Seeing Qinghui entering the tent, Yukira, who had been whispering to the fire dinosaur, ran over immediately with short legs.


Even though Yukira had a pumice around his neck, his movement made the ground thump, thump, thump.

Xiaoyukira, who ran to Qinghui, clutched her stomach and called out to Qinghui.

"I know you're hungry, you're really a snack!" Qinghui said angrily, looking at Yu Kira, who was selling cute food in front of him.

Why do other people's Yukira's eyes look domineering, and his Yukira doesn't seem to know anything but cuteness now?

Although Yu Kira is still in its infancy, shouldn't this domineering be inherited?

Could it be that Yukira's father is a fast dragon?So can you inherit this cute look?

That's not right either!

The egg group of the fast dragon and the egg group of Bangira are completely different, and there is no way to lay eggs between the two elves!

So what is going on with this look? Could it be that I raised it crookedly?

No, I have to train Yukira well in the future!

Qinghui looked at Yukira, who was screaming cutely while covering her stomach in front of her, and instantly made countless training plans for him in her heart!

Poor Yukira still doesn't know that the training that will make him complain all the time in the future is actually caused by his malicious behavior in his childhood!

Qinghui began to flip the backpack and took out the prepared energy cubes, among which, the energy cubes given to Yukila were as much as 10 yuan!

You must know that the energy cubes sold in the market contain 20 pieces in a box, which can often last an elves for several days. longer.

However, the young Yukira needs a meal of 10 yuan, which is still a special energy block made of precious ore powder. After he has passed the infancy, his food intake will continue to increase!

Even if you only eat two meals a day, that's the rate of one box a day...

In exchange for money, Qinghui can't imagine it!

If it wasn't for the resources provided by the alliance, even if Qinghui had a mine at home, he wouldn't necessarily dare to raise such a Yukira!

so horrible!



Lalulas and the little dream demon who were playing together also floated over. Now Lalulas has learned to use the power of mind and can control her body to float freely in midair.

"Don't worry, this is your energy cube."

Qinghui gently rubbed Lalu's smooth pale blue hair that was floating on his shoulders, "I came down to eat, and then sit up (well) after eating."


Lalu Lasi obediently landed on the ground, Qinghui took out Lalu Lasi's exclusive energy cube, and took out a large bottle of Moo Moo fresh milk, poured her a glass, this is her dinner.

Although Lalulas has passed her childhood, she likes to drink moo milk, so Qinghui will prepare a cup for her every meal.

Then, Qinghui put this big bottle of Moomoo milk directly in front of Yukira...

That's right, Yukira has more than 10 energy cubes per meal, and also drinks such a big bottle of Moo Moo...

As for the other elves of Qinghui, they are not very interested in moo fresh milk, they seem to prefer drinking tree juice...

The eyes of the elves turned to... the pot behind the elves!


Huhu understood what everyone meant, and immediately poured the tree juice he brewed into the cups.

This is a skill she is born with, and it can even be regarded as a racially inherited talent of the pot. After each pot is born, it knows how to brew delicious tree juice.

And after they have passed their infancy, they can officially start brewing!

Qinghui's juju is like this. When the juju has passed the juvenile period, he took the initiative to ask Qinghui to ask for some tree fruits and began to brew tree juice.

Such Qinghui elves are very happy, because even in the wild, as long as there is a pot, they can drink delicious and refreshing tree juice!



The elves expressed their gratitude to the pot.


Facing the enthusiasm of the elves, Huhu seemed a little shy, and finally Qinghui said: "Okay, everyone, let's eat quickly, Huhu, I will give you some tree fruits after eating."

"Hey~" noon

Chapter 107 Can this be tolerated? He was actually fed a mouthful of dog food by Gengar! 【For subscription】

Hu Hu let out a happy cry, and then took his own food and ate it. Although he was a little shy with the enthusiasm of the elves, Hu Hu felt very happy to be able to help everyone.

After the elves had dinner, Qinghui accompanied Lalu Lassi, and the "little" elves, Kira, Huhu, and Meng Yao, played for a while, and then lay on the mattress to rest.

Silent all night.

The next morning, when the sky was slightly bright, Qinghui finished dressing, put all the elves into the pokeball, walked out of the tent, and quietly came to the outside of the central tent.

This is the time he agreed with mother-in-law Chrysanthemum yesterday.

As soon as Qinghui arrived outside the tent, he heard a voice from inside: "Zhi Si~"

Gengar's cry!It seems that Geng Gui had spotted Qinghui before he came, and is now informing mother-in-law Chrysanthemum.

"Is Qinghui here? Come in."

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum's voice sounded after Gengar's cry.

After Qinghui heard it, he opened the tent's curtain and walked in, and suddenly felt that the temperature around him seemed to have dropped a lot!

At this time, mother-in-law Juzi was sitting at the table at the temporary meeting yesterday, watching a Gengar beside her eating breakfast.

In addition to this Gengar, Qinghui also saw a dream demon who was also feasting on the side. A bat hung upside down on the top of the tent, and his eyes were watching him as he walked into the tent.

Then, not far behind Mother-in-law Kikuzi, an Arbo monster and a double-bomb gas were also eating quietly.

In mid-air, there was a ghost stone floating around boredly.

This scene... If you set up this tent a little bit, it's not an exaggeration to call it a haunted house, right?

Whether it's the cross-shaped bat hanging upside down silently on the top, or the Abo monster who is born with a wicked figure, plus the ghost-type dream demon, ghost stone and Gengar...

This is simply a natural haunted house!

