The people at the scene looked at the appearance of the elf egg that appeared on the screen, and there was an uproar!

The picture that appeared on the screen was an impressive one with three heads...

Three evil dragons!

The quasi-god spirit of the Hezhong area!

It's actually a single-headed dragon's elf egg!

"Fuck, this..."

Dawu opened his mouth in surprise when he looked at the big screen.

Dawu is not surprised that Silver Company can get a quasi-god elf egg, he is surprised that the other party is willing to put it out for auction? !

Don't you keep it up by yourself? !

This is quasi god!

Qinghui and Michaely were the same, looking at the picture on the big screen in shock.

" it such a big deal every year at the auction?"

Qinghui couldn't help but ask, "There is only one quasi-god elf a year, don't tell me that they have a tribe in captivity!"

Hearing this, Mikri smiled bitterly: "How is it possible, although I have never been to the previous auctions in person, the finale elf is a dragon-type elf like the Double Axe Fighting Dragon. Haven't seen each other for at least seven or eight years..."

"Eight years ago, the last time a quasi-god elf appeared in an auction was eight years ago. At the auction of Dewen Company, an elf egg with a sticky dragon was auctioned. At that time, I remember that the price was 6500 million!"

Daigo said with certainty, "Silver, as far as I know, is the first auction of a quasi-god spirit, which is really a big deal (bjea)!"

"This time, this group of people should be crazy, right?"

Mickley wanted to turn his head to see the expressions of those who came to the auction, but was blocked by the baffle and couldn't see it, so he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

But even if you can't see Qinghui, you can feel the madness of the scene!

The originally quiet scene suddenly became extremely noisy with the appearance of this elf egg!

The auctioneer also waited for a minute, and after people's excitement passed for a while, he continued to say: "Yes, this elf egg is the juvenile body of the three evil dragons of the quasi-god in the Hezhong region, the elf egg of a single dragon. This is a dragon-type quasi-god!"

"And this is also the first time that Silver Company has held an auction of quasi-god elf eggs!"

"The starting price is 1000 million, and each increase shall not be less than 10. The official quotation will start in one minute!" The scene was still noisy, and it seemed that too many people were tempted by this.

But Qinghui and the three of them sat in the card room, ready to enjoy their performance for a while.

Dawu's family doesn't need it at all. If you need it, you can get it through the alliance or your own relationship. The same is true for Mikri. The quasi-god is strong, but Ren Mikri is a water trainer... Qinghui is similar, although now he There is no quasi-god yet, but there are already three eggs in the alliance, and he can get one first when he makes a decision!

But as to who the first quasi-god will choose, he already has the answer in his heart!

Since Qinghui and the others were in the front row, and they were all arranged in the card room, they couldn't see the situation behind.

In a place they couldn't see, in a corner of the venue, a man in a black suit was sitting. He looked at the picture of the three evil dragons displayed on the screen, his face was expressionless, and he didn't seem to care about it at all.In another corner of the venue, a man and a woman were sitting. They were talking in a very soft voice. The man was the first to ask, "This is our main goal at the beginning, right?"

"Well, at the beginning, it was it and the elf eggs just finished, but not anymore..." The woman nodded and whispered.

The man looked around: "Then let's start at the banquet as planned? I didn't find any particularly powerful people at the scene." "If possible, try to find out who took this picture for a while, and grab it by the way!"

The woman glanced at him and said: "Everything is based on the priority goal. When the task is completed, do whatever you want. I can help you, but the Apollo guy will definitely not care about you." He, you just need to help pay attention to who took the picture, and then I will do it myself." "Okay."

Gradually, Qinghui found that the surrounding area began to quiet down, and it seemed that they were all holding the quotation device and preparing to make a quotation. "Okay, it's over in one minute, and now the bidding will officially start!" the auctioneer said loudly.


It quickly broke through the 6000 million mark!

Then, the speed of quotations began to slowly slow down.


At this point, the price growth rate is even smaller, almost a slow increase of hundreds of thousands of dollars.It seemed that it was almost at the price in the minds of the big guys, so the auctioneer started to act: "6720 million, a friend has quoted 6720 million! This is a quasi-god spirit! As long as it is cultivated and formed, the quasi-king-level strength is a matter of iron and steel, whatever you want. With a little effort, you can be promoted to Heavenly King-level strength!" Then, the quotation jumped to 6800 million.

"6800 million! This is the quasi-god of the Dragon Element!" The auctioneer roared with all his might.

And Qinghui heard someone whispering near him: "Nonsense, because it is the quasi-god of the dragon type, so I don't want the price to be higher! If there is no goblin type, I will shoot this elf even if it is 8000 million. Come down!" "Yeah, if the auction opens a week earlier, I guess the price of this elf egg will be much higher than it is now, but thanks to Qinghui, we can save a lot of money." Meaning Lai me?

Qinghui was a little stunned. The price manipulator behind the co-authoring was actually me?

"My speech can affect the price of a elf egg of [*] to [*] million? Why am I so good?!" Qinghui just wanted to cross his waist for a while.

