And he, Chakra, is now quietly clinging to the wall, slowly groping towards the entrance of the underground hall, without making a single sound of footsteps. "Ow!"

The wind speed dog was keenly aware that something was wrong. After the previously sprayed flames failed, it stopped attacking, and wholeheartedly used its ears and nose to probe the other party's movements.

It was just the appearance of the black fog, which seemed to disturb its sense of smell, so that it could only listen as much as possible with its own ears, but it still sensed a slight movement coming from one direction! "Wind speed dog, spray flames, and release them in the direction you perceive! Try to point out the direction of the attack for everyone!" "Nine tails, use hot air and try to blow away these black mists!"

"Huibu, ready to use defend at any time! Be careful of the opponent attacking the nine tails!"

Miss Junsha was very decisive, and immediately gave corresponding instructions to her elves. "Forked bat, wave of evil, collective attack!" A voice faintly came from the black mist.

Now that his position has been exposed, Chakra simply let the cross-shaped bat carry out an AOE attack, and he took the opportunity to speed up and move towards the exit. "Cough~"

The Crosshair Bat unleashes the wave of evil!

A terrifying aura full of maliciousness emanated from its body, and soon spread throughout the audience!

Let the weak elves not only be hurt, but also make them retreat unconsciously! "Hold on! Support is coming soon!"

Miss Junsha kept cheering for everyone, and Huo Yibu released the guard beside Jiuwei, allowing Jiuwei to successfully release the hot air without being interrupted by the other party's elves!

As soon as the black mist was blown by the wind, it dissipated a little. Just wait for a while, and the black mist will be completely blown away. At that time, they can see who the other party is! "It's just... Junya has been up for so long, why haven't you seen her bring someone back?"

Miss Junsha has been counting the time silently in her heart since Junya left, and ten minutes have passed by now!

It stands to reason that the support should have come. In this emergency situation, Junya can't go up slowly!

And their camp is at the entrance of the cave, just walk up to it!

At this moment, there was movement from the exit of the underground hall! "call….…"

After Miss Junsha heard the movement, she breathed a sigh of relief, and the support finally came! "Everyone has done a good job, our support has been..."

Miss Junsha was about to speak, when she heard the panicked voices of colleagues around her! "Who? Attacked my elf?"

"Me too, don't make a mistake, I'm Ah Zheng! Your colleague!"

"Water Arrow Turtle! What's wrong with you Water Arrow Turtle?! Whose electric elf released the skills?!" "What's going on?!"

Miss Junsha immediately looked around to see the situation clearly.

At this moment, an electric light shot directly at her wind speed dog!

The speed of the electric light was extremely fast, and it appeared behind the wind speed dog, so that it did not react at all, and was hit! "Ouch!!" The wind speed dog screamed in pain!

This power is not right, it is not something that a quasi-king-level elves can release! "broken!"

Miss Junsha's heart sank, the person who came down is not theirs!

But... the support force of Team Rocket!

Immediately afterwards, she saw that her Fire Eevee and the nine tails who were releasing hot wind were also attacked!

It was the same as the electric light, which directly penetrated Huo Yibu's holding skills and hit Jiuwei's body.

Let the skills of the nine tails be interrupted directly!

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, hold on, go to Jiuwei and Huo Yibu's side, the three of you stick together!"

Miss Junsha shouted in the direction of the wind speed dog.

Chakra, who was beside the wall, also noticed the riot in the underground hall. Knowing that Sakagi Boss did not give up on them, he sent someone to respond!

And looking at the electric light that appeared in the fog, he thought about it and knew the identity of the other party.

But he still smiled bitterly: "If Boss Sakagi knew that he took a risk and used a gym owner buried in the alliance to make a move, but only me was rescued, I don't know what kind of horror I will face..." Well, at least today, my life is saved for 120."

Chakra thought, and accelerated his retreat towards the underground hall, and because the wind speed dog was attacked by the opponent, it was difficult to take him into account at this time!

Soon, he came to the exit of the underground hall, and then, he saw two elves with almost yellow bodies standing there, one Reib and one... They looked the same as Hanpi... ...Electric Dragon!

"Did he secretly cultivate an electric dragon? If it wasn't to hide his identity this time, he probably wouldn't have sent it directly, right?" Chakra thought to himself, nodded towards the two elves, and whispered something : "I'm the only one left, retreat." Then, he took the lead into the exit with a cross-shaped bat.

Reib and Electric Dragon looked at each other, and after throwing a few skills in the underground hall, they followed Chakra out of the underground hall.

Chakra, who had returned to the ground, had not had time to take a breath of fresh air when he saw a small camp in front of him.

In the camp, there were six or seven people scrambling upside down. They were all wearing police uniforms and seemed to be knocked unconscious.

Around them, there were all kinds of elves, with some injuries on their bodies, but Chakra found that none of the injuries on these elves were caused by electric shocks! "Are you still trying to hide your identity at this time? It's really prudent!"

Chakra thought and saw a figure standing in the dark, so he adjusted the clothes that were messed up because he was only busy in the dark, raised his legs and strode towards the figure. "only you?"

The figure in the dark did not look up, and waited until Chakra came over and asked directly.

"Well, I was the only one who escaped, and Xiba and Juzi shot at the same time."

Chakra looked up and said that his height was a bit shorter than the other party, so he had to look up when speaking. "It's really useless, didn't the boss remind you to keep a low profile before you set off?" The figure said in a bad tone.

