"Things are going well. The gopher leader will come here in the afternoon. You leave the two of you here and wait. The rest will go up with me, prepare supplies, and start action in the afternoon!"

Grandma Chrysanthemum said.

"Three gophers, I trouble you today, thank you very much for helping us communicate with your leader."

Qinghui also bent down and said to the three gophers beside him. At the same time, he took out a lot of energy cubes from his backpack and gave them to the three gophers.

"Da na da na!"

The three gophers called out twice, said goodbye to Qinghui, then picked up the energy cube and returned to the fork in the road where they were.

"Qinghui, let's go, let's go back, take a good rest for the rest of the time, we will go deep into the gopher cave in the afternoon, and it may take a long time to get there!"

Mother-in-law Juzi said: "According to the previous experience of the alliance's exploration, it takes nearly two days to cross the entire gopher cave, so if we set out in the afternoon to walk half of the distance, it will take nearly a day. There is no accident tonight. Need to spend the night in the gopher cave, trust me, you won't sleep comfortably in it, so take the time to rest when you go back now."

"I understand." Qinghui nodded and returned to the ground with mother-in-law Juzi and three members of the emergency team.

Qinghui went directly back to his tent and began to rest, while mother-in-law Chrysanthemum went to report the situation of today's communication with the chairman. The staff of the alliance also began to take action to help everyone prepare various materials needed when they were underground.

At lunchtime, Qinghui, who had fallen asleep, was woken up by the staff outside the tent.

"Mr. Qinghui, King Juzi asked me to tell you to go to the temporary command post."

As soon as Qinghui opened the tent's curtain, the staff standing at the door immediately said.

"I see, thank you."

Qinghui nodded and returned to the tent. After a brief tidy up, he rushed to the central tent.

As soon as he entered, Qinghui saw that the table for the temporary meeting was full of people. Grandma Juzi was sitting at the top, and Ms. Junsha and Ms. Joey were sitting on the left and right of her.

While mother-in-law Juzi was assigning tasks, Qinghui quietly found a chair and sat down, listening to the tasks in the afternoon.

"The original seven teams have become four, and the captains of the 4th, 5th, and 6th teams are selected to join our main task team. The remaining team leaders remain unchanged. The trainers of the 4th, 5th, and 6th teams are the same. Divide into the other four teams equally!"

"The task of the four teams is to explore all the side roads of the gopher cave and draw a map. The emergency team and your three captains, plus Qinghui, enter the main road with me!"

"At the entrance of the Gopher Cave, I will trouble Miss Junsha and your police station. Anyone who comes out of it who is not on this mission will be arrested directly!"

"I understand!" Miss Junsha nodded solemnly.

"Miss Joy, please follow us with your medical team. This time the journey is longer, and it is expected to be fiercely resisted by the other party. You need to provide treatment for the elves."

"Okay!" Miss Joy nodded in agreement.

"Then, the person in charge of the exploration mission should go out first, notify the trainers outside to regroup, and the rest will stay here."

Mother Juzi looked around and said in a low voice.


The four team leaders stood up and walked out, and then mother-in-law Juzi began to talk about the details of the mission: "This mission, we will enter at the same time as the King of Sheba from Nibi City, and we will travel for a long time first, and at night We will take a break from time to time and wait until the next day to reach the central area together and attack those people!"

"At that time, the opponent's masters will be shot by me and the King of Sheba, and the others need to be distributed by you, and try not to let any of them run away..."

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum explained the various ideas and distribution methods during the battle to everyone present for more than half a month...

"The following is the detailed allocation of the alliance for this mission. You must each remember your own mission. This time, our opponent is very likely to be the Rockets!"

"And I don't know if any of you were bought by the Rockets! So, before the mission starts, let's stay in this tent together!"

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum said directly, except for a few people present, the mother-in-law Chrysanthemum did not really believe in the identity of the other party!

"Is it Team Rocket?!"

Only then did everyone know the culprit, and they looked at each other in dismay. Isn't the league's main target of cleaning now the Rockets?Why are you still doing things here?

After the mother-in-law Chrysanthemum said this heavy news, she watched the facial expressions of everyone present from the corner of her eyes.

The disclosure of this key information was prepared by the mother-in-law Juzi long ago, in order to initially investigate whether there are undercover agents of Team Rocket among the people participating in the mission!

If there is, it needs to be cleared as soon as possible, otherwise, once the fight starts, it will not feel good to encounter a backstab in the back!

At first, Qinghui didn't understand why mother-in-law Juzi wanted to tell this story, but after seeing the shocked expressions of these people after hearing the news, she understood.

However, according to his observations, the reactions of the people present are normal, and it seems that there should be no undercover Rockets team.

"Okay, there's no need to make such a fuss, it's just Team Rocket. You must remember to keep this matter strictly confidential! Let's start lunch now."

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum gestured to a staff member, and soon, a sumptuous lunch was served.

Not long after everyone had lunch, the communicator in front of Granny Juzi rang, and after Granny Juzi connected, a loud voice came from inside: "King Juzi, it's time, let's start now, King Shiba The team has already set off!"

"I see, Chairman."

"good luck."

"Lend your auspicious words!"

A brief conversation made it clear to everyone that the mission began!

Grandma Juzi stood up with a cane: "Let's go, let's go now!"

Everyone got up one after another, followed behind Granny Juzi, walked out of the tent, and walked towards the entrance of the gopher cave...

Coming to the underground hall, Qinghui saw that the leader of the three gophers was waiting here with five quasi-king-level three gophers...

"Da na da na!"

