Elemental card king

Chapter 77 Evolution! Demon Envoy

A week later.

The monthly exam results of No. 1 Middle School are out.

The specific rankings are not disclosed to the public.

Even the specific scores for each subject have been blurred.

It can be said that the results of the entire Grade 1 class were basically rated as excellent.

"Five items of liberal arts: excellent (19th place)."

"Practical physical test: Excellent (1st place)."

Su Chen looked at his personal transcript and was quite satisfied.

The actual card competition naturally took up a lot of his study time, and it was commendable that his liberal arts scores were able to stabilize and improve some rankings.

"Someone is leaving." Xu Zigui said.

As he said, there are also some students in Rocket Class who are about to say goodbye and leave.

Based on the monthly exam results and mental ability level, the bottom six people were kicked out, and top talents were also recruited from various key classes.

"I was told when I came here that the tallest, most handsome and most powerful one is Su Chen, and the one with the most kind heart and kindest heart is squad leader Xiao Tingting." The newcomer came rushing to visit the pier with a smooth tongue.

"Make one up for me too, brother. I'm one of the three people in the actual combat team." Xu Zigui took over.


The new classmates looked embarrassed. Who in the entire No. 1 Middle School didn't know this guy? He was the famous Fiji Cup Immortal.

"Brother, can you borrow one to talk?" The new classmate hesitated for a while, his eyes flickered, and he held back this sentence for a long time.

Lin Zhexian on the side was almost laughing to death, and I can't help but think that the two of them had similar personalities.

Xu Zigui was stunned for a moment, but when he realized what he was doing, he showed a warm and interesting expression. He put his arm around the new classmate's shoulders, stayed away from the classroom window, and together they went to a corner to hold an exchange meeting.

Su Chen, who was sitting in his seat, didn't care about the disturbance from the outside world.

The peaceful school life does not require him to use cards to fight.

Just after the new round of strengthening ended, the 11 material cards began to be cracked and strengthened around the clock.

After the previous four spiritual material cards were put in, they were like a mud cow entering the sea, never to return, and there was no descriptive change in the text.

However, the outline of the card and the colors on the back have become a mixture of blue and purple, and promotion and transformation seem to be close at hand.

"It's still settling and accumulating."

Su Chen was not too depressed and waited for the transformation after being promoted to the Demonic Envoy.

After another 4 ultra-rare two-star space material cards have been invested in strengthening, the virtualization skill has a new mechanism to unlock at this time today.

'Virtualization: When used, one's own state can be separated from the reality level for up to 15 seconds. During this period, one will be free from and immune to all external damage, and gain a certain large proportion of movement speed bonus. ’

The time comes to at most 15 seconds.

Movement speed becomes a large proportional bonus.

in addition.

In the process of escaping from reality, any external harm that one has suffered previously will be completely eliminated.

For example, continuous damage such as the burning sky fire, entangled poisonous mist, chaotic curse, etc. will all be shaken off in the process of escaping from reality.

"The life-saving skills have become stronger again." Su Chen concluded.

"The next step is to see the change in metallicity."

After feeding 3 metallic material cards, you may gain a lot.

However, it takes 10 hours to crack and strengthen a piece, and the results will have to be seen tomorrow night.

Thursday, night.

The results are in.

After feeling a strong spiritual gift, Su Chen already realized that the strengthening was over.

‘Gold Source Absorption: By absorbing and refining any metal substances in the external environment, it can permanently increase its attack power, defense power and metal manipulation ability to a certain extent. ’

New mechanisms are unlocked, changing from a single gold substance to a wide range of metallic substances.


After all, the gold element in the Five Elements does not specifically refer to gold, but also refers to a bunch of metals in general.

In this way, not including fine gold, magic metals such as mithril, orichalcum, dark steel and meteorite can be used for extraction and absorption.

After strengthening this growth skill, Su Chen also directly took out a large box of fine gold materials from his backpack.

This value is not low, even worse than the material card.

"Test your mental strength."

The 11 brand new material cards were completely consumed.

Ten days later, Su Chen also wanted to test his latest mental power.

He took out the head-mounted display device and activated the mental power detection function after wearing it.

Less than a minute.

Su Chen knew the answer.

"189 can!"


