Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 622

She wanted to calm down and think about a solution as calmly as ever.

But as long as she thinks of Master, she can't calm down at all. Could the disaster here be caused by the turmoil outside?

If so, is the Master facing a huge crisis?

That's right.

And Third Junior Sister, and red-clothed, and Lu Junior Sister...and there are too many people.

How can she hide here alone, she wants to go out, she must go out immediately!

But then the problem came back again——

Bai Lian couldn't think of a way out.

There is no way to go forward, and she can't find the way back when she looks back.

She knows how to get in and out of someone else's Divine Soul, but Dao Heart is her first time.

Why me?

Bai Lian just felt extremely irritable.

She couldn't figure out why she was brought into Sun Fuguang's Dao Heart.

Is it a coincidence?

Or did someone do it on purpose?

Damn it, damn it...

Bai Lian scolded in her heart, she just wanted to stay by the Master's side, and then go back with the Master to find Third Junior Sister and the others.

This is Sun Fuguang's Dao Heart after all, even if this Dao Heart has been broken, even if Bai Lian's face does not see any abnormality, he still easily catches Bai Lian's abnormality.


Sun Fuguang, who was sitting there smiling, withdrew his smile and said suddenly.


Bai Lian, who was pacing back and forth, stopped immediately, and she looked towards Sun Fuguang suspiciously.

Sun Fuguang said: "I have a way maybe to get you out of here."


Bai Lian stared wide- eyed.

Her irritable heart gradually calmed down.

She didn't notice that Sun Fuguang no longer called herself Poor Daoist.

Sun Fuguang didn't answer immediately, he stood up, and he didn't look towards Bai Lian immediately, but walked up in the open space in front of the great hall.

One step, two steps...

He walked slowly.

Bai Lian saw a nostalgic look in his eyes.

She suddenly realized that Sun Fuguang was recalling the years she experienced in Shangyang Immortal Sect.

That's three thousand years, it's really a long time ago.

She didn't urge Sun Fuguang, it's not polite to interrupt other people's memories.

Sun Fuguang finally walked to a beast-shaped stone sculpture at the entrance of the great hall.


He patted Stone Beast's back with a crisp sound.

"This is the ancestor of our Shangyang Immortal Sect."

A voice full of emotion poured into Bai Lian's ears along with the slow flow of air.

Bai Lian nods.

That Stone Beast is so mighty that after staring at it for a while, it feels as if it has come to life.

Sun Fuguang's sighed: "The Ancestral Beast enjoys the name of the King of Suppressing Prisons, but in fact its character and appearance are completely opposite, and there is no more gentle sky beast in this world. ."

A sky beast?

Bai Lian is a little ashamed, because she has only been in the Dao for less than seven years, and there are not many monster beasts she can recognize.

Sun Fuguang's eyes are gentle: "I joined Shangyang Immortal Sect when I was six years old. At that time, my perception was extremely poor, and I was just an Outer Sect Disciple that was not valued. At the bottleneck, the same sect senior and junior brothers also laughed at me, and one night, I walked along the mountainside path."

Bai Lian listened quietly.

She felt that she should eat Sun Fuguang's bribes, bribes, fibers, and arm rings

She felt that this was some kind of ceremony, a very solemn ceremony, Let life not be interrupted.

"I later learned that there are three Formations on that road, let alone a rookie like me, even if the Sect Master wants to reach the end of the road, he needs to use the Sect Master to open the road."


After all, you later became the Sect Master of Shangyang Immortal Sect.

Bai Lian said: "So it's..."

"That's right." Sun Fuguang smiled nodded, "I didn't know it until a long time later. The ancestral beast noticed me the moment I hit the road. The ancestral beast originally wanted to send me out with a maze, but after seeing me kicking stones in annoyance, it changed its mind..."

That night.

Moon stars are rare.

The mountainside of Shangyang Immortal Sect was silent.

Bathed in the moonlight as clear as water waves, stepping on the shadows of the trees on the path, and turning around a few green trees, Sun Fuguang came to a clearing between the cliffs.

"That's a picture I can't forget until now."

Purple Qi, flowing water, gravel, firefly...

and a "ominous beast" yawning on the ground!


"I was so frightened that I rolled and crawled." Sun Fuguang laughed heartily, "but the ancestral beast was not angry because of my offense, it calmed my emotions, pointed me to cultivation, and Chatted with me for one hour, it told me about its past, told me about Ancestor Master's past."

