In the following week, Xiaoyuan fell into a lazy state of laziness, sleeping late, eating sweets, chatting and watching movies with her brother. The gym is gone, and I only do yoga at home.

Xu Muyi made an appointment with her several times, but she declined. Fortunately, he didn't come to the door cheeky. She actually appreciates Xu Muyi's talent a bit, but she has no thoughts of falling in love with him.

She believes that Xu Muyi just has a good impression of herself, and he will give up when he understands that there is no possibility, and he is not indispensable to her.

In this world, there is no one who can do it, right?

After returning that day, Xiaoyuan repeatedly played the confrontation in the corridor on the top floor of the Jidao Hotel in her mind, and a trace of shame and guilt always lingered in her heart.

Is he a bit aggressive, a bit aggressive?

Does she demand too much of Wei Zhuang?

In fact, she just doesn't like to talk, but she treats herself very well, at least she is by her side when she needs help the most...

Every time I think about it, Xiaoyuan realizes in pain that she has been thinking about Wei Zhuang, and she actually likes to stay by Wei Zhuang's side.

Frankly speaking, she is indeed her ideal type. She likes her looks, her quiet and introverted character, and her workaholic characteristics. She is also a person who values ​​her work.

She thought so. She hated herself a little. The scar was healed and forgot to hurt. She was a bit resentful at Wei Zhuang. Since she said it was over, she would end it well. Why did she come to provoke herself?

She has to spend a lot of time every day to get Wei Zhuang out of her mind, which makes her even more uncomfortable. What's even more depressing is that none of the scripts she sent from Feiyi has chosen what she particularly likes.

Ruan Qing picked very well for her. Commercial blockbusters and literary blockbusters are all first-class resources. But Xiaoyuan didn't have much enthusiasm.

"Am I swollen? This was placed four or five years ago. I saw these scripts and I had to cry to death. I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep all night." Xiaoyuan even complained about herself with Caijuan.

"Don't we already have one in stock? If you don't want to make a movie, take your time and shoot more advertising endorsements. This is easy and profitable." Cai Juan winked at her.

Xiaoyuan pouted, poured into the sofa, grabbed the pillow and covered his face.

Naimun glanced at her with a smile, "Seriously, you don't want to film, it must be something more important in your heart that has overwhelmed your passion for filming..."

He cleared his throat, pretending to be a brother and instructed her, "Think about it for yourself! You know, ask your heart!"

Xiaoyuan: "..."

Xiaoyuan couldn't think about it, so she could only continue to choose the script Ruan Qing gave her.

Should I close my eyes and choose one? They are all very good. If you choose one, you can work for three or four months in the group, and you don't have to think about anything.

When she was busy filtering the script again, Xu Muyi started calling her again, she frowned, pressed it down, and he sent a text message again.

"I'm so miserable!!! I was terminated!"

Xiaoyuan's eyebrows jumped, and she answered when he called again, "What's the matter? Are you not signed A?"

Xu Muyi sighed over there, "I also know, I still can't figure it out, so I was suddenly asked to sign the contract termination. I haven't filmed a work yet?"


"I'm so mad at me! How ugly is my reputation spread out!! Why am I not worthy of Luan Hua? I am also a genius young director anyway? I am nominated for my maiden work. Fei Tian Feihe Bai Magnolia Okay?"

"You said, will my filming be affected in the future? Will there be no company investing in my work?"

"Uuuuu, can you come out to eat with me? I need your comfort, Sister Yuan!" After speaking, he even started acting like a baby.

Xiaoyuan: "..."

She took a lot of effort to comfort Xu Muyi and refused his invitation again. After receiving the mobile phone, I was not relieved and sent a WeChat message to inform Lu Jingnian and Zou Yirui to comfort him.

She can only do it this way, and if she does more, she is afraid of his misunderstanding, and she is afraid that the woman will think too much.

Does Xu Muyi's cancellation have anything to do with Wei Zhuang?

Until the evening, Xiaoyuan couldn't put the matter down, and his mood was really hard to say.

She has also had the experience of being "replaced" and "blocked". That kind of taste is very uncomfortable, and she also hates this kind of behavior.

What's the matter with this woman?

No wonder he and Wei Jiabao are mother and child!

Can the boss do whatever he wants? It is an unscrupulous capitalist!

The more Xiaoyuan thought about it, the more he felt heartbroken, and she couldn't ignore it. She glanced at the time, and before eight o'clock, she sent a message to Special Assistant Gao, "Alex, are your bosses off work?"

Alex returned soon, "Mr. Wei is a little uncomfortable today, he got off work on time."

Xiaoyuan was taken aback, and quickly said, "What's wrong with her? Is she sick?"

Alex replied, "Mr Wei has had a bad sleep recently, so...cough cough..."

For some reason, Xiaoyuan was coughed a little by Alex. After spinning around the room a few times with her mobile phone, she finally couldn't help it, and went to look for the cabbage rolls.

