It was more than ten o'clock after the two of them had finished their breakfast. They didn't say a few words between them. Xiaoyuan drank soy milk and poured another glass of water. After drinking half a glass, he felt his throat feel better.

She drank another sip of water, held her mouth in her mouth, and looked up and saw Wei Zhuang looking at her. Although her eyes were pale, they hid too many details that they knew. She was stunned and choked.

"Cough cough cough..." She coughed several times, calmly, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Very good, how about you?" Wei Zhuang's gaze slowly turned around her body before he retracted it.

"I, I also slept very well." Xiaoyuan lowered her face and looked at the wine glass. She slept quite deep, just a little

Wei Zhuang whispered, "I'm going to the company later, you sleep for a while."


Xiaoyuan also knew that she was busy, not to mention that she came back early yesterday, which affected her work. Although she was a little reluctant, she did not have any dissatisfaction.

"The clothes..." Xiaoyuan scratched his head, "what to do?"

She walked to her cloakroom and swept around. She didn't have any formal clothes, but there was a suit from a certain brand, haze blue, low-cut waistcoat of the same color, shoulder pads, and waist pinching. It didn't look too formal. , She came out with a clothes rack, "Is this all right?"

The boss swept his eyes, "Come here."

Xiaoyuan removed the hanger and put it on the bed.

The next moment, the two looked at each other in silence. Wei Zhuang turned his back. Xiao Yuan picked up the dirty clothes Wei Zhuang had collected before on the bed-end stool and put them in the bag, ready to be sent for dry cleaning. Put away.

"Mine..." Wei Zhuang glanced away, his voice was low, "Throw it away."

"I'll wash it, don't throw it away." Xiao Yuan said with red ears.

After a few seconds of silence, Wei Zhuang's lips moved slightly, but after all, she turned her back and began to undress. Xiao Yuan covered her face, then ran into her cloakroom, breathing slowly, and picked her underwear for Wei Zhuang. .

She seems to be similar to herself, should she be able to wear it?

Xiaoyuan picked a pair of underwear that she didn't wear, a pair of nubra, and stood at the entrance of the cloakroom, "Would you like to wear my underwear?"

As soon as the words came out, she felt that the wording was very subtle, and immediately changed her statement, "I mean, underwear, that, I don't know if it is appropriate..."

Wei Zhuang walked in, smog blue matched her snow-white skin, her trousers turned into cropped trousers, and the waistcoat was indeed a little low-cut.

"Your me may not fit, do you have a chest sticker?"

"Ah, yes."

Xiaoyuan squatted down and took out a pair from the bottom drawer and handed it to her. The woman took it and unbuttoned a waistcoat.

"Oh my God, what's this..."

Xiaoyuan saw a piece of bruise on the side of her collarbone, which looked like a red mark of a rose on her white skin.

Wei Zhuang raised his eyes to look at her, "It was bitten by a certain cat."

"A certain kitten" stayed there for two seconds and turned away blushing face.

Wei Zhuang sorted out her clothes and came to her dressing table. Xiaoyuan followed with interest, "I use these, I don't know if it's suitable for you..."

"This is sunscreen." Seeing that she had finished protecting her skin, he took a Japanese sunscreen to her, and Wei Zhuang took it and unscrewed it.

Xiaoyuan looked at the woman again, her eyebrows were thick and dark, and her skin was white. On such a close occasion, apart from seeing traces of fine lines and light lip color, she had almost no flaws, and she didn't need makeup at all.

The woman picked up her lipstick, stained some of her thin lips, squeezed, and finished her makeup. She stood up, both of them were wearing indoor shoes, and Xiao Yuan's eyes were parallel to her lips.

She stared at her blankly, slowed her accelerated heartbeat, and then asked, "Do you need perfume?"

Wei Zhuang looked over, "Come and pick it for me."

Xiaoyuan pursed her lips, pulled out the drawer, and looked at her perfumes. She felt as though they couldn't match Wei Zhuang. She bit her finger in distress.

Wei Zhuang always looked at her, his eyes black and clear, with a slight smile, " tasted good last night."

In the next second, she watched Xiaoyuan’s cheeks gradually expand, she bit her lower lip little, picked up a bottle with her soft white fingers, unscrewed the lid, put it down gently, and stood up. He whispered: "This is it, I will spray you a little?"


Wei Zhuang took a step towards her, and the little distance left between them was perfect for a kiss.

Xiaoyuan's face was flushed, her eyes flashed, and she suddenly sprayed perfume on top of her head several times.

For a moment, the water vapor was full and misty, fresh emerald green figs, coconut and lime, woven into an impenetrable fragrance mist.

At this delicate and fresh moment, Xiaoyuan gently kissed the woman's lips.

In the corner of the light, the woman's eyes curled up, and her arms were also wrapped around her. The surroundings seemed to be filled with pink, and countless bubbles slowly drifted around them.

