At about 10:45 there was a fire alarm. It was in the middle of break which wasn't good. However, it was only because of someone burning toast. I had dance after break which also wasn't good. In dance we were learning about freezing. Basically we have to stay in one position for 3 to 5 seconds. I found it so boring, who wouldn't? In the end I just sat down and ignored everything that she said about dancing. After a while she gave up and moved on to the next group. Then a person from the office came in. "Is Electra Storm in here?" he asked.

"I'm here. What do you want?"

"There's a phone call from your brothers school for you."

"Ok, I'll be right down." I replied. It must be bad if they needed me. Mum and dad properly wouldn't pick up. I went to the office and spoke to the head teacher. "Why aren't your parents picking up? You can answer that when you pick him up now. There's been a fire. All the children are being sent home. It was only a small fire but they won't be allowed back for two weeks." That was a surprise for me. I got the rest of the day off and went to get Blades. When I saw him, he had a plaster on his arm. I tried to get out without teachers talking to me. When they did they were saying Blades was a hero. We got home at about half eleven. "So, why is my brother a hero with injuries?" I asked him. He got a letter out and gave it to me.

Dear parent or care,

There has been a fire and the children won't be allowed back for two weeks. It was a small fire in one of the classrooms. Everyone is safe but have a few injuries. Work will be coming and all will be expected to be done.

Mrs Western.

"The fire started in the class behind me. I was the one who raised the alarm."

"Who else was in the room? Surely they could smell burning? Are you ok though? Mum and dad have a lot to answer for. What time was the fire?"

"10:45. I was scared and I needed you're help." replied Blades.

"That's when my school's fire alarm went off." We had Chinese for lunch and mum and dad came home after we finished. "How did you get in?" my mum asked straight away.

"I went to the key cutting place in town and got my own. Why didn't you answer the schools phone call?" I answered.

"We were busy doing work at the lab."

"Again with the too busy thing, we are your children you know. You do know that we need parents don't you?" I asked. "I will be staying home for the next 2 weeks with Blades due to a fire at his school. You need to answer a lot of questions to his head teacher." I finished. "I don't care what the school has to say. We raise our children how we want!" My mum answered. We didn't speak to each other for the rest of the day. I spoke to the school and they said I could have a week off because I could afford it. My work was at a year 10 standard (except dance) so they just set me a load of work on the internet. I had to make arrangements for the week after. If I faked an illness they would know that I was faking. I decide I would just go with the flow.

Over the weekend all the work came through. I had a non-stop email network on my laptop. The postman came with practice tests on Saturday for Blades and my parents just looked disgusted at me. It was Wednesday when my dad and mum talked to me and Blades. "We've had a talk with your school Electra. We don't like that they gave you a week off, so you have to go in tomorrow." My mum said. She knew why I had a week off. "What about Blades? He can't stay at home by himself." I replied.

"He's going to go to school with you. No arguments, it has been arranged. He's going to be in all of your classes."

"Why are you doing this? Do you know what tomorrow is?" I asked.

"Tomorrow is Thursday." I didn't even reply. I went upstairs and got the spear phone out of my desk. I have a draw with a spear phone, money and an overnight bag. If it was getting too much at home for me or Blades we go around my friend's house. I gave Blades the spear phone and went to Bethan's house. It was about 4 so they didn't suspect anything. "Can I stay the night?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, but why? Are your parents at home looking after Blades?" She asked.

"My parents don't know when my birthday is, or that the school have been watching me at school, because my brother's school rang them. They can't even be bothered to look after Blades, so I have to take time off of school." I said. I felt like crying. Saying what my parents had put me through in the last week was enough to last a year. I rang up Blades at 7 to check he was alright and to see what mum and dad where up to. "They said they can't be bothered with your moods anymore. Now they are playing who can be the best scientists when they are cooking." When they are home and cook dinner, they always try to memorise the ingredients and say how many particles there are. We get really bored and just slip away. We spent at least an hour talking on the phone before we went to bed.

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