After Gao Tezhu sent her little idol to the car, he sent a message to the driver, Uncle Wang, asking him to pay more attention to Xiaoyuan.

She looked at the back of the car and sighed again. She got a headache.

It sucks.

It's terrible.

She went back to her home, kicked off her high heels, threw away her bag, and collapsed on the sofa. After two seconds, she sat up again. Counting the time, it should be almost up.

She waited, called Uncle Wang, frowned and sighed, "Okay, I'm um, ah, crying into tears, right?"

After she took up the line, she felt even worse.

Uncle Wang made an exception for such a dull gourd and said a few more words, "...She turned off the light in the back seat of the car, and there was no sound at all, I was worried..."

"When she got out of the car, she fell a lot, and I realized that she might have been crying in the car..."

"Tell me thank you, thank you for taking care of me during this time."

"Miss Xiang, really a nice girl."

It's really good. As an actor, she is a young star on the rise in the entertainment industry. Many directors and peers in the industry praise her for her strength, reputation, and humility. The audience also liked her, thinking that she was very professional, beautiful and talented, and there was no negative news. She and Uncle Wang were more able to see her true and lovely side in private than others, and they didn't want her to be hurt more than anyone else.

But now that she was injured, it was the two of them, but the instigator, their boss, did not come forward.

Being a human employee, taking people's wages, you have to solve problems for others, but it feels too bad. For a moment, she felt that they were sinful.

Gao Tezhu fell back on the sofa again, feeling that he was going to cry too.

She remembered the only time she was broken in love. The man didn't dare to tell her to break up in person. He dragged his friend, who was still a female friend. The young Alex felt that she was severely humiliated. She was sad for a long time and overeated. After eating up to 140 pounds, I didn't even have the strength to take the French test.

Fortunately, she became sober later. Since then, she has decided that she can no longer indulge in this so-called love. Career and money are her lifelong pursuits. With these, I don’t need to worry about no one likes it, and she can choose what she likes. people.

She did it, and all these years have been very happy.

But tonight, she seemed to relive the feeling of being humiliated.

She couldn't even remember the man's face and his name, but the feeling still existed.

Gao Tezhu became really depressed, and immediately took the place, empathizing with him and complaining a little bit about his boss.

She sighed for a while, and when she was about to take a bath, the phone rang, and when she picked it up, she suddenly narrowed her eyes.


She cleared her throat, deliberately waited for three seconds, then picked it up, "Hello, President Wei?"

There was silence in the receiver.

Gao Tezhu also calmed down. In the past, she would report the situation first. This time she did not plan to report first. The boss did not take the initiative to ask. She would not say it. A series of bullets flashed in her heart:

[Boss, you will call to prove that you still can't let go of it! 】

[In that case, why not go back to the little girl’s message! 】

[Now it’s too late to say anything, the damage has been done! 】

The time passed by, and when Gao Tezhu was about to be unable to hold on, the boss's familiar and cold voice finally came from her ears. She couldn't hear the difference from usual. She asked: "She went back?"

Special Assistant Gao: "...Well, Uncle Wang sent her back to Miss."

The boss was silent again.

Gao Tezhu was so flustered that there was only one problem in his mind? She wanted to say something happy all at once, and in this second, with a woman's intuition, she dared to decide that she always wanted to say more about Xiang Xiaoyuan.

Gao Te helped swallow his saliva, just about to speak: "Wei..."

"Thanks, let's rest." Wei Zhuang intercepted her first, and died after saying this.

Gao Tezhu grabbed the phone and listened to the busy tone, "..."

In the next two or three days, Xiaoyuan felt like a walking dead.

As an actor, you must have professionalism. As long as you can get up, you still have to work, and there is no room to breathe. She survived 72 hours by drinking coffee and rushed to several jobs.

Caijuan He Tiantian has already noticed that her is wrong, especially Caijuan. He observes Xiaoyuan’s expression and can guess how much. He doesn’t know when she went out, but he found a large area on her right leg’s knee and thigh. Bruised, looking shocking.

