"Well, yes, it's Director Chen's movie..." Xiaoyuan paused, not knowing if it was her illusion, always felt that Wei Zhuang was not happy to hear the news, "I have never made a movie of the same sex, either. Rather than taking photos with others, it’s better to take photos with acquaintances, which makes it a little more secure."

Wei Village was quiet for a long time.

Xiaoyuan approached her, "What's the matter?"

"No," Wei Zhuang said quietly, "...I think what you said makes sense."

After she said this, she got up and left the sofa. Xiaoyuan looked at her figure, always feeling that she said it very perfunctory.

She tilted her head to think, doesn't Wei Zhuang like her to pick up same-sex movies?

She paused for a while, got up and went to look for her.

In the restaurant, Wei Zhuang leaned against Nakajima of the western kitchen, drinking water.

Xiaoyuan walked in, "...Don't you like me picking up same-sex movies?"

Holding the cup, Wei Zhuang silently looked up at her.

Sure enough, she was unhappy, this woman would say less when she was unhappy, she wouldn't say it clearly yet.

Xiaoyuan walked up to her, "I haven't acted on this subject yet, so I want to take it, and Director Chen also took good care of me before."

She was too arrogant when she graduated, always picking the script she liked, forgetting that she was just a newcomer who played a movie, and then she was repeatedly frustrated. It was Director He recommended her to Director Chen, and Director Chen to The master made her participate in the second female role in "Choice", met Zou Yirui, and also met He Chenying.

"Director Chen said that he had been preparing for this movie for a long time, and thought that no one but me could play it."

She explained patiently.

Wei Zhuang pursed his lips, but still did not speak.

What Xiaoyuan said a moment ago struck her heart again, feeling that her words are here, and Wei Zhuang seems to be unable to say anything, right? It's her own job. Even if she is a little unhappy, she can understand it, right?

She changed her position and thought that if Wei Zhuang inevitably had to have a little "socializing" in the workplace, it would be difficult for Xiaoyuan to convince herself not to care.

Comparing heart to heart, she feels that she should be gentle, and communicate with her frankly.

She pulled the clothes on the woman's arm gently, "If you are'interested', I will show you the script?"

Wei Zhuang still didn't speak, nor refused Xiao Yuan's proposal.

Xiaoyuan really brought the script over, she turned back to the room and took the script and handed it to her.

Wei Zhuang took it, walked to the side, sat down, and looked up.

She took it seriously, Xiaoyuan kept watching her by her side, and she felt very subtle in her heart. She thought it was so cute that she cared so much. It would be nice if she could tell her clearly.

It took Wei Zhuang 20 minutes to finish reading, frowning once in the middle, not too shallow, after which she put down the script and remained silent.

"Hey, don't you stop talking. What are you thinking in your heart? Tell me." Xiaoyuan took her hand.

"You like He Chenying very much, don't you?" the woman asked.

Xiaoyuan didn't expect it to be the subject, so she replied slowly, "...Well, I like it very much, just like treating idols."

"...Hmm." Wei Zhuang snorted lightly and briefly.

"You must make this movie?" she asked again.

"...Yes, yes, I signed the contract." Xiaoyuan was a little taken aback, "There are still a lot of liquidated damages."

"This is not a big problem." Wei Zhuang said quietly.

Xiaoyuan reacted, "Do you want me to pick up this movie?"

Wei Zhuang turned his face and took a deep look at her.

From the look in her eyes, Xiaoyuan was sure that the boss did have this idea. She couldn't accept it for a while, and blurted out, "...Isn't it?"

"...You already picked this up? Why did you tell me this time?"

"Huh?" Xiaoyuan was dumbfounded by her question, "I, am I not not telling you?"

This is her job. Is she going to report to her for any scene?

"Did you blame me for not discussing with you before taking the play, or did you not tell you in time after taking the play?" Xiaoyuan felt that Wei Zhuang instantly changed from "cute" to "unreasonable".

"You don't seem to think it necessary to tell me?"

"This is your Luanhua movie, I thought you knew it."

"I told you before that this is done by someone in the film and television company. I don't know everything."

"Then I am not your girlfriend, you should also know about me?"


They were all stunned suddenly, and looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe their conversation just now.

Wei Zhuang raised his hand to lift his hair, breathed slowly, and tried to speak, "I..."

Xiaoyuan watched her eyes slowly reddened, and her lower lip shrank aggrievedly, "I want to stay alone for a while."

She turned around and left.

Wei Zhuang was stunned, opening his mouth to shout, but Xiao Yuan had already ran out of her sight.

Xiaoyuan didn't go back to the room, nor did she go to the Weizhuang room. She walked around to the laundry room and closed the door. The more she thought about it, the more depressed, and the more angry she thought about it. She raised her hand to wipe her tearful eyes.

I don’t know what happened. I felt that all thoughts were lost for a while, and the negative thoughts that came up were from "Wei Zhuang is really unreasonable" to "Maybe they are not suitable and can't last long, and they may quarrel often in the future. I'm going to break up sooner or later."

Originally, I just felt a little wronged, but now the more I think about it, the more sad it is, the more tears I wiped.

Sure enough, love is unreliable, does it happen in a flash? Oh oh oh!

She sat for a while, and her tearful face was reflected in the transparent glass door of the washing machine.

