The investment in "Deep Palace" is said to be more than 200 million yuan. The clothes are very exquisite, but in Hengdian, which is more than 30 degrees, even if the costumes are light and breathable, they must wear three layers. She blushed every day, and she had to apply a calming mask every night when she came back to prevent allergies. It wasn't until the second half of the second episode that her role gradually increased.

In fact, the prince had a good temper, and he had been sick since he was a child, which made him feel weak in temper, which is why he was not liked by the emperor and empress.

The emperor saw himself in him when he was young, mediocre, ignored by the first emperor, and ridiculed by his brothers.

The queen complained that he didn't grow up, and that he couldn't please the emperor. The emperor himself favored Concubine Zheng, and even more favored his youngest son, the second prince born by Concubine Zheng.

At this time, his sister Chong'an also hated him, and blamed him for protecting himself and not standing up to speak for himself.

In the end, Concubine Zheng Zheng won. Chongping married Wu Dinghou’s second son. The emperor wanted to marry Chong’an, but he was not so resolute. Instead, he was tired of her because of Chong’an’s “not knowing how to promote”. ——Princess Chong'an was seriously ill and was resting for three months without leaving the palace gate.

Even the queen was reprimanded face-to-face.

The emperor gave a lot of rewards to Concubine Zheng and Chongping, and even summoned the second prince to dine with him for a few days. The father was kind and filial and happy.

The emperor didn't even bother to pass a message to him, as if he was not important at all.

The **** who held the lamp brightened up the palace's tone. The prince sat drinking and sullen wine and waved his hand, causing all the people who were waiting in the palace to retreat.

He sat down staggeringly, "Go, you all go!" He raised his head to drink, coughing repeatedly because of drinking too quickly, and grabbing his chest.

Liang Ji walked out slowly, knelt down beside him, gently succumbing to the air.

"A-Jin, why? Why do they want to force me?" The prince grabbed his arm, he was half drunk, "A-Jin, why on earth is this?"

"You are tired, I will send you to the princess."

"I listen to my mother and queen in everything. I study hard and try to please my father and the emperor. She even picked the prince and concubine for me, but she is still not satisfied with me!"

Liang Jing listened quietly and supported him without moving.

The prince murmured while crying, "A Ji, I'm so scared, so lonely..."

"Slave go and invite the princess."

"No, don't go, I don't want to see her, I don't like her, Ah Ji..." The prince turned his eyes to stare at him, "A Ji, how many years have you been with me?"

"Ten years. The slave entered the palace in the eleventh year of Chongyuan, when the slave was ten years old." Liang Ji was always on his knees, with long eyelashes hanging down. In the light, a little shadow fell on his flawless On the face.

This is a heavy scene. It is the prince's heartfelt appeal to Liang Ji, and it is also an important opportunity for Liang Ji to separate the prince and the queen.

This is also a night scene, where only candlelight is used as the background, creating a dark and ambiguous atmosphere. Under this atmosphere, it is easy for people to take off guard.

In the close-up shot, Xiaoyuan's face has a texture like an oil painting, beautifully beautiful, and the slender and white neck is hidden under the collar, and there is a special sense of abstinence.

Xu Muyi looked at the monitor, once again proud of his own eyes. He glanced around and found that there were too many people watching the scene. He Chenying in palace clothes, Zou Yirui and Guo Zhilu with half of their makeup removed, and Gang Gang. Lu Jingnian who finished filming.

To Xu Mu's surprise, Zhu Ehua was sitting on a recliner not far away. An assistant held her a small fan to blow, and another assistant slapped her to drive mosquitoes. There were also some small supporting actors next to him, and there was also a queen mother's demeanor. .

He grinned and turned to look at the monitor.

"A-Jin," the prince continued to mutter, "no one takes me to heart, no one thinks of me, I am the only one left."

He stagnated for a while, and he couldn't imagine the consequences if his father abolished him.

"His Royal Highness is not alone, and His Highness still has slaves." Liang Ji's eyelashes slowly lifted, and his eyes waved like water under the light, and he still wanted to talk.

The prince looked at him, his eyes gradually deepened, "Really? But back then, the queen sent you to my side."

"A Ji, are you a queen mother?"

When Liang Ji heard the words, he immediately knelt on the ground, his forehead heavily knocked on the ground, "The slave is next to the prince when he enters the palace. For ten years, there is only one master in the slave's heart, you."

The prince hurriedly held his arm and said, "A Ji, I am not suspicious of you, I, I am just so lonely, I want someone by my side..." His eyes were red, "I want to go to that position...but I am afraid……"

Liang Ji raised his face, his white forehead was red, and a little tear flickered in his eyes, "The slave is the person by your side, and the slave is willing to accompany your majesty..." His ending sounded softly and faintly, more like between two people. Whisper privately, "I will accompany you to that position."

"Kaka!" Xu Muyi yelled a few times with satisfaction, and trot to the middle of the actors.

Next is the ambiguous and affectionate scene between the prince and Liang Ji.

It can be written clearly in the book, but not in the film, and the audience must be able to understand it, and the shooting must be beautiful and subtle.

"Wait a minute, you just get closer behind the screen, hey, Zhou Yu has nothing to do with you, Xiaoyuan, it's up to you."

Zhou Yu was also a little embarrassed, "That... do we need physical movements?"