Cai Juan was so shocked that his forehead jumped suddenly, but Xiang Zhishi hadn't returned to Shencheng yet, he was completely innocent and didn't know what to do.

Because Xiaoyuan has never been broken in love.

She had talked about love once in college, but that time, like a family, they were divided, like a sneeze. This time, she felt like she was half-life.

Can't eat, sleep well, rest depends on safe medicine, refreshing depends on strong coffee.

He didn't say a word, and didn't smile at all when I got off the camera.

The face is like ashes.

Fortunately, after three days, he can take a rest for a day or two, otherwise he is worried that the small garden will collapse.

During the two days of rest, Xiaoyuan locked herself in the room and refused to let them in. He said that he wanted to be alone and didn't want to be disturbed. Caijuan thought about it, and decided to call and talk to Gao Special Assistance.

Of course, Gao Special Assistant would not tell him explicitly, but just hinted.

Cai Juan sighed heavily. The thing he and Xiang Zhishi worried about finally happened. He quickly notified Xiang Zhishi, and then told Ruan Qing.

This matter is really big or small, he doesn't dare to call the shots alone.

Xiaoyuan drew the curtains densely to prevent a ray of light from coming in, and left the floor warm.

When she got out of the car that night, she fell. A few days later, her knees were scabs, but the wound in her heart was still bleeding. She wrapped herself tightly and shrank at the end of the bed.

She knew that she should sleep for a while, eat something, exercise and maintain, but she just didn't want to move, she felt a vacuum in her mind, and she was like a fruit that had been eaten out, and it was broken after a single poke. .

Why did it end all at once?

She tried hard to find a source to make up.

She even wanted to apologize to Wei Zhuang, because she had a bad temper and played a small temper. In the eyes of her older than herself, it must be a very troublesome existence, right? Maybe she also thought about communicating with herself.

Xiaoyuan recalled that Wei Zhuang had said this to her-"I know that I am not an easy person to get along with. Many things are strange to me, and it takes time to adapt."

Wei Zhuang may have thought about adapting before, but now she doesn't want to.

Xiaoyuan wanted to work hard for the last time, but when she thought about it, the phrase "the contract is over" came to her mind and stab her again deeply.

She was not sure if she could bear it again.

Thinking of this, she came back to her senses and suddenly felt tears on her face.

In the past few days, as long as she is free, she will fall into the past, and then she will weep unconsciously.

She shut herself in the room, and the extreme turbulent negative emotions swallowed her, and she couldn't move. I don't know how long it took, a noise came from the door.

"Xiaoyuan." It was Xiang Zhishi's voice. The others did not dare to enter, only he dared to enter by pressing his fingerprints.

Xiaoyuan buried her face in her knees and did not respond to him immediately.

Xiang Zhishi coughed several times, her breathing was panting, she lifted her face, wiped it quickly, and looked at him with concern.

Waved to Zhishi, "I have a cold."

Xiaoyuan said with swollen eyes: "Brother, when was your last physical examination?"

Xiang Zhishi paused slightly, "I will go in a few days, don't worry."

Xiaoyuan buried her face in her knees again.

"Do you want to talk to me?" Xiang Zhishi asked Wensheng.

"There is nothing to say, but I was dumped." Xiaoyuan cried dully.

Xiang Zhishi looked at her, silent.

"Brother," Xiaoyuan whispered, "It turned out to be such a sad thing to be broken up."

He lowered his eyelids and gave a soft "um".

Xiaoyuan said with a heavy nasal voice: "I am so unwilling and very angry, I really want to rush to her and ask why!" She covered her head, "Anyway, all kinds of irrational thoughts..."

Xiang Zhishi was silent, because his words remembered a lot of memories.

When he broke up with Yu Qiuse, she did just that, rushing to him, crying, and even beating him.

He allowed her to say that his sister's mental state was too bad and that something happened to her mother. He couldn't fulfill his promise to her, so he chose to break up.

She said: "I will not let you go, I am not reconciled, I want you to have a hard time."