She blinked, looked at it for a while, and suddenly felt that she was naive. In fact, it was a trivial matter. Just talk about it. She hid here and kept thinking about the worst.

Where is it so serious?

Wei Zhuang found no small garden in the two bedrooms, neither the living room nor the side hall. She frowned, stood in the living room, and called up the phone's surveillance camera to look at the corridor.

After finding out that Xiaoyuan hadn't left, she was a little relieved.

She looked around again, tried to open the door of the laundry room, and saw the figure squatting in front of the washing machine, looking at the pitiful mass.

Xiaoyuan also heard the sound, turned her head and glanced at her silently.

Wei Zhuang's lips buzzed, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, his eyes suppressed his emotions, "...Don't always hide by yourself."

The woman's tone is much softer than before, and the emotions in her eyes are deeply pressed, and she can still be distinguished from worry and distress.

Xiaoyuan trembled slightly in her heart, but she suppressed the sour and sweet throbbing. She whispered, with a little grievance: "I don't want to fight with you."

"...I don't want to fight with you, nor do I want to interfere with your work decision." Wei Zhuang paused for a while, looking at her, obviously not finished.

Xiaoyuan also looked at her, "I will take this movie and I won't break the contract."

She stared at the woman, her lips pressed together and there was a deliberately provocative stubbornness, "Even if you are not happy, I will pick it up, I won't listen to you." She likes to act whatever she wants, whoever She can't stop her, she insists on this.

"Yeah." Wei Zhuang nodded, her expression a little helpless, but she didn't insist anymore.

Seeing her softened and compromised attitude, Xiaoyuan's grievances have long since disappeared, and her tone softened, her eyes filled with radiance, "...You also read the script, but it's really nothing, it's just a kiss."

Just a kiss?

Hearing these words, Wei Zhuang's expression was obviously stiff.

Xiaoyuan hurriedly added, "The director doesn't know how to shoot, maybe it's a loan?"

The woman's eyes are cold, maybe not? Maybe more than one? This script is not the version that the studio will eventually adopt.

Xiaoyuan also knows that her reason is not very tenable, "Furthermore, acting is just acting, me and you are the real thing!"

The effect of this statement was good. Wei Zhuang's eyebrows moved slightly, as if a soft light filter was added, and the lines were softened. She walked over and pulled the small garden up.

"In the future, don't hide by yourself, just say whatever you want." Wei Zhuang said while pulling her.

"...Oh." Xiaoyuan answered slowly.

"You have to promise me this." Wei Zhuang emphasized again.

Her serious tone reminded Xiaoyuan of what she said before-"Don't cry, you can scold me if you feel wronged."

She really doesn't like seeing herself crying in hiding, right? It would be nice if it could be more obvious, gentle and love-like.

Xiaoyuan leaned closer to her and asked, "Are you worried that I would hide and cry?"

"Do you feel bad when I cry?"

"Really? You answer me and I promise you!"

From the laundry room to the sofa in the living room, she chased Wei Zhuang and asked. She sat down next to her, hooked her neck, and asked her to answer herself.

"..." Wei Zhuang finally got impatient, put his hand on the back of her head, and carried her into his arms, "Yes."

"What's going on?" Xiaoyuan asked deliberately again.

"It hurts."

"Oh..." Xiaoyuan bent her eyes and nestled in her arms.

Wei Zhuang lowered his eyes slightly to look at her expression, and then lowered it to cover her lips.

Xiaoyuan has completely forgotten the extremely negative thoughts just now, what love is unreliable, good things don't last long, etc., so she only kisses her in love, indulging in the soft lips of a woman.

It's just that she is still a little bit angry, maybe she wants to be more naughty, halfway she bit her lower lip, bit, **** again, hook again, and then laugh.

The kiss had to be stopped.

Wei Zhuang's palm was on her back, her forehead was against her, and she smiled softly when she was amused.

The two leaned together, their backs under the dizzy light looked extremely warm.

Xiaoyuan whispered: "I didn't expect you to care so much..."

Wei Zhuang’s face was buried in Xiao Yuan’s neck, her cold white skin reflected Xiao Yuan’s black hair, and her voice was slightly lowered, "I don’t like anyone other than me to kiss you..."

There seemed to be a bunch of hemp currents running through her back. Xiaoyuan was so softened by her words that Xiaoyuan took a breath and whispered as she approached her, "Then let's go to the bedroom...I will compensate you, OK?"

The woman raised her eyelids slightly and looked at her deeply.

When the scene changes, Wei Zhuang is leaning against the head of the bed, the curve is winding, his eyes seem to have a trace of water vapor, "How do you compensate me?"

Xiaoyuan pressed the bed sheet on her knees and swayed her waist. She directly straddled the woman and smiled, "Just lie down and don't move."

Wei Zhuang paused, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly. He kissed Xiaoyuan as she leaned down, and the two kissed her together.

The temperature in the room is cool, and if there is no moisture, there will be a lot of moisture between the bedspreads.

Xiaoyuan hardly had a chance to gain the upper hand. Before the fall, she was struggling to stay awake, weakly and inconsistently suggesting: "A few days ago, I learned that there are...postures...to each other...well..."

"Really?" The woman murmured as she wrapped her behind her back like a whirlpool, "From now on, this time you said you want to make up for me..."

Xiaoyuan’s face touched the back of her hand, the rhythm was completely controlled, she could only arch her waist and let her suck...


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