Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 567

The invisible man also stopped and waited for him.

He didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Since that's the case, why didn't you stay by her side all the time? If you try to make amends now, it's impossible to restore her."



The female cultivator frowned right behind Nether Ghost.

She seems to have guessed wrong.

It doesn't appear that the Nether Ghost's body is supported by allegiance to the Temple of Hades.

Then this question is a bit esoteric, and she doesn't quite understand it all.

But that didn't stop her from thinking that the hunched silhouette looked extremely tall.

Even though she could crush the current Nether Ghost with one finger, there was always a voice in her heart telling her that Nether Ghost was invincible.

In a few moments.

A wind of nothingness blows from around Nether Ghost, who stands outside Bronze Valley.

Nether Ghost, who had difficulty walking, floated up and fell slowly like a kite pulled by a rope.

Female cultivator pupils shrank.

"He burned his Divine Soul?!"

Doesn't that mean Nether Ghost is already on the road to death?

As long as the Divine Soul is burnt out, there will be no more Nether Ghosts in this world.

But in his current state, even burning the Divine Soul can't do any damage to Jiang Jing.

The female cultivator hesitates to follow.

until she saw Nether Ghost plunge headlong into the palace.

At that moment, like a stone falling into a calm pool, a soft white light rippled from the gate of the palace like a wave.

A circle.

Another lap.

After a few breaths, the entire palace lights up.

But the most striking thing is the Torch Dragon statue at the entrance of the palace.

The dragon pupil, which was emitting a dim light, became brighter and brighter, as if the statue suddenly came to life.

"Go in and see!"

The female cultivator gritted her teeth.

She jumped, and in a few moments she was dodging into the palace.


in the sky rare beast growls.

The dazzling red light is wrapped in a fierce breath.

Looks like a blood-stained hammer that could hit hard at any time.

But to Bai Lian's surprise, Jiang Jing still did not initiate further action until the meridian and inner core in her body were fully opened, showing an open state that could accommodate the injection of massive spiritual power. attack.


Is this Jiang Jing shocked by her "dominant spirit", or is he secretly planning something?

Bai Lian is puzzled.

But that's not a big deal.

She's the best at giving up thinking when she can't figure it out!

Ren Er is East, West, North, and South, she just needs to be herself.

Actually, Bai Lian doesn't need to fight Jiang Jing.

After all, her purpose was not to kill Jiang Jing, but to bring back Lord Netherworld.

She just needs to see the opportunity to grab Lord Netherworld and run quickly.

But the crux of the problem is that her actual Cultivation Level is several orders of magnitude worse than Jiang Jing.

Want to run?

It's not that simple.

Once Jiang Jing caught up, she still had to rely on swallowing low grade Immortal Spirit stones to deal with Jiang Jing.

This is another problem.

At that time, Jiang Jing would have understood that she had been bluffing.

If Jiang Jing chooses to meet force with force with her, then she still has several points of winning.

If Jiang Jing chooses to shut up and not fight, there is no need to avoid it for too long. As long as the power of the Immortal Spirit stone is naturally exhausted, she can be captured with no difficulty.

That scene was scary.

Bai Lian could see that Jiang Jing had a very deep hatred for the witch queen.

I don't know why Jiang Jing recognized her as a witch queen.

In short, in this situation, once she falls into Jiang Jing's hands, I am afraid she will really have to answer the sentence that the villain often likes to say "not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death." ".

Mental torture~

Physical abuse~

Will oppression~

Bai Lian suddenly came up with dozens of comparisons to " The "humiliation" scene in War of the Gods is even more sinister.

what a guy.

If this is rated, 18x is still a bit unbearable, only 21x is reasonable.

So there is no way to escape.

After going through a lot, Bai Lian knows how much imposing manner affects the battle.

Strengthen yourself and weaken your opponent.

As long as she doesn't show the weak spot, she is the undisputed king here before she takes action!

That is to say.

Bai Lian has to continue to strengthen his imposing manner.

Enhanced enough to shake the palace.

Enhanced enough to shake the Star River.

Strengthen enough to break the Immortal World mountains that lie in front of you!

At this moment.

Bai Lian's right eye looking at Jiang Jing suddenly shot out bright silver rays of light.

Special effects, fully open!

Thousand Magic Eyes, get up!

In an instant, her blue eyes like the stars were suddenly divided into two.

But for a moment, the two pupils, which were mostly overlapped together, were scattered into the sky.

The most dazzling one is the ★ in the corner of Bai Lian's eye.

Accompanying this gorgeous and shocking performance is a huge Celestial Disk splayed out behind Bai Lian.

That star is no ordinary star.

That month was no ordinary month, either.

They seem to be playthings taken from Nine Heavens by Bai Lian himself.

They move slowly along the trajectory of the astrolabe.

One breath.

One day.

One year.

An epoch.

Overlooking the ages, seeing life and death!


Jiang Jing sucked in a breath of cold air.

He had heard countless times that Bai Lian's battle could shake the Star River.

But he didn't know how terrifying it was until he actually saw it with his own eyes!

Bai Lian is stepping on the waves.

Above Bai Lian's head is the dazzling Star River.

The Star River connects with the sea at the edge visible to naked eye, which is like a huge cage constructed by the realm.

In the center of this cage is Bai Lian.

She is the Sovereign of this world!

She is a god who has returned from the ancient times!

Hu Zhu jumped on the sea, touching one after another, the water column rising into the sky to congratulate her on her arrival.

The endless stars flow in the night sky and sea level, like Daoists who come to hear the sermons of the gods.

A moment.

Jiang Jing suddenly found Bai Lian turned into light.

He stood in the world of silver white, he just glanced at Bai Lian's location, he felt that his Divine Soul was about to be frozen into ice.

"Is this the domain controlled by a Great Emperor?"

Jiang Jing lowered his head, lost one's head out of fear.


He had to stand up.

He must not let Bai Lian see through his true intentions, otherwise he will have no hope of surviving.

Bai Lian felt the pain.

It feels exactly like the last time she killed Sea Beast with the Stainless Sword.

Although her Cultivation Level has improved a lot, her pain hasn't diminished at all.

"A few more times, the pain alone will be enough to make me incapacitated?"

Blocking the five senses doesn't help.

Because the pain came from every part of her body.

Even her Divine Soul began to twist under the onslaught of celestial spiritual power.

But Bai Lian doesn't pay attention to this.

She just suddenly realized that with the help of Immortal Spirit Stone, her special effects were more than ten times more expressive than usual.

"Can this be called an unexpected harvest?"

Bai Lian forced a smile from the corner of his mouth.

She slowly raised her right hand.

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