A few days later, Xiaoyuan went out to conduct interviews and take photos. This time I received an invitation from MarieClaire, one of the top five domestic magazines. This is definitely an affirmation for Xiaoyuan. She is not a traffic star. She was born, but she was favored purely by her work as a pure actor, which is rare in Xiaohuadan, and it is a milestone in her career.

Ruan Qing took it very seriously and came directly with her.

She herself appeared, and the deputy editor of the magazine came over to greet her, and the two smiled and exchanged greetings.

Ruan Qing looked at Xiaoyuan who was putting on makeup, and said with a smile: "It's the first time that my baby has received such a large magazine invitation.

The deputy editor laughed, "What's not to worry about?" She beckoned and asked her subordinates to use the question draft, "Look, the questions are all normal."

Ruan Qing took a quick glance and said with a smile, "I'm just kidding. I can't worry about you having you check it out!"

"Tsk, you girl is very proud! Didn't you just talk to her about L'Oreal's spokesperson!"

So it was the brand father who gave Xiaoyuan a big push. Ruan Qing understood clearly and blinked at her, "October?"

The five major magazines have always said that the September cover must be the most important supermodel, celebrity, or actor with high commercial value in the entertainment industry. October is second, and it is also very important.

For the time being, Xiaoyuan doesn't have such a great face, so Ruan Qing is only trying to be true or false.

The deputy editor smiled and blinked at her, "November."

Not bad, Ruan Qing is satisfied, at least he has unlocked the door of first-line magazines.

After having been busy for most of the day, it was dark when I left to get in the car, and the group went to dinner again. After eating, Xiaoyuan began to yawn.

"By the way, the day after tomorrow, there is another magazine, you want to be interviewed with Chenying." Ruan Qing read the memo on the phone.

Xiaoyuan never remembers this, but he asked curiously, "What magazine?"

""FIGARO" (FIGARO)." Ruan Qing smiled. Domestic fashion magazines are also graded. "Five Big Two and Two Small" are first-line magazines, and "Le Figaro" is one of the second small.

"You didn't seem to have told me before?"

"Yes, this is your senior sister who brought you with you, don't you let it go!"

"Ah? Isn't that too embarrassing," Xiaoyuan scratched his face, "I don't want to interview me either?"

"You are stupid, if you don't want to interview you at all, you can decline it, but other people's magazines gladly accepted it!"

"But I think, is it too troublesome for Sister Chenying?"

"She was originally your senior sister, she should take care of you more. What's the matter..." Ruan Qing suddenly paused, thinking to himself, Xiaoyuan said that, is that the one who minds?

She tried to ask, "Baby, do you really want to shoot?"

Xiaoyuan hesitated for a moment, "No, if I pushed it, I would betray sister Chenying's kindness."

Ruan Qing nodded in satisfaction, "That's right!"

That one can't be so stingy, right? Besides, He Chenying is too straight to be straight anymore!

Two days after the appointment, He Chenying and Xiang Xiaoyuan took three group photos. One of them will be selected as the cover, and the rest of the single photos will be placed on the inside page.

The editor asked the two of them to sit together and chat easily.

Because it is not a movie and TV series column magazine, after asking a few questions, I turned to a more relaxed approach, and the public preferred to listen to it.

"The two are now senior sisters and sisters? The relationship must be very good, right?"

"We got along quite well," He Chenying said with a smile, taking a look at Xiaoyuan, "right?"

"Sister Chenying has always been my idol!" Xiaoyuan nodded, "Senior Sister also took care of me when we were filming together."

"The two have cooperated twice, and they are really fate!"

"When filming "Long Night", my son also played a guest role in it, so we have been in three crews together." He Chenying added with a smile.

The editor naturally asked Xiaoyuan a few questions about "Long Night".

The atmosphere was very harmonious. He also talked about some interesting things about He Chenying's son Ranran, and laughed from time to time.

The editor smiled and asked them their impressions of each other and what kind of people they thought each other was.

"Xiaoyuan is very simple, delicate, sensitive, and very talented." He Chenying said first, and while talking while looking at her tenderly, Xiaoyuan was a little embarrassed to look at her.

The editor laughed aside, "Okay, it's Xiaoyuan's turn to say it."

"Sister Chenying is a very good actor, a very good mother," Xiaoyuan pursed his lips and smiled, "very gentle woman."

"Oh, I am embarrassed to praise me so much!" He Chenying laughed, but she didn't have any embarrassed expression at all.

"Xiaoyuan is right. You have highlighted your characteristics. It is really sensitive and delicate! Hey, Xiaoyuan, what about you, I'm very curious about your family environment?"

Xiaoyuan smiled, his expression changed slightly.

Both the editor and He Chenying noticed it.

Soon, Xiaoyuan smiled again, "I grew up with my brother, and my only relatives are my brother."

In fact, this sentence also revealed a lot of news.

The editor was also sophisticated, and he slipped away the subtle embarrassment just now by telling some interesting things without revealing a trace. He Chenying cooperated with the editor, glancing from the corner of her eye to Xiaoyuan's tight thumb beside her. And index finger.

