Eldest Senior Sister Has Abandoned Treatment Chapter 839

The words came out, and he denied his guess.

"No, Yuhuang is the body of Extreme Yang. Even if you are reincarnated, it is impossible to turn into a woman. You are impossible to be Yuhuang."

What is Yuhuang who is not Yuhuang, so annoying Well, I just want you to die now!

Bai Lian loudly shouted interrupted Demon Sovereign's words: "òSocks and phoenix cuddle up with the phoenix and huddled together, the words are broken

Demon Sovereign seems to have not heard Bai Lian's words, he stands by himself. He said at the gate: "It is rumored that you are good at using swords, but today you came to find me with a gun, it seems that this is your trump card. If I remember correctly, Qin Yun was the only one who shot Daoist in the airspace battle. "

It raised its head as he spoke.

It stared at Bai Lian silently, its invisible sight turned into a tangible arrow, which shot one arrow after another. On Bai Lian's heart.

The enormous pressure almost bent Bai Lian's back, but fortunately, the Heavenly Venerable gun supported her, so she didn't show her timidity.

Demon Sovereign laughed heartily: "It's no wonder that you will take the future monument into your hands in advance, it turns out that there is a plot against it. It's a pity that you people will never learn a lesson and will always be controlled by useless feelings. Today, I will use the power of the afterlife monument to break free from the chains and return to the land of immortal! ”

The battle book arrives, the cold wind dances, and the surging Power of Darkness blasts out from the door!

Bai Lian waved the long spear in his hand to make the first round of the Demon Sovereign The attack was all broken up, but what puzzled her was that the Demon Sovereign stopped again.

"Qin Mimiao, do you know why no one has ever been able to kill me for so many years? "

Bai Lian didn't speak, just a spear thrust to the Demon Sovereign.

The Demon Sovereign's body would immediately pull out a big hole, but it neither screamed nor annoyed , still laughing wildly.

"It is thanks to you that you have joined forces to seal me in the realm of blankness. If not, how can I become one with the dust-free in the realm of blankness? Get Immortal Body? "

Immortal Body?

Bai Lian couldn't help but think of Tong Yao. Tong Yao's past life was a famous undead in the history of Northern Lu Prefecture.

But Junior Sister Tong did not die because she strayed into the grave of the Lord of Samsara and accidentally fell into the gap between the Yin and Yang Great Dao. Both Divine Soul and fleshy body were temporarily freed from the bondage of Samsara Dao.

Demon The Sovereign is clearly different.

After laughing, the hole in the Demon Sovereign heals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Here, although I can’t use my full strength, No matter how many times you kill me, I can return in a swirl of dust! ”

There is absolute confidence in its voice.

Bai Lian’s heart sank, which explains why the Dao of Destruction that Demon Venerable took away failed to be right The Demon Sovereign dealt damage.

The Demon Sovereign turned around and turned his back to Bai Lian.

The huge shadow hung over Bai Lian's head.

"You think you can kill me, then go through this door and enter the realm of blankness. There is no point in procrastinating. Today's land of immortal is controlled by the Great Dao. You can never break through to Earth Immortal Realm. If you don't enter Earth Immortal, it's not easy for you to protect yourself, let alone those you care about. "


Bai Lian gritted her teeth, she watched Demon Sovereign walk into the depths of the door, and there was only one sentence left in her ear.

<"I'll wait for you over there. "

Bai Lian stared blankly at the black gate in the sky.

It is said that Foreign Heavenly Demon cunning is good at manipulating people's minds, and she has seen it today.

What else can she choose?

[Task 1: Enter the blank domain (Completion Reward: An Lingmei)]

[Task 2: Turn around and leave (Completion Reward: Movement Skill +17)]

An Lingmei is a treasure that is far more valuable than Supreme Grade Spirit Artifact. Although it is not as good as low grade Immortal Artifact, it is not much worse.

From From a safety perspective, Bai Lian should choose Task 2 without the slightest hesitation, which is dangerous but not fatal.

However, how does her own safety compare to that of the Master and Junior Sister?

Demon Sovereign is right, people like them will never learn a lesson and will always be bound by emotions.

"I'm here because I want to protect the Master, To protect Junior Sister, I want to protect the people I care about, not to protect myself! ”

After choosing Task 1, Bai Lian no longer hesitated, she took the Heavenly Venerable gun and stepped into the gate.

At this moment, shrouded in Beiluzhou The night in the north disappeared completely, and Yu Ying and Qing Luan, who were hiding in the dark, appeared.

"Senior Sister entered that door. "

"What shall we do then?" "

"We can't trouble the Senior Sister." "


"Yeah, how could we do nothing." "

Yu Ying pressed her chest, and she said, "I signed a contract with Senior Sister, and I can feel the Divine Soul fluctuations of Senior Sister." Now we are here to guard, not to cause any trouble to Senior Sister, if Senior Sister is in danger, we will go in again. "

Qing Luan> nod


Now she doesn't care whether Yu Ying signed a contract with Bai Lian or not.

Senior Sister Bai should do At such a critical moment, what else is there to care about?

If Senior Sister Bai is really in danger, she can only give up her own source, the flame of Qing Luan.

Chapter 26 Blank Dao 5.5k

Reincarnation is one of the most amazing Great Dao in this world.

It is the supreme way that transcends materiality and includes many Great Dao laws such as time and space, new birth and destruction.

Although the name of Lord of Samsara has the word reincarnation, he also He often says that he is above Samsara in bluffing remarks, but in fact the Dao he masters is the Dao of Yin and Yang.