She has been away for many years and got married, but she has always been confused.

Xiang Zhishi had let Yu Qiuse vent before, thinking that she had finished venting, it would be fine. He owed her this. He didn't expect that she wanted to start again with him. He had no energy anymore.

At the Feiyan Award held on Wandao a few days ago, he was taken away by Yu Qiusera. She showed him the divorce certificate, saying that she really wanted to start with him...

"You can't bear her?" Xiang Zhishi came out of the memory, "Want to save it?"

"But I know her character, I guess it can't be saved..." Xiaoyuan sniffed, "She won't answer my phone, won't answer my WeChat, and won't let me be at her house..."

Xiang Zhishi frowned, endured forbearance, and sighed, "Xiaoyuan..."

Xiaoyuan raised her face to look at him, "If it were you, would you find this kind of behavior annoying?"

"That Miss Yu pestered you, would you hate her?"

Xiang Zhishi paused, and then said: "Every relationship is different, it cannot be compared, and it cannot be used as an example for others. I don't hate her, it's just..."

"It's just that you don't like her anymore, brother? It's your brother that you have a sense of responsibility, and Miss Yu..." Xiaoyuan suddenly realized, "It's her obsession, right?"

"I didn't quite understand it before, just like my mother..." Xiaoyuan was a little dazed, her eyes hollow.

Xiang Zhishi coughed, then coughed a few more words, and when he met Xiaoyuan's eyes, he waved his hand, panted and said, "Why are you talking about mom suddenly?"

She rarely mentioned their mother, and most of the problems she raised were about her body. She avoided mentioning the cost of medical expenses and other things. In the past two years, the income of Xiaoyuan increased, she took the initiative to take care of her mother. All overhead.

"I hated her at that time. I thought that man was just an outsider. I am her daughter and we are blood relatives. She should love and protect me, but she has always been on his side, not thinking about me. Even if I hit me and bullied me, she always looks calm, I..."

She was sobbed that she couldn't speak.

"She did something wrong! She didn't protect you!" Xiang Zhishi said solemnly, "I would also like to ask her why, but she was already..." He pressed his forehead, "... After a long time, she also suffered a lot in prison. I also blamed her very much. I wanted to ask her why, but she became unwell after she came out..."

Xiaoyuan bit her lip, wiped her tears, and murmured: "Maybe it was because of her unhappy marriage with her father. She felt betrayed... Then the man's sweet words came in and she couldn't get out. …" Xiaoyuan whispered, "Does she think that if the marriage to that man fails, then she herself will fail even more, and she feels that no one loves her..."

Xiang Zhishi looked at her with complicated eyes. She didn't want to mention her mother and her second husband before, but now she is analyzing.

She matured and learned to look at things from another angle.

But this was obtained through her injury.

"I have the same opinion as you on this point, but... anyway, she has done something wrong, and she is not good to you."

"Brother, mom is not good to you, she divorced and left you behind."

Hearing this, Xiang Zhishi's heart suddenly became sour, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other, everything was silent.

"Escape is not a way. We can't reverse what happened. We can only hope in the future." Xiang Zhishi said, "So I have never forced you to see her."

"Brother..." Xiaoyuan looked at him with tears. He walked over and sat down. Xiaoyuan approached his arms.

"Even if I understand her a little bit, I still can't forgive her," her cheeks were cold and tears slipped down one by one. "Even if I know why she broke up with me, I know it's irreversible, I know I can only accept it. But I'm still very sad and sad."

"...Will be fine." Xiang Zhishi sighed almost inaudibly, "everything will be fine."

Will it be alright?

Xiaoyuan was very suspicious.

When she was a child, she liked her mother very much, but her mother broke her heart, and she hasn't been able to face her until now, and she can't heal.

Wei Zhuang is her favorite person besides her family. To some extent, she is the closest person to herself in the world. She also hurt herself. Xiaoyuan doesn't know how long it will take to get better.

Maybe, I will be stuck in this kind of jail abandoned by the closest people for my whole life, unable to escape...


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