On the other side, Nan Yuan was drinking iced lemon tea in a room next to Sekiga's office.

This room is Nanyuan's temporary office, and it is also well furnished.

Guan He came in and asked: "The twenty-fifth floor is in the design, the people have already been found, and the construction will start tomorrow, what kind of office do you want?"

Nan Yuan's posture was lazy: "Don't bother, it won't take long to clean up the twenty-fifth floor, there is an office building I have already found, and everything will be there in the future."

"What about the Fengyun Group's side?"

Nan Yuan held the cup and smiled: "It will be better to build over there, anyway, you don't have much salary in Fengyun Group, it's better to go to my side as a manager." "

This means that in the future, the headquarters of the Linhai City Fengqi Association will go to a new place.

Moreover, this Fengyun Group is actually a place to lend to the Fengqi Society, and some things will definitely not be so complete.

Guan He nodded decisively: "Good." Then

he pushed a large piece of enhanced spirit crystal in front of Guan He.

"Take it and use it."

Guan He couldn't help but be stunned, he didn't expect Nan Yuan to give him the Spirit Crystal, and this one was three or four times larger than what Nan Yuan had taken out in the conference room before!


manager, this kind of thing naturally can't be without you."

Guan He pursed his lips, and he was not polite, this kind of thing he naturally needed.

"Thank you." He showed a sincere smile, needless to say too much, he will be tied to Nanyuan's ship in the future, do more things for Nanyuan.

"By the way, those members... There are a few I see have other ideas, and surely someone will look up your information. "

Let them check it and release some information to them, not to mention that it is not normal for special people to die?"

Nan Yuan took a sip of lemon tea and smiled.


Everything is developing steadily, and the office building he founded is looking for is ready-made, with thirty floors, and only needs to be remodeled inside, and this aspect is what Guan He is watching.

As for the establishment of a company, some formalities are required, certification, etc., and this aspect can be done.

The follow-up company will also be the same as the Fengqihui, which is an ordinary company on the surface, and will also recruit some ordinary employees, which will wait for the construction of the building.

The manor bought by Nanyuan is also being renovated, and the drawings are naturally designed by himself.

Both locations are expected to be completed in April, which is already the fastest speed.

Two days later, when Nan Yuan was at school, he saw Cheng Wenduan calling at noon.

At this time, he was eating the meal sent by Zheng Liang in the classroom, and almost all of his lunches in the past two months were bought and sent by Zheng Liang, or Zheng Liang made it himself.

I have to say that Zheng Liang's craftsmanship is very good, the color and fragrance are complete, and Nan Yuan likes it very much.

At this time, there were few people in the class, Chen Hean went out to buy something, and Nan Yuan answered the phone directly.

"Boss, there are ten official members who want to find out your address and where your family is."

Nan Yuan didn't have any waves, but instead laughed: "Let them check, and then let them know that I don't live there, just recently I have shortcomings in materials."

Cheng Wenduan immediately understood what Nan Yuan meant: "It's the boss, Meng Yu and I will always keep an eye on it."

Nan Yuan put down his mobile phone and continued to eat.

And those ten people were the ones who were extremely dissatisfied with Nan Yuan becoming the president of the Linhai City Fengqi Association.

They are fine in the meeting, why should there be an extra guild president to take care of it?

What's more, this guild leader was actually younger than them, and even if their strength was really strong, they were extremely unconvinced, or jealous.

Even if they killed those two people in the conference room at that time, they felt that it was only Nan Yuan's subordinates who were strong, and they killed them only after a sneak attack.

And that coercion may refer to what means are used.

These ten people are all F-class specialists, and there are two close to E-class.

They believed that they were official members, and they felt that Nan Yuan had just accepted the Fengqi Meeting, and before they could understand the situation, they wanted to secretly find out where Nan Yuan's family lived.

They also had a purpose to capture Nan Yuan's family and threaten Nan Yuan to give them that spirit crystal.

Of these ten people, four planned to plan after finding out, and six had already contacted each other and were ready to act together when they found out.

In the eyes of these people, Nan Yuan definitely did not expect that they would have such a plan.

If they could catch one of Nan Yuan's family members, Nan Yuan would definitely not dare to do anything to them.

Six special people cooperate, why not ordinary people? No matter how strong Nan Yuan is, can he directly let them die?

The back road even thought about it, so I went to the special bureau.

What Nan Yuan said at that time was clearly to oppose Mo Luo! They do these things, and maybe Muro will reward them.

These people are very confident in their own strength.

As a result, they really successfully found the address of Nanyuan's family, and even knew that Nanyuan himself did not live there.

The six people planned to choose the day rather than hit the sun, and they went at night, and they happened to catch Nan Yuan off guard.

At this time, Nan Yuan was sorting out those rose petals and medicinal herbs in his room.

His hair was still a little moisture, and he was wearing a dressing gown, looking extremely relaxed and relaxed.

After tidying up, he leaned back on the bed with a puppy in his arms.

This little dog Nanyunwang named it, Qiu Qiu.

The name is because after just picking it up, it becomes round and rolling, like a furry ball.

But the ball is now a lap bigger than before, and it's cute.

After dinner, it followed behind Nanyunwang and Nanyuan, because it was too small and difficult on the stairs, or Nanyuan carried it up.

I thought it was going to Nan Yunwang's room, but followed Nan Yuan into the room.

The snakes still looked at it curiously, and Qiu Qiu was not afraid.

At this time, Nan Yuan held it, and it fell asleep in Nan Yuan's arms.

The little snake spat letters at Nan Yuan's arm, and Black Bean's eyes were obviously unconvinced.

Last time it was a crow, why is there a dog again this time?!

However, seeing that this dog does not have special strength and is silly, it can only watch the ball stick to Nanyuan.

At this time, Nanyuan's mobile phone rang.

"Master, there are six people planning to act, they have already gone to your residence, we will be there soon."

Nan Yuan looked at the time, it was twelve o'clock at this time.

He said lightly: "Come on, be hidden, their blood can't be wasted."

At this time, a mirror on Nanyuan's bedside table suddenly rippled, and gradually a cartoon-like ghost-like thing emerged.

A flattering voice sounded: "Adult, how about letting me go?" I'll make sure these people know what happened to provoke you!

Nan Yuan glanced at it: "You want to go?"

Cyril flew out of the mirror: "Hey, hey... Adults, small psionic killers, absorbing their psionic energy can also become stronger, of course, teaching those talents for you is the main purpose of small. "

It is an anomaly close to D-level, and it is still very easy to deal with several special people of this level.

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