He does not need to wait for the standard energy level of 200 to usher in the next stage of evolution for Xiaoling.

Tomorrow, Friday, is also training time. After taking leave, you have to go to the Municipal Cultural Activity Center for further training.

At that time, you can go to the logistics office to apply.

This is the seventh market training.

The provincial preliminaries are less than 16 days away.

Counting the need to report two days in advance, there are only 14 days left.

‘How far has Su Chen’s mental power progressed? ’, ‘Can Su Chen be promoted to a Contract Summoning Card? ’, ‘How many days does Su Chen have left? ’

Urgent, urgent, urgent. Teacher Wu Zhongming has become an ant on a hot pot. He is worried about her, but he does not dare to tell Su Chen himself.

Finally, today, I heard good news from Teacher He Yun.

He started applying for material cards.

At the Logistics Management Office, an application message was already displayed on the screen.

Mr. Qian personally counted four material cards and stuffed them into small card sleeves to further prevent the possible leakage of magic power.

"Is that all?" Mr. Qian looked at the tall and straight young man in front of him strangely.

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, then said truthfully: "It's just the beginning, I will need to trouble you later."

Mr. Qian couldn't help but laugh and said, "Come on, brat."


After Teacher He Yun opened the door and unlocked it in person, Su Chen was welcomed into the small meditation room No. 105.

In order to provide the two proud men with the best meditation environment, all meditation rooms except this one are open to the public, but this one is specially locked.

"I'm really looking forward to the appearance of the Demon Envoy." Teacher He Yun said with a smile.

It can be said that the morphological changes of the vast majority of summoned beasts during their evolution are fixed, and their actual appearance is basically consistent with what is shown in the illustrated book.

Elemental demons are different, some are like opening blind boxes.

According to theory, it will evolve towards the aesthetic convergence of the owner to a certain extent.

"come on."

Teacher He Yun didn't put too much pressure on him. After sending him in, he quietly closed the door.

"let's start."

Su Chen sat on the familiar yoga mat on his right side. In a quiet and peaceful environment alone, he took out four material cards from the card sleeve, and then began to meditate.

There was no noise outside, and his mind gradually became as clear as a mirror still water.

As his consciousness gradually rose upwards, he brought four pieces of material into the boundless world of consciousness.

"Xiao Ling, it's time to start."

Get ready for your new life!

After using the strengthening method of the unified meditation method, the contract summoning card suspended above the sea of ​​​​consciousness began to generate a swirling air vortex.

More than ten seconds later, the eye of the wind vortex turned into a vortex, like the eye of the storm opening a fusion channel.

The surrounding clouds began to be swallowed up and absorbed without restraint. Under this vision, Su Chen's mental power was violently consumed.

‘Spiritual Medium’.

The first material was thrown into it immediately.

It didn't take long.

‘Psychic butterfly heart’, ‘spiritual skeleton’, and ‘magic core’ were also invested one after another.

Pieces of materials were continuously crushed and absorbed, so that the surface of the Contract Summoning Card became increasingly thin and shiny.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The wind vortex gradually dissipated, and the light released from below became more and more brilliant.

When the mental power was almost exhausted, a powerful and vital elemental wave erupted from the card surface, spreading from the depths of the core to every tiny corner like a tide.

This majestic aura that nurtures the light of spiritual wisdom even overflows from the card surface.

The previous spiritual accumulation has become the fuel to promote the transformation of life levels.


The light is restrained.

Su Chen finally saw the card surface clearly, and saw a slender and light figure revealed in it, with long emerald hair dancing gently to the rhythm of the wind.

Under an elegant long gauze skirt, you can see that the arms and legs are condensed into solid entities from pure elemental forms.

The vibrant skin texture is simply dreamlike.

"Xiao Ling, you have achieved your true form."

After accidentally awakening the consciousness of life from a pure elemental fluctuation, it can gradually sublimate and condense from the original chaotic elemental state.

Each elemental demon spirit will have a very different self-awareness construction and personalized display method when achieving the true spirit body.

Whether it's masculine or feminine depends largely on the card artist's aesthetic orientation.

Didn't think much about it.

Su Chen looked at the information on the card.