Chakra opened his mouth, as if to defend something, but was interrupted by the other party's opening: "Go back and tell the boss if you have something to say, we will withdraw now." The other party took out the Poke Ball, put it away and just got out of the ground Reib and the Electric Dragon of the Rat Cave put their hoods on their heads, turned and left. "you……"

Chakra was helpless and could only quickly follow in the footsteps of the other party.

The two figures gradually disappeared into the darkness.only……

What they didn't know was that in the woods not far away, a pair of eyes were watching what happened at the door of the gopher's cave! .

Chapter 121 Autistic Junsha 【Subscription】

The person who observed secretly was wearing a cloak and was hiding in a tree in the forest, looking motionless in the direction of the gopher's burrow.

After waiting for the two to leave, he jumped down from the tree and followed quickly.

"Who was the person who responded? Why do I feel a little familiar? And the elf he used..."

A'Du thought while hanging the other party from a distance.

He rode his fast dragon to Route 11 as soon as possible yesterday afternoon, and then he walked through the woods alone, reaching the outside of the gopher cave from the woods.

Then, he stayed in the forest to watch for any non-Alliance personnel approaching. Until late last night, a suspicious figure appeared in the woods!

It was this mysterious man who came out of the gopher cave today!

A'Du stayed on the tree without making any movement, plus he was a little far away from the other party, so the other party couldn't find him in the dense jungle.

Moreover, this mysterious man has been wearing a mask, and he does not know the identity of the other party. While the other party is waiting, he has been sitting quietly in the forest, and he is almost motionless except when he is eating, drinking and convenience!

This is really hard, A'Du!

You know, A'Du is human too!I need to eat and drink as well...

Although he was ready before he came out, he was in a hurry. A'Du almost didn't suffocate himself while waiting...

In the end, I found an opportunity to quickly make it easier.

Then tonight, A'Du noticed a woman in a police uniform walking out of the entrance of the gopher cave, and then the remaining police officers began to gather and prepare to set off.

At this time, this mysterious man made his move!

A'Du clearly saw that he just summoned two elves, and stunned all these police officers!

As for the big camp on the trainer's side, A'Du didn't know why there was no movement at all!

It seems that they all slept to death, and did not notice the sudden battle at the entrance of the gopher cave!

Then, the two elves got into the gopher cave, and after a while, a short man came out of it, and then followed the man away.

In the process of tracking, A'Du felt more and more that this mysterious person was someone inside the alliance!And its status should not be low!

As for the trainer camp, what method might this person use to make them fall asleep!

There are many ways to achieve this effect, whether it is medicine or let the elves shoot, all can achieve this effect.

As long as the other party can understand the branch here and the specific situation when dinner is provided, it is not difficult to find the right time to shoot.

This is also the main reason why A'Du judges that the other party is someone inside the alliance, and the secondary reason is his elf!

Reib and Electric Dragon!

Two electric spirits!

The key is that when you make a sneak attack outside, you are not using electrical skills, but general skills.

At first, A'Du thought that the other party might be afraid of sending out an electric light for the big camp to notice, but when he realized the situation in the big camp, this person had only one choice left: hide his identity! "is it him?"

A figure appeared in A'Du's mind.

"It doesn't matter, you'll know if you follow along. If so, it seems that this cleaning has to be upgraded by another level!" A'Du shook his head, put these thoughts out of his mind, and concentrated on it. Follow the two sneaky figures ahead.

Gopher Cave, Central Hall.

Qinghui, who was in a daze, was woken up by Honghe. Looking at the time, it was already five o'clock in the morning.

According to Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum's plan yesterday, they will officially leave the gopher cave in a short while!

After the gopher leader communicated with mother-in-law Juzi and Sheba last night, he also took his little brother to leave first, to inform the gophers at the fork in the road, and when Qinghui and the others evacuate, they can move back again. Living near the central hall.

After yesterday's battle, the gopher leader also completely forgave the alliance, and it also realized that most of the human beings are friendly to them, and only these very few people are malicious to them.

The relationship between gophers and humans also officially returned to normal with the end of the battle, and it was even better than the relationship before the accident.

Seeing that the others were already up, Qinghui got up immediately, and after hurriedly washing his face with the water from the water bottle, he began to pack his things.

After stuffing things into the backpack indiscriminately, after eating the bread, they embarked on the return journey with the large army.

On the way back, perhaps it was a relationship that had become accustomed to, Qinghui no longer felt the oppressive feeling that he had when he came.

Of course, this is also related to Honghe, who is constantly chatting with him.

The two walked in the back of the main force, talking and laughing. Although they are still escorting so many Rockets, their number has doubled compared to when they came, and the number of Sheba has increased. The top combat power of the king.

Everyone at the scene was not under any pressure, and all had very relaxed expressions on their faces.

Those who were unfortunately wounded in the battle yesterday, after the treatment of Miss Joy's superb medical skills and a night's rest, are now much better.

Although he has not fully recovered, his walking and walking are not affected.

Therefore, the group of people went back very quickly. They set off at [*]:[*] in the morning, and at [*]:[*] in the evening, everyone returned to the underground hall one after another!

Qinghui, who walked out of the tunnel, saw that Miss Junsha was staying in the underground hall with several police officers, but she didn't see Chakra.

And the expression on Miss Junsha's face is not so good-looking. "King Chrysanthemum! King Sheba~!"

Seeing that King Juzi brought people out, Miss Junsha hurriedly greeted them, called the two kings aside, and reported what happened this morning in a low voice.

"Did you run away? Someone responded, right? I don't blame you this time, it's because we didn't think about it carefully. You don't have to blame yourself."

Mother-in-law Juzi listened patiently to Miss Junsha's report, and in turn comforted her.

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