Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 647

She just doesn't know what to look like.

Especially after Qin Head sighed with emotion: "It's all Bai Lian, you normally teach me well!"

Aren't you scolding me around the corner?

Bai Lian really wanted to ask Qin Head like this, but she didn't teach Tong Yao how to play imprisonment or how to strip Junior Sister!

In the end, she gave up the plan.

She changed the subject: "Why didn't I see Junior Sister Tong and Lu Junior Sister?"

Qin Head replied: "Wan Tong was sent to the confinement room by Yao'er as soon as he came back. Go, then Yao'er went to retreat herself, she..."

According to Qin Head, Junior Sister Tong had a fortuitous encounter on the way to West Martial City.

She strayed into the Ancient Sect ruins.

The ruins are full of Remnant Souls that have not been swept away by the tide of hate.

It's a dead end for an ordinary Golden Core Stage cultivator, but who made Junior Sister Tong a ghost bloodline and ghost seal?

As soon as she "bricks" the sect's Sect Master to death.

The other Remnant Souls fled in all directions, but unexpectedly harmed others and ended up harming themselves. The maze around the ruins was originally used to arrest the hapless passing by, but in the end it became a cage trapping themselves.

Junior Sister Tong smashes all Remnant Souls to death at a moderate pace.

The storm broke out and the Soul Power surged.

With the help of the Nether Seal, these Soul Powers have become the "rations" of Junior Sister Tong, and her strength has also ushered in a skyrocket.


Is this the luck of mary sue protagonist?

No wonder Junior Sister Tong can suppress the Lu Family cultivators with the Golden Core Stage Cultivation Level.

is back.

Bai Lian feels it.

The in-game "Lord Netherworld", "Snow Sea empress" are back!

Of course, she was only talking about strength. Without the ten years of experience in the Hall of Hades, Junior Sister Tong is unlikely to become the murderous empress in the game in this life.

It's actually pretty good, isn't it?

There are many ways to become stronger, not by sacrificing your own family.

Like Third Junior Sister, Bai Lian didn't want to see Junior Sister Tong become an executioner.

Only innocence is the hardest to get back once lost.

She would rather Junior Sister Tong just go on like this stupidly.

No matter how big the wind and rain are, there are still them in the front.

This is when Junior Sister Tong is not in front of him, otherwise Bai Lian must give Junior Sister Tong a loving hug.

Qin Head said with emotion: "Yao Er told me before going to the Sand Region that Wan Tong's innate talent is very good and is the future of Clearwing Peak, so she will bring Wan Tong back. I think , in another ten or twenty years, I will be able to hand Clearwing Peak to her."


Bai Lian gently nods


She's in a rather complicated mood.

It seems like overnight, all but the Fifth Junior Sister have grown up.

She thinks it's the best way to go now.


Just like the water flowing in front of the door, everything is always changing.

She tried her best to hold the rudder, but besides her, the helmsman, and the wind and waves that no one could predict.

"Hope things go well."

Bright Jasper Peak.

Bunny picked up by Bai Lian.

But this time she didn't shove Bunny into her chest, but on her shoulders.

Pinball is not something you want to play, you can play it if you want!

[Bai Lian's revenge mode has been activated]

Besides, Fifth Junior Sister reached out and shook Bunny's ear: "Bunny Senior Sister, hurry up and grow up!"


Bunny nodded gloomily.

Except for Bai Lian and Baozitou, everyone else's eyes didn't look very friendly.


Bunny's ears hardened.

I, Wavelight Rabbit Clan Yao Ye Princess, make an oath here today, I must pierce the barrier with Bai Lian faster than you!

Just watch it.

Bai Lian and Bunny jumped into the clouds under the scorching sun at noon, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

It's almost August.

Master's birthday is August 17th, which is less than 20 days away.

The difference from the last time is that Bai Lian's mentality is much calmer.

Last year, she celebrated Master's birthday, and in the past world, she even celebrated ten birthdays with Master.

That dull and beautiful time was enough for her to reminisce about her life.

