled, it can't be stopped without being drained.

If one of the two Immortal Spirit stones is bigger, her body will definitely be cracked under the continuous impact.

Bai Lian opened the system panel, and her basic skills have now reached a new level.

【Hard Skill: 619

Soft Skill: 620

Movement Skill: 611

Concentration: 644】

This is the data after calculating the bonus from Fourth Junior Sister's contract, and each item has been raised to more than 600.

Even if all spiritual power is lost, Bai Lian's body, relying only on a hard stroke, can rub most of the early-stage cultivators on the ground.

If you count the bonuses of other things, she now has nothing to fear when she encounters the enemy of the combined Peak!

As for the Transcending Tribulation Realm...

Bai Lian didn't dare to think about it.

That's another level of rivalry.

Unless she holds a powerful Spiritual Artifact, or can deeply develop the use of Thousand Illusionary True Eyes.

Of course.

These are all conclusions drawn without considering special effects.

The strength of the funding warrior all depends on the opponent's perception.

"Take your time."

Bai Lian is not in a hurry now.

Anyway, she wasn't planning to go out recently. She planned to train Junior Sister while she was recovering. By the way, she wrote a book about the Azure Emperor's deeds for Junior Sister Tong to publicize.

She said that she will not let the world forget Xia Qingqing.

It is what it says it is!

After completely refining the medicinal power of the pill, Bai Lian took off his shoes, shrank into the quilt and fell asleep.

It was pouring rain outside the window.

What else is there to do in such bad weather other than sleep?


Xiao Jinse thinks so.

Su Youwei sabotaged her plan with a sideways kick.

She was bored, but she couldn't argue with Su Youwei about it, so she went down the mountain for a walk.

It is now time.

Xiao Jinse stopped by a boulder near the Ascension Sect gate.

She saw a familiar person.


It was the time of the Saintess warbler before Yaochi Holy Mountain.

Today's Ying Shi is not wearing a daoist robe from Yaochi Holy Mountain, but a black skirt with a small half of her calf exposed.

He turned his head when he heard the sound.

"It turned out to be the Second Junior Sister of Emperor Bai Lian. I'm not a Saintess."

I don't care if you are.

Xiao Jinse asked: "I don't know why Yingshi Fellow Daoist came to our Ascension Sect?"

Yingshi smiled slightly: "I was going to tell Bai Lian Emperor, It's also a good thing to meet you, I want to bring innate talent to Bright Jasper Peak!"


Xiao Jinse was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning .

Chapter 5 People cannot be generalized 4k

It is very challenging to make such a choice.

At least for Orioles.

Because most of the time she is a person who seeks stability, and this is not a very stable thing!

For stability, Ying Shi was willing to step down from the position of Yaochi Holy Mountain Saintess.

Even if that spot isn't hot, there's no poking needle on it!

In fact, it can't be said to be stable when we go deeper.

Yingshi was only shocked by the scene he saw when he was young.

When she was in the center of the crowd, when she was watched by countless people, when one after another complimented her in front of her, she always felt that one day she would be caught by crazy people, using Ropes and wooden racks were hung up before being pierced from end to end by red-hot iron rods.

This is a nightmare that Ying Shi will never forget.

Especially the scene where the blood sprayed down the wound of the elder sister who died tragically fell into her heart like lightning.

The instant pressure from the explosion blew through every capillary blood vessel on her body like a hurricane, leaving a huge scar on her young body.

The warbler falls continuously downwards.

It was a bottomless pit, twisty, dark, damp.

No matter how deep she went in, how tightly bound she was, she couldn't find happiness in this abyss.

All she has is pain.

It's like a rift deep in my heart that will not be smoothed out no matter how many years have passed.

The reason this trauma didn't turn into Heart Demon was because she met a "friendly" senior.

The senior was also Saintess of Yaochi Holy Mountain.

Under the tutelage of senior, she realized that not all people standing in high places will be stabbed with red-hot sticks.

They may have their hands and feet cut off!

They may be directly beheaded! !

Of course~

The senior smiled and touched her still young head: "They may also pass away safely. After they pass away, there will be countless people who feel sorry for them Sad, there will be countless people who will see them off spontaneously."

"What about you, senior?"

"I..." senior looked at the bright starry sky above Yaochi Holy Mountain, Faintly said, "I'm just a forgotten person."

When the young warbler held the senior's wrinkled hand, she shook her coquettishly: "senior, I still remember you!"

“yes yes yes, you still remember me.”

senior laughed.

This smile became Ying Shi's last impression of senior.

After that, senior passed away only half a month later.

The senior is too old.

Her Cultivation Level has been slow to break through, and even the lifespan's pill doesn't work for her anymore.

To the surprise of the young warblers.

On the day senior passed away, the wind whistled outside the window, and Holy Lord, who had been guiding her cultivation, was struck by lightning.


The bamboo slips rolled to the ground.

But Holy Lord didn't seem to notice it, and it took a long while for her to reveal a very difficult smile.

"The wind blows the house so hard."

The Holy Lord held on to the armrests beside the bed tremblingly.

It has been many years, Ying Shi still remembers the thoughts that flashed through his mind.

【Holy Lord looks ten years older】

No matter how brilliant Magic Art is, it can't hide the wrinkles at the corner of Holy Lord's eyes.


The entire Yaochi Holy Mountain was replaced by Sugu.

Plain clothes and crowns, mourning clothes.

Yaochi heavenly ascension stage.

Countless people lined up in two neat rows facing the howling wind, and the young warbler followed his Master to stand at the front of the team.

The coffin flew by slowly.

The Holy Lord performed the highest standard celestial burial of Yaochi Holy Mountain on behalf of senior without a word.


Master said: "Holy Lord and that senior are apprentice sisters..."

They worshipped Yaochi Holy Mountain together, cultivation, grow together.

There is a saying that is well-

People cannot be generalized!

Even in extreme anger, Holy Lord's cultivation speed still can't catch up with senior.

So in the eighteenth year of the introductory year, senior was chosen as the new Saintess of Yaochi Holy Mountain.

The month has two sides.

Senior has become a bright face in front of the world.

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