The Dao of Yin and Yang is also the root of the Great Dao, but it is only the Dao of Yin and Yang. It can break through the changes of yin and yang, and in fact never even enter the door of reincarnation.

What is the essence of reincarnation?

No one knows.

Everyone knows The hell exists, but no one knows why the hell exists.

If you can't figure this out, you can't understand Samsara Dao, let alone create the Great World, become the true creator, and fly to eternity. The other shore.

The Three Lives Monument is rumored to be the sacred relic from Samsara Dao!

The Demon Sovereign chases the Three Lives Monument, not just because the Three Lives Monument can help it get rid of the blank It is also because it believes that the secret of eternal life is hidden in the monument of three lives.

The past life, this life, and the next life, combined together, is not a complete reincarnation?

As long as it can break the secret, even if it is old and weak, it can instantly regain its youth and gain the infinite power of splitting heaven and earth apart!

Even if it can't comprehend Samsara Dao, with the help of Sansheng With the power of the monument, it can also explore the realm of blankness and find the blank rule that has disappeared for countless years.

Fusing the blank rule, you can become a fairy on the other side.

All immortals on the other shore have the same life as Heaven and Earth, and the life essence of a great cycle of 99 kalpas has just been exhausted.

Ninety-nine epochs are One thousand two hundred and eighty-three thousand four hundred years!

Take a step back, even if the blank path has been taken away, it will only be able to live an extra epoch or two just by relying on the power of the Sansheng Monument to get out of trouble.

The higher you stand, the greater the fear of death for the Demon Sovereign.

It wants to live on.

It's had enough of being in the void!

Dozens of epochs ago, in the battle for the airspace that broke out for the White Way, the Foreign Heavenly Demon clan it was in once gained the upper hand.

In the most optimistic time, the real emperor of heavenly demons has already taken the blank path into his hands.

But at this moment, the Human Race's Great Emperor and Heavenly Venerable, who were normally making a fuss, put aside their former hatred and united briefly.

Blank roads are lost.

In the years to come, the Foreign Heavenly Demons no longer have the upper hand.

What's more puzzling is that Human Race has a group of lunatics who want to destroy the blank track.

Not only did they think that way, they've been firmly moving in that direction.

After several collisions, the men suffered heavy casualties, but the Foreign Heavenly Demon's side wasn't much better either.

Under the strife of the Great Dao, the past and future of the emperor of heavenly demons were beheaded. Even though he struggled hard and came up with the art of Golden Cicada's shelling, he was still sunk into the bottomless hell. forever unable to reincarnate.

Good luck to Demon Sovereign.

Because it is not the main target of the attack, after the death of the real emperor of heavenly demons, those people are unable to kill it completely, and can only seal it in the blank domain with the Method of Sealing. is one of them.

This would have been a good idea too.

The Heavenly Venerable has a long life, but also has an end, and with the whole being sealed, it will die much faster than a normal Heavenly Venerable.

But there was an accident in this process. It absorbed the Divine Object named Wuchen in the Domain of Empty, and gained the ability to "live and die together" with the Domain of Empty. Relying on this ability, it to survive to this day.

It is a pity that the Infinite Calamity has finally arrived.

A new rule of blankness will be born in this catastrophe. With a new rule of blankness, there will naturally be a new field of blankness, and both it and this field of blankness will become abandoned. Son, Immortal Body will certainly become a joke.

Time is not for me!

The Demon Sovereign has to get out as quickly as possible, even at the expense of every other Foreign Heavenly Demon.

If it dies, those Foreign Heavenly Demons will be arrogant for a while, and they will be swept away sooner or later.

If it lives, these Foreign Heavenly Demons may die, but the people of the Foreign Heavenly Demons will live on forever.

"This is the best chance. As long as I can get the Future Mirror here and the shard of the Three-Life Monument that Qin Yingyao got from the Blue Dragon Court, it won't be long before I can leave here and walk again. The road to heavenly demons!"

After muttering, the huge head of Demon Sovereign gradually lifted up.

It felt a faintly discernable jolt that Bai Lian caused when he entered the void through the door.


It's finally here!

Qin Mimiao, if you want to live, this is the only way you can go!

The corners of Demon Sovereign's mouth twitched in a seemingly non-existent arc, with star-like motes floating on its huge black claws, and a conspicuous scar apart from this.

A while ago near the Oceanic Continent it fought an unknown man and gave up most of its life to get away, otherwise it wouldn't have dragged on to Bai Lian until now.

In fact, its injury is not completely healed, otherwise it will be able to solve Bai Lian in the blank Foreign Domain.

But that's okay.

Entering the Void Realm doesn't weaken Bai Lian's strength, but it allows him to fully utilize his strength, and that's enough.

The Demon Sovereign is confident that it is now invincible in this empty space without a master!

Prosperity and decline never last.

"Even if the Human Race's Great Emperor and Heavenly Venerable who once sealed me survive to this day and attack me at the same time, they are impossible to be my opponent again!"

This is the law, This is the truth, this is the Tao of the realm of emptiness!

Only those who sing praises to its real name can seek a chance in the blank realm!

Let's make this cataclysm harder, it's time for another big shuffle for All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

The rays of light in the hands of the Demon Sovereign shine brighter.

It stared at the mist in front of him, from which Bai Lian was about to come out.

But before Bai Lian appeared, the sudden change made his body stiff.


The whole empty space is shaking!

"What's going on?"

Demon Sovereign felt a tinge of unease in his heart for no reason. Nothing like this has ever happened in the domain.

What makes it even more disturbing is that it can't find the source of the tremor. The range detected by its spiritual consciousness is the same as before. If there is any difference, there is one more person here today!

But that doesn't mean that the flutter is caused by Bai Lian.

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