At that time, not long after the assistant finished feeding the elves, he saw Kuailong chewing an energy cube in his mouth and walking out of the back door with two pieces in his claws... Then he told Dr. Damu about this. know about this...

Chapter 195 Hey, if it really is foster care, I have to choose Dr. Damu!

However, when the research is not busy, Dr. Damu still personally takes care of these elves every day!

It is precisely because of this that the elves in the backyard have a very good relationship with Dr. Damu.

However, no matter what, if Qinghui was to foster his own elf, he would leave it at home for his parents to take care of, the rest of the first choice would be Dr. Damu!

Dr. Damu's care is much better than those fostering houses that foster elves outside!

Qinghui can't understand how the breeding house works. After all, this is what he runs at home: basically, he is responsible for feeding every day, and then checking the body of the elves regularly every month, and he doesn't usually care about them. .

After all, there are too many trainers to foster elves in the breeding house, and it is impossible to take care of them if they take good care of them.

Of course, there are also some breeding houses that offer this kind of "careful care" service, but that requires extra money.

Even Qinghui has heard of some black-hearted breeding houses. They will let some powerful elves fostered by trainers mate with the 19 elves they have prepared, so as to get more qualified elves to sell!

Qinghui's parents are also ashamed of this, and they are not so polite to these black-hearted breeding houses.

And Dr. Oki is here...

Not only is it free, but Dr. Ogi is a former champion!In terms of taking care of elves, it is not an exaggeration to be called an expert, and in his spare time, he will organize some activities to exercise elves from time to time.

Not to mention, the food that Dr. Damu prepared for the elves was all high-grade food!

The elves are fostered here. Although it is not so stable, the lower limit is stronger than the "normal foster care package" of the breeding house. As for the upper limit...

A former champion takes care of himself, and there are several champion-level or even master-level elves around... How high do you think the upper limit will be? !

Dr. Damu is not for making money, but because he really loves it!

This is also the reason why even though Dr. Damu is now a researcher, there are still countless trainers in the alliance who break their scalps and want to foster elves with Dr. Damu!

It's just that Dr. Damu refused all of these.

"But in the future, there will be too many elves to really take care of, and if I am traveling, I can be fostered here."

Qinghui looked at Dr. Damu, who was trying to resolve the embarrassment by eating, and thought silently.

After talking to Qinghui about the preliminary research results this afternoon, these people hurriedly grabbed the food. After eating quickly, they drank a little water before returning to the laboratory.

The assistants of Dr. Damu also smiled apologetically at Qinghui and followed them into the laboratory.

"Really research maniacs."

Qinghui looked at the leftover food on the coffee table, and the garbage had to be cleaned up by herself...

After tidying up the table top of the coffee table, and throwing the garbage at the garbage spot at the entrance of the research institute, Qinghui returned to the backyard and began to prepare food for the elves...

These days, he doesn't look like a trainer at all, but more like a nanny!

In the next few days, Qinghui completely transformed into a nanny of the Great Wood Research Institute. Every day, not only did he need to feed the elves, but he also had to buy food to feed these six research madmen...

During the period, after Ibrahimovic fully recovered, he conducted another test, using the medicine made for the first time.

This time, Ibrahimovic was fortunate to evolve into Huoyibu, and the thick hair on his body allowed Xiuzhi and the others to collect a lot.

Then, within two days, the [Gene Stable Capsule 2.0] version was produced!

According to Dr. Damu, this version first strengthened the inhibition of gene changes, and added some stable genes for the first time.

These new ingredients are artificially created by them through reverse simulation operations based on Ibrahimovic's evolved genes.

Then, Ibrahimovic conducted the third experiment under everyone's attention!

This time, she evolved into Reib.

This time, Qinghui can feel the effect of this new drug more clearly!

Originally, Ibrahimovic would start to feel pain in less than ten minutes after the evolution, but this time, it took 20 minutes for Leibu to feel some discomfort!

It's discomfort, not pain!

Compared to the previous pain, this time it is much less painful!

At the same time, from the feeling of discomfort, the final degradation will be the original, a total of about 40 minutes.

Compared with half an hour when I didn't take anything, ten minutes after taking the 1.0 drug, it took a little longer!

However, according to Qinghui's real-time inspection, Leibu also began to degenerate when his physical condition became poor.

In general, this time, due to the drug, Ibrahimovic's transformation time has been prolonged a lot. This is because after the transformation, the rapid changes in his genes have been suppressed a lot.

This changed the direction to prolong the transformation time.

And this time, after the explanation of Xiuzhi and Tony, Qinghui also understood the reason why Ibrahimovic's own physical strength will be consumed so fast after evolution!

There are two main reasons. One is that he knew before 160 that the energy consumed by the evolutionary body of the elves is higher than before the evolution, but this is not the main reason.

The main reason is that most of the energy in Ibrahimovic's body is supplied by the rapid changes in genes!

Just as the cells in the human body need to consume a lot of energy when they divide, the rapid change of Ibrahimovic genes is like the division of human cells at an unknown speed of normal division!

The energy it consumes is undoubtedly terrifying for Ibrahimovic!

And inhibiting the speed of gene change is equivalent to changing direction to slow down energy consumption, which can allow Ibrahimovic to maintain an evolutionary body for a longer time.