There's not much to regret even if I can't catch up this time.

After all.

Now is not the time to immerse yourself in Warm Countryside!

As Yue Wuyang, Jiang Jing, Dao Xingyuan and the others appeared one after another, Bai Lian became more and more uneasy, and she vaguely felt that there would be more great calamity waiting for her.

Going to Flying Misty Peak again, Bai Lian no longer needs to use the flying boat in the Wide Pass Sect.

She straddles half the Eastgod Continent with little trouble on the way.

That is, there were some twists and turns when passing through the Taicang Basin.

Taicang Basin is located on the edge of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and is the famous land of fish and rice in Eastgod Continent.

But when flying over the Taicang Basin, Bai Lian found that thousands of miles of rice fields had dried up, and fist-wide cracks spread across the ground.

In the past, the rivers that used to be the constant flow of cruise ships have turned into ugly black liquid ditch.

During droughts, there are more refugees.

The Taicang Basin is no exception today. The dry and dusty Great Dao is full of disaster victims who had to migrate to other places. It is unknown how many people died of starvation by the roadside.

"What's the matter?"

Bai Lian was stunned.

Although the Taicang Basin is not a shelter for cultivators, the weather here is good, and droughts have never been heard of.

And even if there is a drought, the wealth here is enough to hire a cultivator to cast rain.

A new option suddenly appeared before her eyes.

[Task 1: Solve the drought in Taicang Basin (Completion Reward: Medical Skill +2)]

[Task 2: I am passing by (Completion Reward: Movement Skill +1)]


Isn't this Task 2 reward really a mockery?


Since everyone has come, Bai Lian can't be regarded as not seen.

She chose Task 1 decisively.

With her current Cultivation Level, getting the sky to rain and snow is just a single thought.

But the magic thing is that the rain just disappears when it falls.

Bai Lian let go of his spiritual consciousness and finally found a broken ancient formation in the deep mountains.

Although this Formation is broken, it has a very high level, a large coverage area, and has the effect of blocking water. It is no wonder that the drought in the Taicang Basin has not been resolved.

She shattered the Formation easily, and the rain that fell in the sky really no longer disappeared.


Bai Lian stroked Bunny's head.

Facing the joyful cheers of the earth, she quickly left the Taicang Basin.

She came to Flying Misty Peak that night.

Suddenly learning that Bunny was back, the Wavelight Rabbit King Qiong Zhi quickly ran out of the White Wood Palace.


"Girl" Qiong Zhi hugged Bunny, she burst into tears of joy, almost strangling Bunny into rabbit noodles.

In the end, Bai Lian came forward to solve the siege.

"Qiong Zhi senior, Bunny's eyes have turned white."


Qiong Zhi hurriedly put Bunny down.

Bunny, who fell to the ground, stared into his eyes, and couldn't help but twirled in place.

Bai Lian realizes more and more why Bunny ran away from home in the first place.

No way, the pressure from mom is too much!


This stress refers to both physical and mental stress.

At this moment, there are countless monster beasts sticking one's head around to look for in the green plant square in front of the White Wood Palace.

As soon as I heard that Yao Ye Princess and the famous Bai Lian emperor were coming, even the monster beast, who had work to do, immediately put down and ran to watch the fun.

It's like the big morning glory flower with upper and lower mouths.

Steaming slime ran through her body.

"hu hu ~ If I can copulate with Emperor Bai Lian, even if I die immediately."

"Dreaming, how could Emperor Bai Lian like you so grotesquely shaped thing."

It was a jelly-like sea elf who stood up to speak.

She straightened up.

She's different, she's so cute and offers a full wrap massage.


The monster beasts who came to watch immediately quarreled.

Bai Lian was sweating coldly on his forehead.

She really isn't a lustless person who sees beauty as nothing, otherwise she wouldn't be playing War of the Gods.

But overall her xp is normal.

She is not interested in "extreme challenges", she longs for gentle and beautiful portal views.

Because of this, when playing games, she often criticized "Senior Sister Bai" as a pervert who was to be hanged and beaten.

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