Elemental Mage

12 It's just skill

Avery's group has been fighting Drax for about one and a quarter hours, and they're dealt a large amount of damage in that timeframe. The 3 DPS were constantly dealing damage and Unbreakable, with the help of Avery and Sunshine, was tanking all the damage. They got into a system and were slowly but surely taking down the boss.

"Ok everyone, things are about to get messy!" Unbreakable shouted. The boss had 1000 health left, and in a few seconds it was about to activate it's boss ability, {Rage}.

{Rage} has been the bane of every players existence forever when fighting bosses. The problems with it isn't that it's stats double, it's that it goes into a blind rage like the name implies and doesn't have an aggro system anymore.

If you don't know what an aggro system is, basically whenever a player deals damage to a monster, heals an ally or uses a special skill that grabs a monsters aggro, they will generate monster from that monster. The monster will attack the player with the highest aggro, so usually a tank with high health, defence and magic defence will try to generate aggro so they can tank all the attacks while the DPS will attack the monster.

To do that, tanks would have a skill that generates the monsters aggro. But, in "Realm of the Elements", tanks like Knights and Guardians will get an aggro skill for their tier 2 skill no matter what element they chose. Well, because every tier 2 skill generates aggro for Knights and Guardians.

But, before that, they don't have any skills that generates aggro, which makes it really hard for tanks to properly tank damage. Luckily, for Unbreakable, he found a hidden quest for Knights and Guardians that gives him an aggro skill. So, for Avery's group, him tanking is fairly easy.

The only thing bad about that was a small teasing session when he announced that he found a second hidden quest that the group is doing right now. Everyone called him "A lucky break" and he didn't really like it (Even though it was hilarious).

Back on track now, if Unbreakable couldn't tank the attacks, then they could get attacked next. None of them has enough health to get hit a lot, so it will get a lot more difficult.

"Get ready!" Unbreakable shout, just as Drax's health went below 900. "Screeee!" Drax let out another screech, but it didn't deal any damage. It's eyes turned red, and it was looking at all of them, before charging them once more.

"Crap!" Twilight cursed, as he saw it charge him straight away. He narrowly dodged, and cursed while running away a bit to make some distance. Drax didn't bother with him anymore and went straight into Moonlight who was in the back. She tried to dodge, but got grazed and went down. It didn't kill, but Drax turned around and charged her again, killing her. Dregon was close by, and started running as well. Drax didn't allow that, and killed Dregon in a few seconds. Dregon tried to fight back, but couldn't do anything.

Drax wasn't done yet. He turned towards Twilight, who was still running away. But, Unbreakable appeared in it's path, blocking him.

Drax couldn't get to Twilight without going through Unbreakable, but that would take some time, and he was restless. Sadly, he couldn't fly anymore because when the DPS were attacking Drax's left wing, it broke and now couldn't be used. So, the only option for him is...

Drax turned around to face Sunshine and Avery who were chilling in the back. Both of them knew that Drax would go after one of them, so they split up and ran in different directions. Sunshine headed to the right, where Twilight started running to so they could meet up and Avery headed to the left where... no one else was.

Unbreakable was running as fast as he could and headed over to Sunshine and Twilight as well, but Drax was faster. Sunshine finally made it to Twilight and Drax was a few meters away from them. Twilight vanished, but Drax continued chasing Sunshine. Suddenly, it felt a prick on it's left wing and stopped.

[Lightning Backstab (Tier 1, Level 0)

Backstabs someone while using lightning elements. Deals 100 damage and stuns them for 3 seconds

Cost: 100 mana

Cooldown: 2 minutes

Note: Great for betrayals, because you leave them shocked]

[Shroud of Darkness (Tier 1, Level 0)

Envelops the user with a shroud, concealing them from an enemy. Lasts for 60 seconds. Goes away once you touch a player/monster

Cost: 100 mana

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Note: Invisible prank #1 blow into someone's ear and then run away]

Twilight is a lightning/darkness Rogue, and just used his 2 skills to try and stop Drax. It worked, and he started attacking while Sunshine ran away. He knew he couldn't escape, so he should deal as much damage as he could while stalling so Unbreakable could catch up and protect Sunshine.

He got Drax down to 700 health, but the stun wore off and Drax swiftly killed him in one blow. Rogues usually don't focus on getting good defence or lots of health, and the same goes for Twilight, so the buffed Drax one-shot him and went straight for Sunshine.

But, Unbreakable made it there in time and started protecting Sunshine. Drax, unwilling to give up, kept on attacking Unbreakable. He was dead set on killing him.

...Meanwhile Avery was enjoying the show.

"Hey, Unbreakable and Sunshine, I have a proposal" she shouted. "The hell is it!" both shouted back. They were in a dangerous position, while she was doing nothing. Unbreakable was stopping the boss, while Sunshine was frantically trying to heal him.