If possible, I really want to go back to that time.

"I'm not the most special one. Many people in Shangyang Immortal Sect have seen the ancestral beast in a similar way, but this experience has completely changed my life. I will try my best to make myself the most special person."


Bai Lian felt that Sun Fuguang's smile was familiar , as if she was stroking Junior Sister's hair lightly.

To describe it in words, it might be [happiness].

It was only later that the happiness was broken.

That day.

The immortal Dharma body has come.

It broke the Sect Protection Great Array of Shangyang Immortal Sect, and it brought irreversible disaster!

From Sun Fuguang's remarks, Bai Lian can know more clearly how tragic the battle was.

Sun Fuguang's eyes were red as he spoke, and he clenched his fists, as if to pierce his own palms.

"I can't do anything!" he roared in a hoarse voice, "I can only watch everything I hold dear to the ruins, and watch that Dharmakaya do nothing after doing evil. Leave. So I hate, I hate that immortal, I hate the fate of this unfathomable mystery, I hate Heavenly Dao of injustice, I hate this world, I hate..."

Sun Fuguang at this moment Not as kind as before.

He gnashing teeth, he hair stands up in anger, he is like a wild beast that could go mad at any moment.

Bai Lian took a step back and was completely ready to fight Sun Fuguang.

But to her surprise, Sun Fuguang finally loosened his fist slowly.

As soon as it was released, all the anger in him was released.

It's just...

The vigor in him seems to be gone along with the hostility.

He turned his back to Bai Lian, his waist was slightly hunched, he looked like a dying old man!

Bai Lian opened his mouth slightly.

She suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Alas." I heard Sun Fuguang sighed, "Actually, what I hate more is my incompetence. I am the Sect Master of Shangyang Immortal Sect, but I can't even keep my own sect. Stay."

Bai Lian immediately said: "It's not your fault."

Sun Fuguang shook his head: "I understand what you mean, you don't need to try to explain me anymore. , for three thousand years, I have already figured out what to think."


Bai Lian was speechless.

She saw Sun Fuguang turn to her.

She also saw a senior smile on Sun Fuguang's face.

"Actually this is fine, because enough people died in that incident, and there is no need to implicate more innocent people."


"I want to die but I can't die. It's really boring to live like this. I have no future, and all I have left are memories. If I can make a little contribution to Mingzhou after I die, it can be regarded as a reward. Mingzhou's graciousness of raising for Shangyang Immortal Sect."

Sure enough.

"Come on, pierce me with that sword in your hand!" Sun Fuguang opened his arms, and he exposed his chest without reservation, "This is my Dao Heart, If I die, it may die with it, so that you can leave. Good luck, maybe it can stop Lihen Ding, after all, this wave of Li hate is caused by the hatred in my heart ."

Bai Lian looked down at the Stainless Sword in his hand.


Can she get out of here as long as she kills Sun Fuguang?

It seems that Sun Fuguang has completely given up resistance, and she can accomplish this goal by simply handing the sword forward.

Of course, the premise is that she must first break through the red light wall in front of her.

In fact, this is not difficult, a low grade Immortal Spirit stone is enough to help her break the barrier.

Bai Lian saw the smiling faces of the finished apprenticeship father and the Junior Sisters, and then those faces were replaced by another her.

She knew that what she saw was "Bai Lian" in the game.

If it was her, there would definitely be no hesitation at this time.

It's just killing someone, what's that?


Bai Lian's hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

She is different!

She doesn't have as strong a heart as that Senior Sister Bai.

She is afraid of death, and she is also afraid of others dying.

Before she came to this unfathomable world, she just opened the door of society and had not had time to see the cruel house of the world.

She didn't even dare to kill fish or chickens, let alone let her kill an innocent person.

Even if she has been in this world for nearly seven years, even if she has seen countless killings and disputes, even if she can beat people with fists in anger.

But she still couldn't easily pierce her sword into the body of someone who shouldn't have died.

You can count the people she has killed so far on one hand.

And Sun Fuguang cannot guarantee that he will be able to leave here after killing him.

He died, Dao Heart may not necessarily disappear.

When the time comes, Bai Lian knows he will regret it.

She understands.

Although Sun Fuguang said that he didn't want to live anymore, this was not the case.

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