Elemental War Field

Chapter 130: Pursuit (four/four)


The hard head of the rock arthroplast slammed into the body of another rock arthropod, hitting it in the magma and tumbling for several times. The collided rock arthropod was also knocked out and slumped in the magma. After a moment of stunned, it seemed that he was looking for Rose's body.

   In the flames on the edge of the magma land, Rose's figure slowly condensed. He glanced at the blood volume of this group of rock knotworms, and aimed at the center of them again to make up a [lava jet].

A whole team of lava knotworms has already reached the end of the crossbow. Under the turbulent lava, there is only a trace of blood-skinned lava knotworms, which instantly turned into a pile of red-hot stones, lying motionless in the magma. .

   Beside their bodies, there is a bigger corpse with a larger insect nest, especially exuding rancid heat.


   The sound of thunder came from the cave outside. Ross turned his head and saw that a pile of black and crushed zerg army was rushing towards the center of the battlefield madly roaring!

   The players who were already dying under the attack of the poisonous cloud and mist suddenly disappeared like birds and beasts.

   Zerg reinforcements are coming surging, Ross is no longer confident to face such a large number of Zerg army alone, not to mention Bloodshadow Amis, this title-level assassin may also be hidden in the army.

   Rose took a look at the progress of the [Destroying the Worm Nest] task, and advanced by two percentage points. His body suddenly disappeared from the spot, and followed the flames left by the player's alchemy bomb.

  The Zerg army who came to support, saw the worm nest in the center of the battlefield, and at the same time let out an angry roar along, and Rose's disappeared back chased him away.

  Ros rode the summoned Fire Wolf and quickly shuttled through the cave. Behind him, the zerg army platooned with black and unseen head, chased behind him, and Rose came out with a cold sweat.

   If the fire wolf was still strengthened before, he would have been overtaken and crushed by the Zerg army. The lava wolf is stronger and faster than the fire wolf, so he can barely run in front of the army.

   The zerg army has flowed through like a flood, without stopping in the slightest, it means that Ross will not be crushed, and it will never be closed.

   Ross's face suddenly became bitter. If the player encountered this situation, he could die cleanly once, but now it is even more difficult to get out of the battle.

   "The attribute points of this mission are really hard to earn!" Ross couldn't help but sigh. He glanced at the crazy Zerg and pulled out the [Alchemy Bomb].

   "Since you are looking for death! Don't blame me!"

   A bunch of bronze-level [alchemy bombs] appeared in Rose's hands. It is impossible for these bombs to block the pursuers, but they can always kill a few unlucky ones in seconds.

   When passing through a narrow cave, Rose threw dozens of [Alchemy Bombs] on the ground.

The Zerg army ran over the bomb. Suddenly, a crimson cloud of fire rose among the Zerg army. A series of dozens of alchemy bombs were destroyed. Even the Silver Zerg would be blown dizzy. .

More than a dozen bronze worms wrapped in the center of the chaser were instantly torn into pieces by a violent explosion. A strong shock wave erupted in a small space, causing the cave above to appear a small area of ​​collapse and large rocks. When it collapsed, the turbulent Zerg army had a brief riot. The Zerg in front fell in the explosion, and the Zerg behind continued to charge, and the fallen companions had no scruples about them, and directly trampled them into a pile of mud.

   Ross took the opportunity to pull a distance and pass through several forks in succession, but the group of Zergs seemed to have a way to lock his position, still chasing violently behind him.

   When passing a fork, Ross suddenly jumped from the lava wolf and entered a cave with the lava wolf separately.

   Facing the crazy Zerg chasing soldiers, Rose suddenly turned around, his two-handed staff had already been put into the package, and the burning lava gathered in his hands, exuding a strong breath of death.

   The Zerg didn't seem to see the flame in Rose's hand, still roaring and charging towards him.

  All the flames gathered on Rose's group head and wrists, and gathered into a ball of crimson rolling lava.

   "Lava burst!"

   The lava flame wrapped in Rose's hand, like a meteorite, violently crashed into the Zerg army.

  The Zerg rushing at the forefront are all small and fastest units. Their speed is fast enough and their lethality is strong enough, but their strength and defense are relatively quicker.

   Under this fist, no matter what kind of Zerg army it is, it can't stop this group of extremely violent lava flames.

   The surging flame element roared out, and the zergs in the front were ignited by the flame into a pile of burning fireballs almost instantly.

   Amidst a crimson flame, the lava fireball burst open suddenly, and the jetted lava almost occupied the entire cave, blocking the way of the Zerg army.


   After a brief riot for a few seconds, the subsequent Zerg army rushed out of the lava flames, but Rose was no longer in sight.

   The Zerg who lost the target did not stop chasing and rushed forward.

   On the other side of the cave, Ross slowly condensed on the running lava wolf, and finally there was no Zerg chaser behind him.

   "I don't know where this group of brainless guys will rush to."

   The map of the nearby cave appeared in Rose's mind. Rose thought for a while, paused for a moment in the cave, and when the sound of chasing soldiers disappeared, he turned and ran in the opposite direction.

   No. 2 base.

   The players who returned from the collective death gathered together to discuss the process of Ross killing the Insect Nest, and finally the Zerg’s chasing troops came.

   The player’s voice was very loud, and he did not shy away from the soldiers at the base. The news that Rose destroyed a Worm’s Nest quickly reached the ears of Sacred Shield Kane.

   After hearing the soldier's report, Kane's movements obviously paused, his expression a little surprised.

   "Are you saying that Ross and a group of strangers joined forces to destroy a Worm's Nest and also attracted many Zerg chasers?"

  'S report adjutant nodded: "The strangers outside are saying that. I heard that Rose entered the worm nest and burned the worm nest completely with flames."

   "Some trouble!"

   Kane stood up, pacing back and forth in the camp a little uneasy.

“The hatred of destroying the Worm’s Nest is endless for the Zerg. Every time I destroy the Worm’s Nest, we have to go through a **** battle. Rose destroys a Worm’s Nest this time. The Zerg will certainly not give up easily. It is difficult to get rid of those chasing soldiers. clean."

In Kane’s mind, Ross is more important than a worm’s nest. He originally just said casually. He didn’t expect Ross to destroy a worm’s nest single-handedly~www.ltnovel.com~ this kind of record even he did. No, the entire Seventh Legion can do it, only Gracie the Element Hunter.

   "Should I send someone to meet him?" the adjutant asked.

   "No need!" Kane shook his head.

With the madness of the Zerg, there must be a lot of chasing soldiers behind Ross. It is useless if there are fewer people to respond. If there are more people to respond, it will turn into an encounter. Fight against the Zerg army in a place where there is no purification circle. Legionnaires are too unfavorable.

   Just as Kane was thinking about what to do, a messenger suddenly broke into the camp and said in a hurry.

   "Deputy Legion Commander! A large number of Zergs are coming to the camp!"

   Kane twisted his brows and quickly realized that this large group of Zerg was probably the pursuit of Rose.

   "Did you see Rose?"

   Chuan Lingbing shook his head, "Except for the Zerg, did you see anyone?"

   Could it be that Ross had already died in the hands of the Zerg army, a thought suddenly flashed in Kane's mind.

   "Blow the horn, everyone is ready to fight!"

   Kane shook his head, finally picked up the shield on the weapon rack, and walked out of the camp.



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