"If I help you guys out to clear the rest of this dungeon, can I have first dibs on whatever I want?" she asked. Unbreakable and Sunshine were confused about why she asked that. "What can you even do? You're just a noob!" Sunshine said. She didn't want to deal with Avery now because she needed to help Unbreakable. But, Avery was the only damage dealer that they had.

"Hey, didn't I say it's not nice to call someone a noob?" Avery said back. She was enjoying her petty revenge. You can insult anything about her, but don't even dare insult her knowledge about the game.

"We already established that we're not being mean, it's just that you're new, so you're a noob!" Unbreakable somehow managed to say, even though he's fighting a boss. "Who said I'm a noob?" Avery said back. She then continued, saying "You guys assumed I was a noob, so I played along. Now that the charade is up, do you want me to kill the boss or not?".

Both Unbreakable and Sunshine were shocked. They thought Avery was a noob because of what Dregon told them. Their opinions were further affirmed when they saw Avery fight. But now, she's saying it was all a charade. Who wouldn't be shocked by that?

"Ok, fine! You can get first dibs. Just attack the boss already!" Sunshine said. "Deal" Avery replied with a grin on her face. Sunshine didn't know, but the deal she just made guaranteed their group the dungeon first clear.

"If you're not a noob, then when I say att-" Unbreakable was about to say something when Avery suddenly summoned 15 fireballs and launched them at Drax. The fireballs flew fast and Drax couldn't react in time. Unbreakable watched as the fireballs hit the back of Drax's head. He was instantly disappointed. First, he was shocked that Avery could have so many fireballs, but he assumed it must've been a special item or skill. He was disappointed because the fireballs missed Drax's left wing where they broke both his defence and magic defence with arrows, stabs and skills. If Avery hit that, then Drax would've died. But now, it was over because Avery missed.

Then, Unbreakable saw Drax screech once more and fall down. It didn't move and stayed still. Then, a system notification showed up.

[Congrats! Defeated {Drax}! Received 6500 Exp. 7134/1000 needed to level up]

[Level Up! Gained 10 stat points. 6134/1500 needed to level up]

[Level Up! Gained 10 stat points. 4634/2000 needed to level up]

[Level Up! Gained 10 stat points. 2634/3000 needed to level up]

[{Drax} dropped a {Drain} skill book]

[{Drax} dropped a {Winged Bow}]

[{Drax} dropped a {Hind Robe}]

[{Drax} dropped a {Blood Bat Hind}]

[{Drax} dropped a {Blood Bat Eye}]

[Congrats! Your party got a first clear! Your party will go down in history! Do you want to name your party?]

Meanwhile, Avery levelled up as well. After quickly putting the stat points into wisdom, she checked her status again.


Name: Avrix

Level: 10(2310/8000)


-Charisma: 3

-Constitution: 1

-Defence: 1

-Dexterity: 1

-Intelligence: 90 (25)

-Luck: 4

-Strength: 1

-Willpower: 6

-Wisdom: 77













[Eclipse's Robe (Grade A, Level 13 {4765/12000})

+65 defence

+65 magic defence]

[Eclipse's Mask (Grade S)

-Changes the users face to look like whatever they want

-Hides the users username and cannot be tracked, marked or identified by any skills]

[Eclipse's Staff (Grade A, Level 13 {4765/12000})

+65 intelligence

-Increases the power of darkness element skills by 50%]

[Jerold's Fish Charm (Grade B)

-Fish type monsters, if possible,always drop there carcass and, if possible, are 5 times more likely to drop an item]

[Blood Bat Tooth Necklace (Grade C, Level 8 69/4000)

A necklace with a tooth from a killed Blood Bat. Grants a small portion of their power, if used correctly.

-When using a spell, it has a 2.75% chance to heal the user for all the damage dealt during one attack

For: Mages

Note: Even though the effect is really good, it's takes awhile to activate it]

Active Quests:

Elemental Skills:

[Fireball (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Water Shield (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Entangle (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Flying Cloud (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Rock Wall (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Lightning Strike(Tier 1, Level 0)

[Metal Guard (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Frost (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Ray of Hope (Tier 1, Level 0)

[Smog (Tier 1, Level 1)

Other Skills:

Health: 1100

Mana: 1000 (350)

Defence: 75 (10)

Magic defence: 125 (60)

Health regeneration: 1.5 per second

Mana regeneration: 39.5 per second]

'Looking Good!' Avery thought as Moonlight, Dregon and Twilight spawned back in. When you die, you turn into a ghost pretty much and spawn back in if you get resurrected or your party wins the fight. You can watch you party fight and still get Exp and items.

The three of them saw how Avery fought and was flabbergasted. Then, they all started apologizing. Avery laughed and told them it was ok. She already had her fun and she knew they never would've said it if she revealed she wasn't a noob.

But, Dregon still had one question. "How'd you managed to summon 15 fireballs and know it's weak spot" he asked.

Avery laughed and said one line.

"It's just skill!"

Everyone else: "..."

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