Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 827

This is the simplest, most brutal, and most ruthless crushing technique beyond anyone's imagination!

The last few dozen Foreign Heavenly Demons in the oven were completely crushed before they could even scream.


There was silence and no one spoke.

Only the caracalla sound of ice cubes breaking.

After the spiritual power dissipated, there were two boundless ravines in front of everyone, one in the earth and the other in the sky.

Demon Venerable had a bad premonition in his heart.

Bai Lian's strength this time has exceeded his expectations. Even if he stands up at this time, it will be difficult to stabilize the situation.

When there is a significant imbalance in the strength of the two sides, there is no need for the transaction to continue.

"Finally stopped?"

Looking at the ravine in front of him, Bai Lian's face was neither happy nor sad.

When the Great Firmament stopped working, the pain in her body finally disappeared.

The crisis was temporarily lifted, but she did not feel relieved.

Who can guarantee that this will happen again next time?

Who can guarantee that the method of condensing the law body will still work next time?

A dark cloud appeared on Bai Lian's brows, and the situation was completely out of her control.

She stood in the center of the ruins and looked up, only to feel that the entire world had become a huge ball of wool that people couldn't figure out.

"Senior Sister."

A timid call rang in my ears.

Bai Lian put down his worries, turned around and greeted Yu Ying and Qing Luan who came from a distance with a smile.

Yu Ying looked a little gloomy: "So Senior Sister is so powerful, I thought I could finally help Senior Sister this time, didn't expect I'm still just a fit..."

Her voice stopped abruptly because Bai Lian had stepped forward and hugged her.

"If it wasn't for the sword you stabbed, I might have died here."

Yu Ying shook his head: "Senior Sister, you don't have to comfort me."


Bai Lian released her hand: "There are some things that are not suitable to say now."

She turned to look at Qing Luan again, and after a little hesitation, she also stepped forward and hugged Qing. Luan.

Qing Luan, who was suddenly attacked, was stunned on the spot.

"White and white..."

Her teeth chattered, unable to utter a complete word.

She glanced at Yu Ying secretly, and found that Yu Ying didn't show any strange emotions, so she relaxed in secret.

But at this moment, Bai Lian's body froze.

"How could it be?"

The Great Firmament's 500 million Dharma Body Secret Art, which had apparently stopped running, actually started running again.

Clear water waves rippled around her body.

She saw Fourth Junior Sister and Junior Sister Qing Luan as if she saw delicious cream cakes and wanted to "eat" them.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Bai Lian backing up again and again, Yu Ying and Qing Luan were stunned.

Is this disgusting?


Bai Lian wanted to explain a few words, she raised her hand, but in the end she didn't say anything.

She found her body calmed down again.

She stared at her hands ecstatically.

Is this happening because of touching Fourth Junior Sister and Junior Sister Qing Luan?

This is obviously wrong, you must know that her relationship with Fourth Junior Sister has long been close to the level of "you play the sword, I play the scabbard", and nothing happened at that time.

And just now Fourth Junior Sister and Junior Sister Qing Luan have been fighting with the Foreign Heavenly Demon, she didn't touch their bodies and there was a problem.

"Do you want to try again?"

While Bai Lian pondered, footsteps sounded behind him.

She turned around and saw the Profound Azure Sword Sect and the others walking over in unison.

Seeing this, Yu Ying and Qing Luan also took back what they were about to say. The business is important, and now is not the time to make trouble.


With all the deaths of the incoming Foreign Heavenly Demon, and the Demon Venerable disappeared, the scourge seems to be over.

After dark.

In the former Holy Mountain forbidden area.

Bai Lian stared blankly at the sparkling lake.

After more than ten breaths, someone walked out of the dark.

"Emperor Bai Lian."

When Yingying came, she was complexion pale. Although her injuries were under control, she was not completely healed.

“Fairy when the warbler is.”

Bai Lian gently nods.

But when he saw Yingying, he was holding a simple mirror in his hand, which was exactly the same as the future mirror in Bai Lian's hand.

"Holy Mountain is unable to keep this future mirror any longer. Holy Lord said that the future mirror can only be kept safe if it stays in the hands of Emperor Bai Lian."

