Xiaoyuan went to take a shower again, changed her pajamas, and lay back on the bed again. There was Weizhuang's reply in her phone.

"I like this photo."

Her heart was beating eagerly, "But you were cold just now (worried face)."

Wei Zhuang's reply took a little longer than she thought, and it was not written but voiced. She said in a low voice, "I am not indifferent, I like it very much."

Xiaoyuan was a little surprised. Wei Zhuang either made video or text, and sometimes made phone calls, but she never sent her a voice message.

"Why not video?" She voiced over.

Wei Zhuang stayed quiet for a long time before he said quietly, "I don't think this time is suitable for video."

Xiaoyuan didn't react for a while, "Is it OK to make a phone call?" After sending it, she realized that her face suddenly blushed.

She is not a minor who knows nothing. Even if she hasn't practiced it, she has all kinds of intimacy methods that long-distance couples will adopt.

Did Wei Zhuang also think of this way, so he didn't make a phone call and chose voice? This conjecture made her even more embarrassed.

"Cough, okay." She sent another sentence, "Go to sleep, good night."

"OK, good night."

Xiaoyuan closed her eyes, her heartbeat hadn't stabilized yet, she held her phone to brew sleepiness, and suddenly the phone shook slightly.

"I think I will withdraw my'no objection for the time being'."

After reading the information, her face instantly burned.

It's over, I can't sleep now.

The next day, she slept until about noon. When she woke up, Ruan Qing was already waiting for her in the next room, with a stylist and makeup artist.

After washing up, Xiaoyuan walked to the next door and saw the battle, but couldn't figure out what the state was. "Sister, are there any activities tonight?"

"I know you don't remember, so I came here early today." Ruan Qing drank black coffee and glanced at her. "Why did you go last night and get up so late?"

Xiaoyuan: "...I'm at home," she changed the subject, "what the **** is it?"

"Director Yu Yu invites you to participate in her family's activities." Ruan Qing told her, "Her father Yu Jianbang has his 70th birthday in two days. Tonight is a warm-up event."

"Huh? Let me go to the old man's birthday banquet?" Xiao Yuan frowned and wanted to refuse.

"No, the birthday banquet is two days later. It is their own family banquet. Tonight is a collection tasting event organized by his wife."

"His second wife is an art collector and Yu Yu's mother. The family behind her mother can be said to be a family of collectors. They are all in the art business." Cai Juan added, "It's a financial art. Activities in the circle."

"Why did you invite me?" Xiaoyuan stretched, "I'm not interested."

"Not only inviting you, Zhou Yu will also go, are you the heroes and heroines of Yu Yuxin's film, show your face to publicize."

Xiaoyuan sat on the sofa, puffing up her cheeks reluctantly and said, "All right."

"It's okay, sister accompany you." Ruan Qing smiled and touched her face, "Oh, it's so cute..."

The location is an old western-style house, which is said to have been bought by the Yu family only recently. In the original French Concession, the neighborhood is very quiet, and the retro European-style lawn lamps in the courtyard are quietly flashing.

The architectural style is also more solemn and retro French, the Monsa-style double-pitched roof, symmetrical and elegant, there are exquisite round tiger windows, carved pillars, and delicate and romantic lines.

Xiaoyuan stood in the garden and admired the house for a while. When he was about to go in, he was stopped by someone.

When she looked back, it was Zhou Yu.

The dress code for tonight is that he must wear a "light-colored" blue suit. He doesn't want to be too formal and old-fashioned, so he wears a pair of white sneakers under his feet.

"It's been a long time." When he walked to Xiaoyuan, his eyes were stunning.

"Hi~" Xiaoyuan brushed her curly hair, "Where did you come from."

"I'm still in the ice city this morning," Zhou Yu smiled, gestured at her, and told her to go first.

Xiaoyuan also smiled, and the two walked together.

The agent followed them and exchanged greetings.

"I didn't want to come, and it's not a circle we are familiar with," Zhou Yu whispered.

The celebrities who came from the art circle, the literary and artistic circles, or the business world were all well-dressed with a little arrogance between their eyebrows and eyes.

"I don't want it either." Xiaoyuan also whispered, scanning around, "A lot of security."

The interior is brightly lit and arranged like an exhibition hall. There are groups of three or five, holding wine glasses and discussing in a low voice.

"That's for sure, after all, there are so many valuable things."

"I don't understand this at all. Who is Liu Ye? His paintings are quite interesting." Xiaoyuan looked at the picture in front of him, "Let me stay in the dark".

A woman is standing in the snow holding a suitcase, a beam of light illuminates her.

It's fresh, and the style is a bit like cartoons.

She stayed in her heart and didn't say it.

"Me too..."

"Liu Ye's painting style was influenced by the Dutch painter Mondrian, so his lines are very simple and precise," someone interjected next to him. He was well-dressed and slightly taller than Zhou Yu. He was directly omitted, and he stared at Xiaoyuan. "Look. There is always a sense of melancholy in his paintings, but it doesn’t look like sad, but romantic and frank."

"Oh..." Xiaoyuan watched politely.

