Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 665


Little An Lan woke up from a long dream.

What catches the eye is the starry sky that has never been seen before.

With the wellhead as the center, thousands of stars began to spin backwards.

This scene is a rare glimpse of the immortal in the sky, and little An Lan was quickly attracted.

She lowered her head again and suddenly found herself standing on the water.

The water in the well reflects the stars, like another starry sky.

Little An Lan gently paddled the water.

The water was rippling, and she completely forgot her predicament.

What she remembers most in her life is the pain when the pain hit, and the sad face of parents and close relatives.

Only at this time can she forget all her troubles and appreciate the beauty of this world with the most simple attitude.

She played with her own reflection and laughed cheerfully.

She felt that she would have no regrets to die in the well like this.


It would be better if they survived!

The starry sky seen in the well is bright enough, how attractive is the starry sky outside?

Little An Lan wants to give himself wings and fly out, as high as possible.

The mountains closed off the village, and no one in the village had ever traveled far.

From a very young age she dreamed of going over that mountain.

But this is just a dream after all, how can a man have wings like a bird?

Little An Lan is tired.

She is still ill, and her energy is too low to withstand too much tossing.

Just as she was leaning against the well wall, ready to take a good night's sleep, a rope was thrown from the wellhead with a clattering sound.

The rope is dangling.

No one showed up at the wellhead.

Little An Lan is already very tired.

But the power rising in her heart made her grab the rope.

She didn't know where her strength came from, but she started climbing up the rope just like that.

One step.

Two steps.

She is far from one starry sky, she runs towards another starry sky.

At last, she crawled out of the well.

The moment she appeared, the stars seemed to be celebrating her.

The twinkling starlights are connected together, reflecting the starry sky that night more beautiful than the picture scroll.

But little An Lan's attention wasn't on the stars.

She stared blankly at the man floating by the well.

She couldn't see the man's face clearly.

"I can't remember exactly," An Lan said.

But she remembered what the man said.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

Little An Lan shook her head shyly: “No, not afraid.”

“Why not?”

Little An Lan pressed her chest, she lowered her head slightly: "Because it feels very warm."

The well water is cold.

But the well water is warm tonight, and the chest is warm tonight.

The clear waves rippling like this.

Bai Lian asked, "Is that the Master of the Master?"

An Lan nominated.

Bai Lian asked again: "Where did Master Ancestor go?"

An Lan shook his head: "I don't know, she... suddenly disappeared."

It doesn't seem like a very complete story.

Bai Lian didn't go any further.

She's afraid that she's going too deep and will make the Master feel pain.

Her relationship with the Master has made breakthrough sexual progress, but it's nowhere near the point where she can talk about everything.

Bai Lian imitated the Master and lay down on the boulder.

Is the starry sky tonight the same as the starry sky that night?

Thinking about it, she suddenly felt a little cold.

The chill came from all directions, and it surrounded her in an instant.

Something is wrong.

Bai Lian realizes the problem.

With her current Cultivation Level, even if she entered Nine Nether, she would not feel cold, so how could she tremble?

But she couldn't control herself at all, she was shaking more and more.


It is very cold.

She desperately needs a warm place.


When the warm words jumped into my heart, Bai Lian dazedly hugged An Lan who was watching the stars beside him.

"Master, I..."

"Rebel, what are you doing?"

An Lan, who was suddenly attacked, screamed and sent Bai to Bai. Lian's hand that was trying to mess up below opened.

Want to post!

Although his hands were opened, Bai Lian reluctantly moved closer to An Lan, and even tried to lick An Lan's neck with his tongue.


An Lan covered Bai Lian's mouth in disgust, she subdued Bai Lian with no difficulty, and rode on Bai Lian in turn.

But she didn't do it again.

Because she has discovered the anomaly.

“Where’s the Taiyin Stake?”

A Taiyin Stake that big was swallowed by Bai Lian?

“What did you do?”

Bai Lian could not answer An Lan's words.

She can't go back now, and even if she could, she wouldn't dare to say.

【I put Bunny to sleep】

what a guy.

Master is afraid that she will be killed on the spot.

An Lan's face changed and changed.

The Pile of Taiyin is a divine divine object, and Bai Lian's mortal body suddenly absorbs all of this Extreme Yin thing, and there will be no problem if there is no problem.

Fortunately, she is now by Bai Lian's side, otherwise Bai Lian will be frozen to death sooner or later, or she will simply turn into a person who can't satisfy her desires.

An Lan is still a little angry.

What is this?

Today is her birthday, why does she have to take care of Bai Lian in turn?

She poked Bai Lian's lower abdomen with a finger like a vent, and then began to resolve the disordered spiritual power for Bai Lian.

After a long time, Bai Lian, who caused the rhythm of water, finally calmed down.

An Lan looked at Bai Lian who was already asleep, she took off her shoes and socks, and stepped on Bai Lian's chest with her feet.

Anyway, Bai Lian won't be able to wake up for a while.

I step on, I step on, I step on!

Bai Lian's chest was almost crushed by her.

She sat on Bai Lian's stomach again, and slapped Bai Lian's face, turning her face red.

It's been a long night.

After a long time, Bai Lian finally woke up.

As soon as she woke up, she felt a sore back, as if she was about to fall apart.

She opened her eyes and was stunned to find that the Master's face was only an inch away from her, and she only had to move forward to touch the Master's lips.

She raised her head a little and saw that the Master was riding on her waist with his legs spread apart, his upper body clinging to hers, and he fell asleep without image.

She also found that Master had taken off her shoes and socks, and two stockings were hanging on her feet.

She also found that the pendant hanging on the Master's chest had been replaced by the one she gave.


Bai Lian was a little confused.

Isn't the way she woke up not right, what happened last night!

But wouldn't that be nice?

Bai Lian didn't plan to wake up the Master, she closed her eyes and started pretending to sleep, in fact, she was just enjoying the tranquility of the morning.

Unbeknownst to her, An Lan found out that she was pretending to be asleep after pretending to be asleep.

It's over, I dare not wake up!

Would you like to let Bai Lian lose another memory?

Twelfth Zhang Shengtian half son An Lan Tianzun 5k

Bai Lian wanted to hold the Master and sleep like this.

As for who took advantage of it, there is absolutely no need to go into it, she just needs to feel happy about it.

Does the distinction between top and bottom really matter?

Of course not.

The essence of Tie Tie is a win-win situation.

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