Soon, the atmosphere became relaxed and happy again.

"Xiaoyuan, the subject matter of your recent film and television works is quite heavy, not a light-hearted subject..." the editor asked again.

"The main reason is that I didn't receive such a script..." Xiaoyuan scratched his head.

"I didn't receive it either." He Chenying shook her head and sighed. "An actress of my age probably finds it difficult to receive a love script."

Several people laughed while sighing.

"So what does your ideal type look like in reality, and what kind of men do you like?"

Xiaoyuan paused, and He Chenying sighed slightly, then turned to Xiaoyuan and said, "This is also a question that is often asked as an artist, and I was often asked when I was young."

The editor couldn't help laughing, "I'm very young now, so let's talk about your standards first."

He Chenying thought about it seriously, "I really don't have a specific standard yet. I just look at my feelings. If I really meet and like it, I will tell me how I feel."

The editor pursed his lips and smiled, half teasing and half talking: "I also don't think you have specific standards, because the image and personality of your first two terms are so different."

He Chenying didn't mind her complaining, the two of them still laughed. Xiaoyuan couldn't laugh at senior directly, and her lips were pursed with her eyes down.

The editor turned his head and said to the photographer: "At that time, help me type in the photos of Director Chen Yunxiu and Teacher Huo Bijun. After comparing them, the audience will understand what I mean!"

The studio laughed out loud.

When Xiaoyuan was asked, she thought for a while, and slowly said, "I like people who are older than me." She slowly summarized the characteristics of Wei Zhuang in her heart, but she couldn't make it too obvious. "Can give me some sense of security, mainly spiritual security, but also can give me a lot of inspiration, inspiration in life and career..."

Her eyebrows became gentle unconsciously, "Also, look good!"

After speaking, I realized that He Chenying and the editor were both staring, and the editor laughed a little gossip, "This seems to be specific to a certain person, right?"

Xiaoyuan was shocked and waved her hands busy, "No, no, no."

He Chenying also glanced at Xiaoyuan meaningfully.


This is the heavyweight September cover and will be released in August.

Xiaoyuan didn't even think it would be the September seal, and was shocked in the car when he returned, "Oh my God!"

Ruan Qing shook his head in admiration, "Your senior sister is really too strong, you can't justify it if you don't invite her to dinner!"

Xiaoyuan nodded vigorously.

Ruan Qing originally thought that tomorrow night would be the Magnolia Award Ceremony, and He Chenying was also one of the award-giving guests. It would be perfect to have a dinner together at that time.

But after thinking about it, maybe Xiaoyuan has any personal arrangements. She had better not arrange them for her.

"Are you going home?"

"Well, back."

Tomorrow is going to attend the awards ceremony. In the morning, she will start preparing. She will not go to Weizhuang, and will go directly to her place of residence.

"Go back to bed early tonight, and I will accompany you tomorrow."

"Yeah." Xiaoyuan responded, lowered the window, and took a deep breath, smelling the fragrant magnolia on both sides of the street.

When I really summarize the characteristics of the person I like, I discover the details that I have never noticed before.

Because there is a person I like in my heart and I have attachment to that person, I feel that seeing life and all the world has a new perspective and sense of touch, just like at this time, she looks at the night and the moonlight falls on the magnolia The shadow on the tree, smelling the fragrance of the flowers, there will be reveries that belong to that person in his heart.

The warmth and sweetness in my heart can't stop at all, it will come out of my heart and turn into a smile on my lips.

When she got home, she called Wei Zhuang and chatted a few words.

Xiaoyuan asked her: "Will you go to Magnolia tomorrow?"

Wei Zhuang has never participated in this. The other board of directors of Luanhua will go, and there will be other official arrangements early this year. "Tomorrow I have other arrangements..."

Xiaoyuan pursed her lower lip. If she had won the prize, she would still like to see Wei Zhuang's face when she came to accept the prize. When she was a little disappointed, she heard the woman say: "When you are over, I will pick you up?" "

Xiaoyuan was happy again, "Okay!"

She lay down on the sofa and talked to her about today's interview, talking about He Chenying taking care of her, and saying that she was asked what her ideal type was like.

Xiaoyuan paused here deliberately.

But Wei Zhuang obviously didn't eat her set. In the end, Xiao Yuan was impatient, "Well, you'll know when the interview comes out."

Wei Zhuang hummed softly.

"By the way, I found something when I was answering a question today," Xiaoyuan enthusiastically told her something she didn't say in the interview. "When I learned that I was going to play Liang Ji, I still had to pay. I had a lot of thoughts to rehearse at home."

The main reason is that Liang Jing has his eyes down for most of the time, and his emotions are not exposed, but he can't really become facial paralysis. He must reflect his inner emotions in subtleties.

Xiaoyuan was always uncertain at first, but later thought, it was very similar to the feeling of Wei Zhuang in the initial impression.

"You gave me the inspiration." Xiaoyuan said with a smile, "Thank you."

She waited for Wei Zhuang's response, but she didn't speak for a long time, and when Xiao Yuan grew up, she felt a little disturbed.

The voice in the ear sounded, and the wind was calm, "Oh. Is that true?"


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