"Thank you."


Bai Lian rudely put away the future mirror.

This is one of the purposes of her coming to Yaochi Holy Mountain.

"Will you be busy next time?"

"en." Orioles nodded, "but since the threat of the Foreign Heavenly Demon has not been eradicated, rebuilding has to come later. Push and push."

Bai Lian said with a smile: "When people are alive, there is hope."

Yingshi bowed his head: "I spent a lot of time going to Reading "The Biography of the Azure Emperor" written by Emperor Bai Lian, at that time I only thought that the Azure Emperor was a great man in the world."

"What about now?"

"We live because of There are people and things we care about in this world."

"Fairy is different when it's time to be wary."

"Maybe it's because I know what I want, and then I Have a little sense of responsibility."

Bai Lian comforted: "Holy Lord will be fine, Yaochi Holy Mountain will be fine too."

Yingshi nodded with a smile : "I used to be so stupid, I would think that standing on a high place would make me burn with fire, thanks to Emperor Bai Lian who woke me up."

Bai Lian said: "People are always there. Those who have grown up, including me."

Ying Shiqing un'ed: "I will not continue to disturb Emperor Bai Lian. When I came, the two Junior Sisters of Emperor Bai Lian were still standing outside the cave. I kept looking inside."

"Then, see you tomorrow."

Yingshi said goodbye and left.

Although Bai Lian was reciting Junior Sister standing outside the cave, she had to deal with another matter at this time.

Deep in the cave, a tall silhouette came out of the shadows.

That person is the long-disappeared Demon Venerable.

Bai Lian didn't want to tear up the agreement with Demon Venerable. After all, the crisis between Ascension Sect and Yaochi Holy Mountain has been lifted.

But she gave up after seeing system's newly released mission.

The reward for breaking the agreement is 22 Concentration points. Even if you add two Junior Sisters, it will be difficult to survive.

How strong is Demon Venerable?


She threw one of the futuristic mirrors to Demon Venerable.

The Demon Venerable stared blankly at Bai Lian.

To be honest, after seeing the formidable power of hundreds of millions of Bai Lian's combined strikes, he doesn't have much hope for getting the future mirror.

But Bai Lian threw the mirror to him without the slightest hesitation.

“Why is Emperor Bai Lian willing to believe that I’m not lying to you?”

Bai Lian hesitated for a moment: “I don’t believe that you really want to cooperate with Foreign Heavenly Demon.”


Demon Venerable dim-blue rays of light in one eye.

"I will have a fight with Emperor Bai Lian in the future, but..."

He paused.

"Before this, I will tell Bai Lian Emperor with action, you will never regret this cooperation with me."

Bai Lian indifferent expression, she turned to Asked: "What if it was wounded by the Foreign Heavenly Demon, and the wound could not heal?"

"Take the blood of the Foreign Heavenly Demon."

The Demon Venerable's voice was in Drifting in the Bai Lian Sea of Consciousness, he has completely melted into the night and disappeared.

This is a very simple walk.


"I've been lying."

Bai Lian held another futuristic mirror, which reflected her devastatingly beautiful face.

She whispered: "Future Mirror, where did you say I came from and where am I going?"

Twenty What will happen if Zhang eats Junior Sister? 5k

Future mirror does not speak.

In fact, Bai Lian will play dead whenever he asks him a question about himself.

Is he pretending to be dead?

After all, when talking about other things, the future mirror may be licked, and it can make people feel high.

"Well, next time I get your other half back, maybe I can solve the puzzle."

Bai Lian stuffed the future mirror into the storage pendant.

She squeezed her breasts slightly and straightened the uncomfortable storage pendant.

Now she has no time to pay attention to Demon Venerable's movements, she is anxious to inquire about the Master's specific situation, and she has to study why her cultivation method works automatically.

That is a potential threat to her, but if it can be used well, it is also a killing move that can explode ten times its strength!

“Senior Sister!”

When Bai Lian came out of the forbidden cave of Holy Mountain, outside the purple ivy, Yu leaned on the stone fence and looked around aimlessly. Ying turned around immediately with a look of joy on his face.

“Senior Sister Bai.”

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