"His painting is very marketable now. This one was sold for 40 million Hong Kong dollars at Sotheby's." The man looked at Xiaoyuan and smiled. "If Miss Xiang doesn't mind, I can accompany you around, my job I’m an auctioneer, and I have some research on art."

"Ah, thank you, but I have been with friends..."

Zhou Yu cut in with a smile, "We have an appointment."

"Haha, it's okay. Let's watch it together. I personally like this picture by Sanyu, "Pink Luo Girl on Chinese Floral Cloth". This is his well-known Luo Girl painting..."

"Maybe other painters paint luo girls, they are all tempting, or sensational, but Sanyu's words are different," another person leaned over and explained to Xiaoyuan, "but the luo girls in Changyu's works are all proud. I don’t care about the feeling of going on my own with other people’s eyes..."

"His colors are also very wonderful, like this pair of colors are very gorgeous, the composition is also wonderful, there is a chic tranquility, and tranquility..." Someone came over.

Xiaoyuan: "..."

Unknowingly, three or four men came around, explaining the painting to her. She couldn't leave yet, and she kept Zhou Yu away. He couldn't find a chance to speak at all.

Xiaoyuan smiled, a little embarrassed, "Ah, I don't quite understand this."

"Miss Xiang has a different career than ours, and I don't need to understand this. I am also a painter. I boldly say that Miss Xiang is really my muse..."

"Can Miss Xiang sign us?"

"Miss Xiang..."

"Hey, look at you!" Yu Yu walked over and smiled with his arms, "I scared my heroine!"

She came over, pulled her past the small garden, and pulled her away from the group of men, "You continue to discuss it."

"Huh~" When he walked to another place with less people, his ears were finally clear, Xiaoyuan also retracted his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Yu smiled and asked, "Aren't you used to these occasions?"

Xiaoyuan shrugged.

"Don't blame them, you are really charming." Yu Yu looked at her from bottom to top, and only glanced at her, otherwise Xiaoyuan would think she was a bit too much.

"Have you seen my agent?" Xiaoyuan asked, turning his face away.

"Oh, she might be somewhere, there are so many exhibits, it takes a lot of time to look around."

Xiaoyuan took a glass of wine and drank half a glass. Not long after she came, she already wanted to leave.

"Go, I'll take you to meet my parents." Yu Yu still wanted to lead her.

"?" Xiaoyuan stood still, looking at her suspiciously.

She laughed, "Are you still so cautious and relax? My parents want to see the heroine in my play. My mom loves to watch "Deep in the Palace", and she said she wants me to Ji' please come here."

"Oh." Xiaoyuan sighed in her heart, put down the wine glass, then went to say hello, and then looked for a chance to leave, ignoring Ruan Qing.

She followed Yu Yu and deliberately staggered a few steps away from her. Yu Yu turned around and smiled at her and looked at her, "My mother should be surprised to see you. I never thought "Liang Ji" was like this."

The milky apricot-colored halter-neck long skirt lined Xiaoyuan's skin even more white, and the silk texture was flowing down against her thick and slender figure, young and compact, without any fat.

She was very polite and alienated to herself, and Yu Yu couldn't help but want to tease her, "Would you like to be so cute? I won't sell you. Good things will happen with me."

Xiaoyuan pursed her lips and decided not to answer this sentence.

They went around and walked into another hall.

A man in a black suit and white gloves was showing a watch. There were only a few people around him.

A man with gray hair, a lady in high-end dress, and two people who looked very good, but Xiao Yuan hurriedly passed by, his eyes focused on the familiar figure.

She blinked in disbelief, is she back?

And that person also seemed to feel something, the hem of the skirt moved slightly, and he looked in her direction without any waves, but there seemed to be a smile in his eyes.

Xiaoyuan bends his eyes, and his heart seems to jump on the spot.

"That one is..." Yu Yu recognized hesitatingly, "But it's a great person, you come to get to know it too, this is a rare opportunity." Yu Yu whispered to Xiaoyuan, and added, " Look, is it right to follow my sister?"

Xiaoyuan: "...You are not my sister."

Yu Yu smiled and stretched out his hand to pull her.

Xiaoyuan avoided showing her face, and was a bit annoying to her. Not only her, Wei Zhuang, who was not far away, looked at the movements of Jiangyu, his complexion sinking slightly.

"President Wei, let me introduce to you, this is my eldest daughter," the gray-haired man introduced to Wei Zhuang with a smile, "Xiaoyu, come here, this is Mr. Wei from Luhua."

"Mr. Wei, hello," Yu Yu said with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand.

Wei Zhuang looked at her faintly, let her hand stay in the air for a second or two before reaching for it, touching it lightly, and nodding.

Yu Yu felt a little strange in her heart, and her expression was also slightly embarrassed. She adjusted quickly and took a half step to introduce Xiaoyuan to Weizhuang, "This is the heroine of my new movie. Xiang Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan, this It’s Mr. Wei."

Xiaoyuan raised a smile, and in the surprised gaze of the person next to her, the woman had already stretched out her hand first, and her tone was lightly written, "Miss Xiang, hello."

"Mr Wei, hello." Xiaoyuan looked into the woman's deep smiling eyes and held her soft and white palms.


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