Even if there is none, such as that green onion, Qinghui will not be able to use it!

You can't just bring it and eat it, right?

Although it is said that the green onion of the green onion duck tastes very good, Qinghui is still not interested in this... "Is that all there is?"

Qinghui looked down at these items and asked.

If it was just these things, he felt that there was no need to exchange them.

"What? Are you not satisfied? I carefully collected these items! Many elves with attributes can be used. If you let your elves wear such a piece, their combat effectiveness will be improved!" Fatty glanced at Qinghui was dissatisfied, and immediately got a little anxious, and quickly started to sell these things: "Look at this sea tide incense, the water elves like it very much! My big tongue shell especially likes this, if you let the elves carry it, The power of water-type moves will also increase!" "And this, silver powder, after carrying, the power of insect-type moves will increase, which is very suitable for insect-catchers to use... Oh, by the way, you are not insect-catchers..." "Then Just look at this, charcoal! It can increase the power of fire-type moves! If the initial sprite you received from the alliance is a small fire dragon, this item is very useful!" "And this green onion..."

"No, this green onion is what I eat, I'm sorry, I got it wrong..."

Fatty introduced these items to Qinghui one by one, and when he picked up the green onion, he suddenly became a little embarrassed. "Well, wait a minute, I just got it wrong, I'll look for it again!"

The fat man immediately started flipping through the backpack again, and while flipping, he said, "But this green onion is also very good! If you have a green onion duck, you can give it to him." "Even if you haven't cultivated it, you can bring it. Eat it by yourself, it tastes great!" "Oh, I found it, it's these..."

Fatty pulled out a few more items from the bag, and when one of them appeared, it caught Qinghui's attention! .

Chapter 131 The deal is done!Come to the "novice village"! 【For subscription】

Fatty took out three more items in total, the first one was a Thunder Stone, which is not very useful, let's not mention it for now.

The second is an immutable stone!If the spirit carries it, it will not evolve.

The last piece is also a stone!

And the appearance of that stone, Qinghui looked very familiar!

Similar to the mega evolution stone of Qixi Blue Bird he obtained in the Gopher Cave before, the stone in front of Qinghui is also round, and there is a pattern composed of colors on it!

"Can I see this stone?"

Qinghui pointed to the stone in Fatty's palm and asked.

"This one?"

The fat man gestured with his right hand, then handed it to Qinghui, and said at the same time, "I don't know what this stone is for. I found it nearby when I found this invariant stone."

"I thought it might be a magical tool when I saw it like this. After I took it back, I studied it for a long time, but I didn't find any use for this stone. I also asked some friends, and they all said they had never seen such a stone."

Although Fatty wanted the water stone in Qinghui's hand, the others were quite sincere. Seeing Qinghui looking at this unknown stone with great interest, he couldn't help but continue to persuade him, "This stone, where I don't know, In the case of function, in addition to looking good, it is just a decoration at most, and it is worthless."

"I suggest you look at other things, and if you really like this stone, I can give it to you."

Qinghui did not speak, he was still observing the small stone in his hand.

The size of the stone is not large, as long as it is polished a little, it can be used as a "gem" on a bracelet or ring!

And the size of this stone, coupled with its shape, is so similar to the Mega Evolution Stone.

Two words vaguely appeared in Qinghui's heart: Keystone!

This piece is very likely to be a keystone!

That is, one of the necessities for the super-evolution of the elves!

It can be said that the keystone is not an elf carry item, but a trainer item.

The trainer wears the keystone, and the elves carry the corresponding mega evolution stones. During the battle, if the bond between the trainer and the elves is enough, the elves can undergo super evolution through the keystone and the super evolution stone!

Compared with the mega evolution stone of the Qixi Blue Bird that Qinghui currently owns, this keystone in front of him is even more important to Qinghui!

After all, he doesn't know if he can use this evolution stone in the future, but if he doesn't have the keystone, even if he collects all the mega evolution stones suitable for his elves, he won't be able to use it!

"You can exchange a water stone for a key stone. Isn't this blood earned?"

Qinghui thought about it, just in time to hear Fatty's persuasion.

It seemed that the fat man didn't understand this stone at all, he just thought it was just beautiful.

But this is normal. Unless the stone is directly studied with various instruments, it is difficult to discover the hidden energy in this stone.

From the appearance, this is a magical and beautiful stone. Perhaps only people like Dago who like all kinds of strange stones are interested in this kind of stone.

Compared with the mega evolution stone carried by the elves, the key stone is more difficult to be discovered by others!

The mega evolution stone, the corresponding elves will vaguely perceive that this stone is useful to them after contact, but humans cannot detect the energy of the keystone. Only when the trainer and the elves resonate, the keystone will explode. The energy that has been condensed before!

"I like this stone very much, I'll exchange the water stone for this stone~'."

Qinghui said, and handed the water stone in his hand to Fatty.

Unexpectedly, the fat man shook his head and rejected Qinghui: "I have already said, this stone is really worthless, you can choose one of these items of mine, this stone will be used as an addition to our transaction. Just head."

"This... okay."

Qinghui had no choice but to look at Fatty's own personal collection, and finally chose the small pile of soft sand!

Soft sand is suitable for ground-based elves, and Qinghui wanted it to prepare it for Xiao Yukira. He wanted to try grinding the sand and mixing it into the energy block. After being eaten by Kira, will it produce what changes.