Seeing Qinghui and the others coming down, the leader of the three gophers called out twice.

"Then, everything is going according to plan. Let's go first. After we get in, the exploration team will start! Miss Junsha, I will trouble you here!"

"Leave it to us! Don't worry! We won't let any strangers go, King Chrysanthemum!"

Miss Junsha solemnly salutes mother-in-law Chrysanthemum.

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone brought lighting equipment and followed the leader of the three gophers into the main road.

This time, they didn't worry about the gopher's attack when they were on their way. They moved forward a lot faster, but in this dim crypt environment, it was easy for people to forget the time!

Qinghui felt that he had gone for a long time, but he took out the illustrated book and looked at the time, and found that they had only set off for more than three hours...

Honghe, who was beside Qinghui, saw Qinghui's actions, smiled and said, "Do you feel a little unaccustomed to it? After all, it took a long time to go to the gopher cave to fight, and then to return. Now the boring journey is really very boring. It’s easy to feel depressed and bored.”

"Well, a bit. Is there any good way?" Qinghui nodded and admitted that the tunnel was surrounded by cookie-cutter walls, and the dark and depressing environment made it really uncomfortable to stay for a long time.

"There is no good way, I can only get used to it. After staying in this environment for a long time, I will get used to it. I still remember that I used to go on a mission and lived in an underground ruin for four days and four nights! Almost suffocated me!"

Honghe began to whisper to Qinghui about his previous experience: "But it was at that time that I met this Tulong brother in the ruins and subdued her. In this case, you need to do The main thing is to try to distract yourself, don't focus on rushing on the road, it will be much easier to guard."

According to Honghe's experience, Qinghui began to think about other things, such as the issue of training after Kira... I really feel a lot better about the expectations of the next journey, and even the passage of time is not very sensitive. .

Until the leading mother-in-law Chrysanthemum communicated with the gopher leader for a while, she stopped, turned to say to everyone: "It's getting late, everyone is here to camp and rest. After 7 hours, we will move on!"

Qinghui took out the picture book and glanced at it, and found that it was already past ten o'clock in the evening!

"Now, let's allocate the vigil. Divide into three teams of 4.0, and each team will rotate every two hours! The first team is..."

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum made a simple assignment, and then sat on the moisture-proof pad.

Others also put moisture-proof mats on the ground, took out food such as bread and milk, and began to eat them.

In the cave environment, the oxygen itself is relatively lacking. If the fire is used to cook, it will lead to a large amount of oxygen consumption. Therefore, in this environment, everyone only eats some food such as bread and sandwiches.

Qinghui was assigned to the last group to watch the night, so he hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of bread and drank a few mouthfuls of milk before falling asleep with his backpack leaning on the mat.

Gopher Cave, in the tent in the middle ground.

Chakra sat bored with Oka and Sage.

"The gophers still didn't attack today, it seems that they were really scared by us! But what should I do with the remaining elves..."

Oka has been brooding about this matter. Since yesterday, the gophers have stopped attacking, which makes it impossible for them to continue to exercise their elves.

"It's good that there is no attack. The province still has to protect these miners. In the first few days, if the gophers attacked a lot of people and injured some people, our mission should have been completed by now." Yaokra said indifferently.

"It's so frustrating to stay in this damn place! It's easy to go crazy without a fight! Can you bear it?!" , but hold it for me now!" "You know, mother-in-law is like a woman..." "You..."

Chapter 110 Meng Yao: The prank is successful, this is a normal person! 【For subscription】

The three beastmen of Team Rocket don't know anything about the outside environment. They thought they were so powerful that they scared the gophers to the point of running away. They didn't know that King Juzi and King Sheba had led the team to enter from both ends. In the gopher cave!

They don't even know that Sakagi was almost out of high blood pressure by a few of them!

"Qinghui, Qinghui!"

Qinghui, who was in a daze, noticed that someone shook his shoulder, and at the same time whispered his name, opened his eyes and saw that it was Honghe.

"Wake up, it's time for us to keep watch."

Seeing Qinghui getting up, Honghe immediately said.

"Okay, I get it now!"

Qinghui rubbed his eyes, picked up a bottle of water beside him, poured it into his hands and rubbed his face randomly.

The cool water temperature made him awake a lot, and then he stood up with his backpack, and he and Honghe came to the front of the team not far away, where the night watchman stayed.

At this time, a man was already sitting here, and Qinghui also had some impressions of him. He was the captain of the original sixth team.

The captain saw Honghe and Qinghui coming, and whispered towards Honghe: "Qinghui is still a child, we can just come here for things like the night watch, Qinghui, go back to sleep."

Qinghui waved his hand and rejected the other party's kindness: "No need, since the task has been assigned to me, I have to complete it properly. Since I participated in this task, then you don't have to treat me as a child!"

Seeing that Qinghui was very determined, the captain didn't say much, "In that case, let's stay here together. If you are sleepy, you can rest against the wall for a while."

Qinghui nodded, sat next to the captain with Honghe, took out some bread from his backpack, and distributed it to the two of them.

Then, Qinghui took out three more cups and called out the pot: "Kuhu, get some tree juice."


Hu Hu obediently filled three cups with brewed tree juice.

Qinghui also handed the cup to the two of them: "Drink some juice, the juice in the pot is delicious."

"Huh? You still have a pot! I didn't expect to drink delicious tree juice in this kind of underground hole! It's really enjoyable!"

Honghe took the cup of 19 that Qinghui handed over, Meimei took a big sip, and laughed softly.

"Yeah, unfortunately, there is no wine, it would be better if there was wine!"

The captain also said.

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