Then, Qinghui saw that the price jumped to 7000 million and stopped increasing.

It's no use letting the auctioneer boast about the three evil dragons!

The auctioneer has almost praised the three evil dragons as fighters among the quasi-gods. Unfortunately, the following group of people are still unmoved, and in desperation, they can only start the countdown.

When the last three counts were over, he knocked down the hammer.

The final price of the three evil dragon fairy eggs: 7000 million yen!

This is still the price that was auctioned under the influence of the fairy system!

It is conceivable that if there is no indiscriminate entry of the fairy system to affect the price, it is not impossible for the price of this fairy egg to reach 9000 million today! "Okay, next, it's the last piece of our Elf Egg auction in the first half, please look at the screen!" The auctioneer just shouted a little hoarse, and continued after drinking saliva.

At the same time, two staff members came up with an elf egg each.

The sprite about to start the auction also appeared on the big screen. "This elf, I want it!"

As soon as Qinghui saw the picture, he made a decision! .

Chapter 68 Lalu Drawing! 【Please subscribe! 】

Appearing in the picture is an elf who appears to be wearing an elegant white dancing evening dress, with a green inside skirt and long curly green hair that extends below the head, with green The arm is Shanaido!

In other words, the elf egg in front of you is Laluras' elf egg!

At this time, the auctioneer continued: "The original plan was that Laluras's elf egg was in the penultimate position, but for some reasons, it was placed in the last position. Although this kind of elf is very popular, it can conquer them. There are not many trainers, and Laluras in the wild rarely show up in front of us humans."

"The starting price is 600 million yen, and the price increase is not less than 10 yen each time. After one minute - the official quotation will start."

With a starting price of 600 million, Qinghui estimates that the final transaction price may be even higher than that of the Difang Sea Lion's Elf Egg!

Although everyone knows that Lalulas can keenly capture the feelings of people and elves, if they have malice towards them, it is basically impossible to get along with them.

And it is also a super-type elves. For people without super-powers, it is generally difficult to approach or conquer super-type elves...


So fragrant!

Qinghui also took out the quotation device to start the quotation.

"The minute is over, now, the offer begins!"

Qinghui immediately entered a number in the ticker and clicked OK.


Jumped from 880 million yen to 1400 million at once!

At the moment when 1400 million appeared, the venue suddenly became quiet, and only a few short breaths could be heard.

"Nima's, who is the one who raised the quotation by more than five million?"

"Grass, it's too cruel!"

"Are you still increasing the price? It's so confusing!"

For a time, many customers who wanted to auction were caught in a tangle.

Dawu was stunned when he saw the offer, and turned his head to look at Qinghui. As soon as he caught sight of Qinghui's movement, he knew that Qinghui wanted to take a picture of a Lalulash Elf egg, but...

"Is this price you quoted?"


"Amazing!" Dawu sighed with emotion: "This price makes these people stubborn, but I remind you that the hatched Laluras is a super-type elves, not so easy to get along with!" "I know. "

"It's good that you have an idea. I guess you should have won the first one. The price is too good! It makes them feel that they will lose money if they increase the price. Well, there is still an auction for the second one. These people will most likely be Give up this one to compete for the next one."

Daigo said with a smile.

Sure enough, the people around them struggled for a long time and gave up the price increase.


The auctioneer ended the countdown and announced that the first one was successfully auctioned at a price of 1400 million yen!

Then, the auction of the second elf egg started directly!

This time, someone wanted to imitate Qinghui's offer, and they came up with 1350 million...

Unfortunately, this is the last one, how can it be so easy to give up, the number of 1350 million just stayed on the big screen for three or four seconds and then continued to grow!

1400 million...1450 million...1480 million...1650 million!

The slow growth was suddenly added by nearly two million!

Everyone gave up one by one, and then they suddenly realized how cheap the first 1400 million transaction price was!

"Amazing!" Mikuri stared at the big screen, but said with a smile.

Following the auction of the last elf egg, the auctioneer announced a ten-minute break, and the auction of the props will begin after ten minutes.

Some people get up and go out and do some physical activity or work on a physical problem.

Qinghui and the three of them were sitting in the card room chatting, guessing what kind of props would appear in a while.

Dawu is not interested in these props. After all, he is the owner of Dewen Company. As long as you want elf props, what can't you collect?

What Dawu is really interested in is the auction of the items in the second half after the banquet. During the period, there may be a few stones that can interest him!

The ten-minute break was short, and the auction soon resumed.

It's just that the auctioneer was changed this time, but these props are quite ordinary in Qinghui's eyes.

For the past ten years, the rewards he has signed in every month are basically these items. Although the Silver Company auctions are relatively rare or are relatively rare in customs, such as gems of various attributes, sharp claws , power headbands these things.

But Qinghui has...

Even their last big auction item: beautiful scales, Qinghui's bag has it!

But the presence of Qinghui does not mean that there are these people on the scene!

Especially when the beautiful scales appeared, the scene fell into a frenzy again!

You know, a beautiful scale can represent the birth of a Minas!

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