Wei Zhuang returned to the company and held a small meeting, mainly listening to the reports of the people underneath. After hearing half of it, she lost her mind, so she let them continue by themselves, and walked out first.

Back at the office, he said to Assistant Gao, "Let Ma Mi come up."

Assistant Gao responded, and then said: "Mr. Liao called you this morning. Do you have time to see her?"

Wei Zhuang waved his hand.

Gao Special helped, "Then I'll go out and make a phone call with her."

Alex glanced at her, smiled and said, "Mr. Wei, you look really good in this haze blue today!"

Wei Zhuang was startled, "Really?"

"Yes, you have never worn this color, it actually matches you." Alex added, and left with a smile.

Wei Zhuang leaned back on the sofa with his long legs loosely resting on him, closing his eyes slightly to refresh himself. In fact, she is not tired. Although she slept for less than six hours last night, she still felt energetic when she woke up. It seemed that there was a kind of fresh energy and vitality injected into her blood, but it was not the energy of work, because she came to the company. I feel tired and unable to concentrate.

Obviously this is not the case in Xiaoyuan. Although her residence is small, it is very cozy. There are not many things, they are very clean, and they are all in their proper places.

Last night was so crazy, she felt that the self last night was very strange. She used to have **** with Xiaoyuan, and it was only two or three times a night. Last night, she lost control and couldn't stop.

In the end, it was Xiaoyuan who whimpered to beg her for mercy, her red lips that lost moisture were like bright red rose petals, " more, many times, I don't want any more..." Then she lost consciousness and solemnly Fell asleep.

Wei Zhuang was thinking that she might have been too much last night, and she didn't know why she had such a strong energy and thirst, but...

She pressed her finger against her lips in contemplation, and then brushed her collarbone, "a certain kitten" was not restless, and caught her at every opportunity. She kissed and kissed and "scratched", she had to take action to occupy Dominant position.

Wei Zhuang bends the corners of his lips ignorantly, his eyes suddenly filled with warm light.

She likes Xiaoyuan to act towards herself, like a cat with its paws showing naughty and scratching people. When she restrains her hands and feet, she has a different appearance, lying under her own body. Cheeks, ears, and neck are all covered with pink, and hum coquettishly and charmingly...

In the morning, Xiaoyuan woke up first, and she slept soundly with her arms resting on her, her eyelashes drooping softly, dark and thick, covering her very smart eyes.

When I am happy, I look forward to my posture, shining brightly, when I am sad, it is wet like a wounded animal, and when I am worried, it seems to be talking, and people can't help but want to get close.

The expression in her eyes can be the simplest sentimental thought, and it can be a mysterious thought that has turned thousands of times.

Her fingers stroked her eyelashes, a soft rustling feeling, softly brushing her heart, listening to her even and shallow breathing, Wei Zhuang was in a trance for a moment, and suddenly he didn't know how to face this warmth. Yes, beautiful quiet.

In a daze, Secretary Ma and Gao Tezhu knocked on the door and came in. Hearing the movement, she opened her eyes, looked over lazily, and said, "I will be on vacation for the next week."

Secretary Ma had an unhappy face, and just nodded when he heard the words, "Remember, then I order to go down, and no official arrangements will be made for the next week."

Gao Tezhu took a deep breath.

Take a week off?


She is in charge of the boss’s personal affairs, because the boss’s personal affairs have always been very simple, and Ma Mi is responsible for her official affairs. There are three secretaries under Ma Mi, and the secretaries have their own assistants. Such a group of people will detain all the boss’s official affairs this week. Later, to properly arrange the following matters, just thinking about this workload will make her a headache.

Fortunately, it's nothing to do with her. She wants to watch the little idol and the boss have a close relationship.

Just thinking about it, Gao Tezhu beamed his eyebrows, smiled and escorted Secretary Ma out, waiting for the boss's orders.

Unexpectedly, after she was quiet, she looked sideways and said to her: "Alex, you also have a holiday."

Gao Te's smile suddenly petrified, "Huh?"

Wei Zhuang smiled at her slightly, "You too, take a week off and arrange your own affairs."

Gao Tezhu blinked slowly, "?"

The boss is smiling to yourself?

After Xiaoyuan washed the underwear of the two of them, nothing else happened. After she stretched her waist, she lay back on the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

I woke up in a daze midway, took the phone and wanted to send a WeChat message to Wei Zhuang, but turned over and went to sleep with his pillow.

The scene of intimacy last night was also staged in the dream. She actually hesitated for a moment last night. She felt that it seemed too fast, but she really couldn’t stand the temptation and provocation. In fact, Wei Zhuang didn’t have to tease her, as long as she approached, I can't help but want to hug her and be gentle with her.

Over and over, over and over again, more than three times, four times, she really can't remember how many times she was loved over and over again, blended in, trembling, and then reached the clouds.

She slept soundly and completely forgot everything around her. The dreams and reality were both sweet and heartwarming pictures, and the corners of her lips also burst into smiles.


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