[Name]: Wind Whisperer

[Quality]: Purple


[Attribute]: wind, spirit

[Category]: Summoning card

[Race]: Demon Envoy


True spirit body, elemental body, spiritual control, wind element control, wind control


True Spirit Liberation, Soul Impact, Mind Bullet, Mind Barrier, Tornado, Wind Blade Slash, Wind Blessing

[Bond]: Not activated yet.

[Introduction]: A spirit envoy is formed from a wisp of wind element that has been purified and precipitated countless times. Its life form is undoubtedly the crystallization of wisdom formed by the blending of natural laws and spiritual light.

"The level and quality have all been improved."

This much is clear and unmistakable.

After successful evolution, the two-star blue card transformed into a three-star purple card.

in addition.

After achieving the next level of Demon User, you will have one more talent and one more skill.

‘The body of true spirit: The body of true spirit transformed from the virtual reality of elements. Its control over the elements is significantly improved, and it can absorb, transform and use the power of elements more effectively. ’

‘True Spirit Liberation: The power of the elements completely explodes within the body of the True Spirit. In this state, the damage will be increased by 150%. ’

It is worth mentioning that the true spirit body does not completely conflict with the elemental body.

When receiving damage, you can choose to be partially elemental and actively avoid and save attacks.

For Su Chen, a master of elements, the two common abilities also allow him to improve simultaneously during strengthening.

"Let's test the strength first."

Real knowledge comes from practice, and the specific intensity of damage still needs to be tested on the spot.


Su Chen's figure walked out of the meditation room and headed directly towards the training ground in Area A.

Since the date of the provincial competition is very close, many members of the training team are in the meditation room, all heading towards the four cards of the contract.

As a result, the training ground in Area A was almost empty, and no arena was officially launched. Instead, Xia He was alone on the training equipment on the sidelines.

After Su Chen walked onto an empty arena, he also had a brand-new Contract Summoning Card in his hand.

He was filled with excitement in his heart. After taking a breath, the luster of the card surface bloomed. After a summoning circle appeared, a slender and light figure appeared out of thin air.

The overall figure is more than one meter tall, and is surrounded by an elegant sapphire-colored gauze skirt, with cloud patterns painted on the skirt.

In the past, Fengyu Qingling had a thin ribbon that mimicked the wind as a tail. Now, after retaining it, it flows with the wind around her body and turns into a skirt streamer that moves with the wind, making her entire figure look extremely ethereal.


The soft curves of the little feet under the skirt were lightly tapped, and the wind seemed to be quietly surging under them, and the whole figure was very light and motionless.

Xiao Ling has arrived in front of me.

"." Its eyes are like rippling springs, sparkling with smart light, revealing its curiosity about all things.

It's just that the fresh and refined face was unable to make a sound after opening its mouth.


Finally, from the bond of contractual relationship, Su Chen heard the first verbal call from Xiaoling.

At this moment, he understood that the little spirit had not fully formed its vocal cords, but it had already mastered a little bit of language logic.

It tentatively stretched out its right hand. Although the shape gradually became more human-like, this action was still somewhat cat-like, as if it were raising its paws to reach out.

Su Chen did not hesitate, and moved forward to hold his right hand, which was entangled in the wind.

The touch is very delicate and real.

But unlike ordinary flesh and blood bodies that have body temperature, its small hands have no warmth from the flowing blood, replaced by a constant and calm touch.

In fact.

Upon closer inspection, the overall image of Xiao Ling appears too delicate and perfect, with a sense of beauty that transcends the boundaries of flesh and blood, and a somewhat dreamlike sense of unreality.

"This is the body of the true spirit."

Su Chen secretly sighed, if it weren't for the surrounding elements, this would be a beautiful doll with every detail carefully crafted, vivid and lifelike.

But it is precisely this fluctuation of elements that allows it to skillfully walk between illusion, truth and falsehood, blooming with an admirable charm.

"Congratulations, this is the evolved demon user."

At this moment, a cold voice came from the distance.

Xia He on the edge of the field stopped training at some point, and his elegant and tall figure was even more highlighted under his light silver armor.

Perhaps because she had just finished using the Taiyin Form Refining Method, her eyes looked at the owner of the venue with a cold light.


Su Chen didn't mind the slightly piercing gaze too much. After getting along for a while, he became more or less aware that the other person also had a quiet side underneath.

There will be an update later today! Asking for daily recommendation votes! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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