"I want this soft sand."

Qinghui said.

"Okay, the exchange is complete!"

After seeing Qinghui put away the soft sand, the fat man happily brought the water stone.

"I'm going to let the big tongue beetle evolve now, do you want to stay and have a look?"

As soon as the water stone was in hand, Fatty couldn't wait, and wanted to invite Qinghui to watch the evolution of the big tongue shell together.

But Qinghui is not interested in this at all. He has watched the evolution process a lot, and now he has just obtained the keystone. It is the right way to study it carefully!

"I can't. I haven't even set up a tent yet, and I haven't eaten dinner yet. I have to go to set up a tent for dinner."

Qinghui said.

"Is that so, do you want me to help?"

"No, you can watch your elves evolve with peace of mind. I won't disturb you, but I still congratulate you in advance."

Qinghui put the keystone in his pocket, turned around and left with his backpack.

When he opened the curtain of the tent, out of the corner of his eyes, Fatty couldn't wait to take out the Poké Ball and let out his big tongue shell.

Qinghui, who was out of the tent, looked left and right, and found that Fatty's tent was relatively far out, and there was a large open space beside his tent.

It happened that Qinghui was too lazy to find a place, so he took out his folding tent from his bag and set it up not far from the fat man's tent.

After setting up the tent, Qinghui went straight in and sat on the mat to study the keystone.

As for how to carry Qinghui, I have already thought about how to carry it. After the light red market, I will find a store to buy a bracelet, and then ask someone to polish the stone a little and insert it.

Holding this keystone, Qinghui used his superpower to sense it, and he found out!

He noticed that the pattern on the keystone was faintly exuding energy!

It's just that this kind of fluctuation is very weak, and it is difficult to detect it if you don't sense it carefully. "I wonder if other special abilities can detect the abnormality of this keystone?"

Qinghui suddenly remembered other abilities in the elf world, such as the power of waveguide, the power of Vibrant, and even the power of supergram!

The ability of the elf world is not only a superpower!

After looking at the keystone for a while, Qinghui took out the small box containing the mega evolution stone of the Qixi Bluebird from his backpack and put the keystone in it as well.

In the future, this box will be specially used to store the items of the super-evolution of the elves!

Although he even laughed at himself a few days ago, the chances of encountering super-evolution-related items in the customs are very small, but it has only been a few days, and he has all the keystones... Put the box away, Qinghui takes out the elf ball Little Ibrahimovic let it out.

Before in Stone Town, nearby, Qinghui was afraid that Ibrahimovic would continue to be affected by the Evolution Mountain, so he did not dare to release Ibrahimovic, and now he has stayed away from some Evolution Mountains.

If it is released, the impact should be minimal. "Buyi~"

Ibrahimovic, who came out of the Poké Ball, looked very energetic, and seemed to have recovered quite well from rest. "How are you feeling now? Do you feel sick?"

Qinghui picked up Ibrahimovic and carefully checked the body temperature, tongue, etc. The final result was that everything was normal now. "Buyi~"

Hearing this, Ibrahimovic shook his head, meaning that he felt very good now, not the same as before. "That's good, if the outside doesn't affect you, you can continue to stay outside." Qinghui rubbed Ibrahimovic's head, and then began to prepare food for the elves.

Early the next morning, Qinghui took Ibrahimovic and embarked on a journey again!

Before leaving, Fatty also took the thorn shell, which had successfully evolved using the water stone, to bid farewell to Qinghui.

In his words, he kept thanking Qinghui like Qinghui, giving the impression that he took a big advantage of yesterday's exchange!

"If he knew what kind of opportunity he missed because of a water stone, wouldn't he cry to death..." Qinghui thought maliciously while perfunctory Fatty's thank you.

After the elf's mega evolution is really launched, this fat man may cry to death when he finds out?

But it's hard to say, this fat man is eager to evolve his thorn shell in order to "catch up" in the footsteps of Kona, presumably in his heart, Kona should be more important than mega evolution, right?

Ibrahimovic, who has rested for more than a day, is in good shape now and seems to be back to normal.

Qinghui was relieved when he saw this. Ibrahimovic's state now seems to have a lot of time for him!

Not long after walking, the east-west road No. 13 came to the west end.

Now, he needs to turn south, there is Route 13 connected to Route 14!

Road No. 14 runs north-south, passing through a whole forest!

Walking on Route 14, Qinghui saw that the number of trainers around him increased significantly!

And many people are still holding insect nets and other items, and at a glance they know that they are insect catching teenagers.

After seeing Qinghui and Ibrahimovic on his shoulders, some trainers walked up and took the initiative to invite battle!

Because the strength of the Ibrahimovic in front of him looks like that, it is similar to them, and it will be good for his elves to fight against Qinghui!

This is also where Qinghui planned to stay for two or three days.

Route 14 and this forest are the famous "Novice Forest" in the Kanto area!

In this forest, there are not many powerful elves, but there are many types. It is very suitable for newbies to come to take elves for special training, or just choose their favorite elves in this forest to conquer.

There are more newcomers, and there will be more battles (with Zhao).

Especially newcomers, they are always full of longing for the elf battle!

And the battles between trainers are all colorful.

In this forest, a rookie trainer, if he wins enough here, can even save a large amount of materials cultivated by elves.

This is very attractive to trainers from ordinary families.

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