Qinghui even thinks that even if the mother-in-law Juzi is no longer the king, she can make a lot of money by directly opening a haunted house!

This is just the mother-in-law Chrysanthemum who is "not the ghost king", if it is the ghost kings in other areas...


However, although there are very few types of ghost-type elves in the hands of mother-in-law Juzi, their strength should not be underestimated!

There is no need to say more about the champion-level Gengar. Now this Gengar is also a Heavenly King. Ghost Stone, who floats around, and Meng Yao, who only cares about eating without raising his head, are also Heavenly Kings!

In addition, the same 113 is the king-level cross-shaped bat, Aberdeen and double-bomb gas...

One champion and six kings!

"Is this the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu?"

Qinghui, who finally got to see the true strength of the King of Heaven, was very shocked!

Since mother-in-law Juzi told him yesterday that she would bring all the main elves, Qinghui believed that mother-in-law Juzi did not keep her hands, and now these elves should be the first elves of mother-in-law Juzi.

In this way, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the true strength of the King of Heaven.

Seeing the little knowledge, the elves of A'Du, Kona, and Shiba must be similar, and A'Du's should be stronger!

Is Jie the King of Heaven?

Even if this Nima won the championship of the Quartz Conference and got the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, if the other party did not intend to give up, would he take the lead?Seeing that Qinghui's eyes were constantly shifting among the elves in the tent, Grandma Juzi smiled and said, "These are my main elves, don't envy them, your elves will soon have them too. Such strength!"

"These old guys have been with me since I started on the road of trainers. The development of the alliance was not as good as it is now, and we trainers did not have the excellent selection of elves provided by the alliance. The only way to become a trainer is to conquer the elves yourself."

As Grandma Juzi spoke, she recalled the green past when she was a trainer when she was young, and then reacted, "When I'm older, I just like to recall the past and make you laugh." Qinghui shook his head. , said: "I also hope that when I am old, my elves can live together like this every day." "Don't worry, yes, just based on your attitude towards elves, elves will not abandon you. of."

Grandma Juzi said, then stood up with a cane: "Meng Yao, don't eat, we're ready to go." "Hey!!"

Meng Yao let out a reluctant cry, then quickly shoved the rest of the food into her mouth, and floated beside Granny Chrysanthemum with her mouth bulging.Ghost Stone was the fastest, and when he heard the words, he floated directly to the table, and took the initiative to get into a elf ball. When the other elves heard the words of mother-in-law Chrysanthemum, they all stopped and got into one by one. In the Poké Ball, only Gengar and Meng Yao remained outside. "This is my dream demon, you can also summon your dream demon, let my dream demon teach in your shadow, just to protect your safety." Granny Juzi turned her head and said to Qinghui.

"Okay, thank you mother-in-law Juzi." Qinghui released his dream demon. "Huh?"

Meng Yao, who had just entered the Poké Ball and was about to fall asleep, was suddenly released, and a little bit of waking up air floated to the top of Qinghui's hat, ready to tug at Qinghui's hair.

Then, she saw the same kind beside her mother-in-law Chrysanthemum!

This is the real one!

"Little Mengyao, don't make trouble, your task today is to follow the senior in front of you to study in my shadow." Qinghui stretched out his hand to stop Mengyao's anger-sucking behavior and said.


The Meng Yao next to Granny Juzi nodded towards Granny Juzi, swallowed the food in her mouth with all her might, then floated to Qinghui's side and looked at the Meng Yao above Qinghui's head.After observing for a while, the dream demon nodded with satisfaction: "Well~" "You mean she has grown up well recently, right?" Qinghui asked. "Huh!"

Meng Yao nodded, and then called out to the little Meng Yao above Qinghui's head. "Mah!" "Mah?" "Mah~"

The two dream demons briefly communicated for a while, and then got into Qinghui's shadow together. "Silicon~"

At this time, the Geng Ghost next to Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum also gave a soft cry, and then took the initiative to merge into the shadow of Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum to protect her safety. "Okay, let's go, and try to communicate with the gophers for half a day!" "Okay."

Qinghui supported mother-in-law Chrysanthemum, and the two quietly left the tent and walked towards the gopher cave.

Entering the gopher cave, everything is as it was yesterday, without the slightest change.

The two followed the downhill road to the entrance hall. At this time, the five members of the emergency team were already waiting here yesterday. When they saw the arrival of King Chrysanthemum, they immediately said hello. "King Chrysanthemum, we are ready and ready to act at any time!"

Granny Chrysanthemum nodded, looked around, and asked, "Is there any change here last night?"

The leader of the emergency team said: "No, your Gengar has been monitoring the movements of the gophers nearby. After evacuating yesterday, they chased a distance and returned, and then there was no movement." "Silicon~"

Just as the captain was talking, a fat Gengar appeared from the shadow of a section of the earth wall, and then came to the side of mother-in-law Chrysanthemum. "It's been hard work for you without a night's rest, and I'm going to trouble you again today," said mother-in-law Juzi. "Silicon~"

Gengar shook his head, saying that not having a day off would have no effect on him at all.

"Then you continue to monitor the situation on the main road here first. I and Qinghui will go to the fork in the road they entered yesterday to take a look. When we come back, we will go to the main road together. You guys too, wait here first. , wait for us to come back and then decide the next move." Mother-in-law Juzi thought for a while and said.

According to what Qinghui said yesterday, there should be only one family, and their relationship with Qinghui is not bad. There is no danger in this trip. If there are too many people, there may even be some The reaction made (bjea) those gophers who had settled down even more nervous.

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