Cai Juan drove her towards Junyue Court. When he was about to arrive, he reminded her, "Have you sent a message to tell Mr. Wei? We can't even enter the first level without the owner's consent!"

He asked a few things Xiaoyuan was silent, and Cai Juan glanced at her from the rear mirror of the car, and saw that she was holding her phone with a tangled face.

"Isn't it? You haven't decided yet? Are we here for a drive that night?"

"I'm afraid I will change my mind..." Xiaoyuan muttered, "Okay, I'll send a message now."

"Also send a message, call, I'll be there soon." Caijuan tweeted her.

Xiaoyuan gave him a blank look. After a few seconds, she finally dialed Weizhuang’s phone. When the phone rang, her heart was a little bit faster, and she was not sure whether she wanted her to pick it up or not. I don't want her to pick it up.

But she didn't wait for too long. After the third beep, at the fourth beep, the familiar soft magnetic voice of the woman gently clicked on her ear porch, "Hello?"

Xiaoyuan squeezed her ears subconsciously, took a deep breath, and burst into air, "I'm almost at your place, how can I get in?"

In the past, she was sent in by Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang had to pass iris scanning and license plate verification. There were also magnetic cards to enter the underground garage and elevator passwords that were changed once a week. Uncle, she can't enter Junyueyuan from the outside by herself, and it's hard to trouble Uncle Wang again before she comes.

There was silence in the receiver for several seconds before I heard Wei Zhuang say: "I will let the butler pick you up."

Twenty minutes later, after passing through the checkpoints, she finally entered the elevator, and she pressed the number on the 33rd floor.

The WeChat of Caijuan on the phone popped up, "I won't wait for you, I'll go back first."

Xiaoyuan pursed her lips and typed, "Then how do I go back?"

"Try your own way, or don't come back!" Cai Juan quickly replied, with a grinning emoticon.

Xiaoyuan blinked anxiously, "Hey, you are coming to pick me up..."

Before she finished the call, the elevator made a beep, she raised her head, the door opened, and Wei Zhuang's figure appeared in front of her.

The two looked at each other, and they were silent.

She didn't speak, and Xiao Yuan's mind was empty, so she followed her into the room.

This room on the 33rd floor also has a lot of memories. Although there are not as many as the 34th floor, it is still vivid. As she walks, she looks at it, and her heart becomes more complicated.

The indoor light is warm and dim, and the hand of the clock seems to be set back.

"What to drink?" Wei Zhuang asked her.

"Oh, whatever you want." Xiaoyuan was uncomfortable, and every step she took would have the illusion of stepping on the wrong place, but it was clear that the floor under her feet was steady.

Obviously, I told Wei Zhuang to stop looking for her, don't call her any more, he came to the door in a daze, really promising.

Three minutes later, Wei Zhuang brought out a glass of warm milk. Seeing Xiaoyuan was still standing in a daze, her lemon yellow suspender skirt was above the knee length, her smooth and straight legs stepped on a pair of grass-green single shoes, and a floor lamp. Sketched out her bumpy figure.

"Why don't you sit?" Wei Zhuang looked at her for several seconds before speaking slowly.

She stayed for a while, then turned around and glanced at her, and sat down nearby stiffly.

Wei Zhuang put the milk in front of her, and she blinked, seeming to be dumbfounded again, and thanked her quietly.

Wei Zhuang was quiet, stood for a while, and then sat down opposite her.

The two were silent for a while.

Wei Zhuang didn't ask her why she came, and Xiao Yuan had a blank screen in her mind, still reflecting how she was in the same room with her again.

She raised her eyelashes quietly and glanced at Wei Zhuang.

She should have just taken a shower, wearing white silk furnishing clothes, all plain face, thick jet black hair on her shoulders.

The black eyelashes were half drooping, and there seemed to be some gray shadows left by poor sleep under his eyes. The whole body was immersed in the warm halo, but there was a kind of faintness that was separated from the outside world.

Xiaoyuan sighed unconsciously, opened her mouth, and found her own voice after a short while, "Alex said you were a little uncomfortable, do you feel better now?"

Wei Zhuang raised her eyelashes, seeming a little surprised. She paused before saying, "I'm fine."

"Oh..." Xiaoyuan answered, scratching his knees.

"You came here because of this?" Wei Zhuang squinted slightly, his eyes focused on Xiao Yuan's face, and his fingers on his side tapped on the sofa secretly, his tone dull.

"Well, ah, no..." Xiaoyuan's tone was empty, and he subconsciously denied it, and his eyes floated away, "No, I have something else to ask you."

"What's the matter?" The corners of Wei Zhuang's lips curled slightly.

"Just..." Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Is Xu Muyi canceling the contract because of you?"

The room fell silent for a moment.

The arc of Wei Zhuang’s lips expanded without temperature, and the fingers on her side were secretly clenched. She murmured, "So you came to me for him?"


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