This time the experiment announced that their second step was completely successful!

While eating, Dr. Damu told Qinghui another good news.

The drug can be taken daily by Ibrahimovic with a few changes in its ingredients to inhibit genetic changes.

In other words, the variant of this drug can allow Ibrahimovic to resume training and improve his strength!

However, the speed of strength improvement still needs to be well controlled, in case the plan cannot catch up with the changes due to the rapid improvement. At this stage, Ibrahimovic is best to focus on stability. .

Chapter 196 Alliance: Bad ball, Sakagi is actually a member of the Rockets? !

But anyway, everything is going in the right direction now!

After the success of the second stage, the three of Dr. Damu immediately threw themselves into the third stage of research.

According to their estimates and plans, the main goal of the third stage is to completely stabilize the changes in Ibrahimovic's genes before evolution!

If this can be successful, Ibrahimovic can improve his strength at will before he evolves, and at the same time, his strength will be even stronger after evolution.

This is also a big step forward from their guess, the goal that can only evolve and degenerate at will in He Qinghui's mind.

Qinghui continued to work as a nanny at the Damu Research Institute for a few days, and then found that something seemed wrong!

For the first two days, the faces of the people entering and leaving the laboratory were all excited, but then...these people's faces began to show some distressed expressions, and in the end, they became serious. expression!

Even when they were eating, Qinghui couldn't help but shudder when he looked at the six people who were eating with no expression on their faces!

Judging from their expression management, this third-stage experiment may have fallen into some kind of predicament!

But if you think about it carefully, Qinghui also feels normal.

After all, this aspect was the first time for Dr. Damu and the others to contact them. Even if they had information about the Rockets for reference later, in the previous two stages, they did not even encounter any obstacles in the process of research.

Until now, I have encountered a research dilemma, which can already be regarded as overwhelming luck. "I hope you can solve the problems you encounter soon."

Looking at the hurriedly finished meal, Qinghui was not in the mood to speak, and returned to the laboratory directly, thinking silently while starting to clean up the coffee table.

But for the next two days, things didn't seem to get better.

Finally, at lunch two days later, Dr. Ogi told Qinghui the complete situation.

They did encounter a lot of problems in their research. The original plan was to synthesize a drug that could completely inhibit the changes in Ibrahimovic's genes, but they all failed inexplicably!

And they tested the synthesis process more than once and simulated it on the computer more than once to verify that the method was correct.

But at this stage, something went wrong. Their simulation on the computer, the success rate was not [*]%, but it was [*]% successful and still did not run.But when it comes to practical use...

They tried a total of nearly fifty times, all of which ended in failure!

When this happens, they don't even know where they are wrong now!

If they didn't know that those drugs were synthesized by this method before, they would even suspect that something went wrong in the whole process.After Qinghui heard it, he could only comfort the other party in turn and be more patient... What can he do?

He is also very desperate, okay?

I originally thought that I saw the dawn of hope, but now I was told that this dawn is just the dawn, just look at it, if you want to touch it, it is impossible... At this time, before he finishes his mission in Rainbow City, he came to It's been half a month since Dr. Damu's research institute!

Silver Mountain, Alliance Headquarters.

In the chairman's office, the three heavenly kings, Adu, Shiba and Kona, were all sitting on the sofa.

The chairman was sitting on an office chair and kept rubbing the position of his temples with his hands. "The matter has been confirmed~,?" After a long time, the chairman asked slowly.

"Well, it's been confirmed. At first, our people were secretly investigating, but since Sakagi left the gym, he never came back!"

Kena looked at the folder in his hand and said without looking up: "Later, the investigators even contacted Sakagi directly, but Sakagi's communication has been closed, and the whole person has completely lost the news!" "Then, our people temporarily I took over the gym and found a secret passage behind Sakagi's office that led to an underground room."

"There are many small compartments in the room, but there are only some simple benches, tables and chairs, simple beds and so on. I don't know what they are used for, but from the traces on the walls in the room, it can be seen that there used to be inside. a lot of things."

Kona said, took out a few photos from the folder and handed them to the chairman.

The photo was taken of the room Kona was talking about.

There are simple furniture in a mess, but it can still be seen from the prints on the walls that there used to be things that are not low in height, and for a long time!

Because the traces of that piece are much whiter than the surrounding walls!

"And also disappeared with Sakagi, and most of the 'staff' in the gym! There are only two people left."

"We also asked. It didn't take long for these two people to join the gym, but they all said that the other staff members were weird on weekdays, and there was almost no communication with the two of them." After Kona finished speaking, there was a moment in the room. fell into silence.

The chairman looked at the photos in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

The three of Kona also sat on the sofa without saying a word. "Ugh……"

After a long time, the chairman put the photo in his hand on the table: "I didn't expect it to be him..."

"If I remember correctly, among the current gym owners, Sakagi should have the longest experience, right?"

Shiba nodded: "Well, if I remember correctly, Sakagi and Xiabo of the Gym in Honglian Town are the two oldest masters of all the gyms in Guandu, followed by the dark gray market. Wu Neng from Light Red City and A Ju from Light Red City."

"I didn't expect that even people like Sakagi would be bought by the Rockets..."

"Are there any problems with other gyms?"

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