"?" Xiaoyuan was slightly surprised.

Xu Muyi raised his head and touched his chin to think, "It's better to have a little bit."

Zhou Yu blushed inexplicably, and quickly glanced at Xiaoyuan. Xiaoyuan hasn’t said anything yet, Xu Muyi is already laughing, "Brother Zhou, what do you think, it’s definitely not our sister Yuan who acted with you, hey, let me find that. Who, you can simulate it behind the screen, anyway, it will only take a second when the time comes..."

Chen Yunxiu coughed aside, "It's also possible that they have all been cut."

Zhou Yu blushed even more, "I thought so too, really..."

"Haha, good, I'll talk to Xiaoyuan again, you are more important here in Xiaoyuan."

He pulled her to the side and talked about the play, "Here you have to show that you and the prince "really happened", a desire after the event. You can't be as indifferent as usual, but deep in your heart, you are disgusted and helpless. ..."

Liang Ji, in the final analysis, has no self in the play. He is just a **** with a humble status. The weapons he possesses are his appearance and flesh.

Different from other people, he is a man, and he is also incomplete, and there will be a kind of tearing anguish.

Xiaoyuan listened thoughtfully.

Xu Muyi scratched his head, and the director often had a vague feeling in his mind, but the actual practice depends on the actors. He couldn't tell, but he knew it when he saw it.

He was also not sure whether Xiaoyuan could perform the feeling he wanted, so he had to sink into his ups and downs, "Come, come, go first."

The lighting and photography are all in place. Before Xu Muyi called for the shooting, he glanced back with feeling, good fellow, it was almost nine o'clock. Not only was the number of onlookers not less, but more and more.

Empress Dowager Zhu Ehua was still sitting leisurely, waiting to watch with interest.

Even Teacher Zeng Li came with the bird cage.

He looked back and observed Xiang Xiaoyuan, and saw that she was standing outside the camera, her waist straight, her shoulders slender, and her skin was crystal clear with black colors.

He looks calm, selfless, and unaffected by the outside world.

The skill to enter the play in this second is too strong!

Xu Muyi shouted with satisfaction, "Action."

The palace lanterns were dim, the candles flickered, and the bedside screens inside the hall, after the faint noise of the clothes, the quilt was turned over, printing out the overlapping figures.

Zhou Yu's voice came, "A Ji, I will only believe in you from now on."

After shooting back and forth here several times, Zhou Yu left the scene, leaving behind a small garden.

During Xiaoyuan’s training, the line teacher specially taught her to place her vocalization a little bit behind, and to match her intonation, so as not to be too female. It’s a test of your ability to use your own original voice to speak lines in reverse, so Xiaoyuan lowered her voice.

"Your Majesty, the body of the slave is too... for fear of staining your eyes, please forgive the slave..." Her voice trembled, as if overflowing from the depths of her throat, as if she wanted to control but couldn't control it, "No Take off..."

There is actually a picture of toes curled up.

Although there were many people on the scene, the audience was silent at this time. Xiaoyuan’s voice was not loud, but it was clearly conveyed into the air. For a while, it seemed that countless pieces of flocculation fell from the sky and got into the noses of the people present. In the mouth, people's throat is itchy.

Zou Yirui grabbed Guo Zhilu abruptly and almost didn't hold her breath. Guo Zhilu was a little dumbfounded and opened her mouth.

Zhou Yu watched it close, feeling the most real, and all his face flushed, because it was Xiang Xiaoyuan's one-man show at this time, and the camera no longer needed him. He only needs to add his own lines in the later stage.

He remembered that the line here was the prince's muttering, "A Ji, A Ji..."

Xiaoyuan had already picked up the lines in his mind, "Hall, Your Highness..." She repeated two calls, and then shouted in a very low voice, like uncomfortable and enjoyable, entangled.

There were a lot of gasping noises at the scene.

He Chenying's eyes flickered, and she sighed and smiled slightly.

Sitting in the recliner, Zhu Ehua raised her eyebrows slightly, and pointed her lips meaningfully.

Xu Muyi covered his mouth, his eyes were shining, as if he had dug a treasure. He gestured behind him several times to signal the scene to be quiet and stop making noise, because the play was not over yet.

After a while, Xiaoyuan slowly walked out from under the palace, she walked very slowly. The lamp under the eaves illuminates her calm face, and her eyes are darker.

Xu Muyi gestured for the rocker camera to follow her, close-up her facial expressions.

She raised her hand to close her collar, and a few thin strands of hair danced quietly in her ears. She walked down step by step, and the black hem was fluttering in a small arc.

Her eyes were dumb, she stood up suddenly, silently.

Xu Muyi didn't know how she was going to deal with Liang Ji's emotions here. Several cameras locked her, and he waited quietly.

Suddenly, her eyes moved, as if attracted by something, she raised her head slightly, following the direction of the wind.

Another monitor captured the direction that Xiaoyuan was looking at. It was a branch of a tree inside the palace wall. It grew tall and appeared outside the wall, with leaves rustling above the head.

Xiaoyuan's eyes were watching quietly, motionless, half of her face was hidden in the darkness, there were little ripples in her eyes, and tears were shining in her eyes.

"The palace is deep and deep, Xiaomeng is cold, and the curtains are countless. I am alone and sleepy here, and I can't see the way back home."


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