"But it's broken."

"Hey, little thing, when I was digging rocks in a cave by myself, I would sometimes be hit by rocks that fell from the top of the cave. I've long been used to it."

Daigo said indifferently.

In this battle, everyone's spirit consumption is not small. Don't look at when Qinghui came in and saw that Dawu and Mikri's elves were mainly confronting each other, and there were not many times to enlarge their moves, but at the beginning of Dawu and Mikri But be prepared for a quick fight!

It was only after a few attacks that they were blocked by the opponent. After finding that there was no good way, they changed their thinking and turned into fighting each other.

After all, the longer the time goes on, although the Rockets' strength within Silver will increase (referring to other people's support), they are not sitting still here!

Among them are Qinghui and that young man!

Their idea was that Qinghui would take care of the outside world, and then find a way to restore communication to notify the outside world, but what they didn't expect was that Qinghui came in directly, but the result was not bad.

At this moment, a team of Silver Company security personnel came in from outside, followed by the police station led by Miss Junsha from Golden City, and the medical staff such as Miss Joy.

Seeing that all kinds of elves were lying on the ground, the debris of the building was everywhere, and it looked like a mess. Everyone was startled. It was shocking enough to see the tragic state of the outside hall before. Thinking that the inside is several times more tragic than the outside!

"Mr. Daigo, Mr. Mickey, Mr. Qinghui, are you all right?"

Miss Junsha found the three Qinghui standing together, and immediately came over and asked.

Miss Joy also hurriedly brought her auspicious eggs over to give restorative treatment to the elves of several people.

"It's okay, just let the cadres of the Rockets run away. Someone supported them from the outside world. They directly pierced the window and the nearby wall from the outside, and cooperated with them to create chaos to save them..."

Daigo said.

"We went there as soon as we received the notice, but I also asked the people near the Silver Building before we came, and none of them noticed the existence of flying elves near the building."

Miss Junsha said.

"No flying elves?"

Daigo and Mikri looked at each other, as if they had thought of something.

Miss Junsha nodded and continued: "Yes, there are no flying elves, and no flying tools have approached here, otherwise it is impossible for people nearby to find nothing."

"Super power elf." Mikri suddenly said.

"What?" Miss Junsha didn't respond for a while.

"It is the super-power elves who are supporting outside, and they are super-power elves with the strength of the heavenly king. I have seen the materials of these buildings. The ordinary elves can't be destroyed at all. Crack, if you want to make it shatter in an instant, you can only be a higher-level elves!"

Michaeli picked up a piece of gravel from the ground that collapsed when the wall was broken, and said to Miss Junsha.

"Tianwang-level super-type elves?!" Miss Junsha also realized the seriousness, "We don't have such a trainer in Golden City, if it's from the Rockets... No, I have to ask Nazi from the super-type gymnasium. Miss, see if she sensed when the other party just shot."

Qinghui suddenly asked, "Miss Junsha, what is the level of Nazi's elf?"

"Her signature elf, Hu Di, is at the level of a quasi-celestial king, and the other elves are one worse than Hu Di..." Miss Junsha replied subconsciously, and suddenly reacted: "You wouldn't suspect that Miss Nazi shot it, right? She is the owner of our Golden City Alliance Gym!"

The potential meaning of Miss Junsha is that Nazi is the gym owner recognized by the alliance, and is also the "own person" of the alliance, so there is no need to doubt it.

"My own?" Qinghui pouted.

Although Nazi didn't follow Sakagi for the sake of Mewtwo or unifying the world, and she didn't have the determination to live and die with Team Rocket, but now it's not her own.And that being said, Sakagi is also his own...

Qinghui suddenly felt that the alliances in Guandu and Chengdu were really outrageous... But he didn't have any evidence, and people usually hid it, and no one believed him when he said it.

"As far as I know, Nazi is a powerful superhuman. If she has her blessing, her Hudi should be able to reach the strength of a king." Mikuri suddenly thought.

Dawu shook his head: "No, even if it reaches the Heavenly King level by that method, it is still impossible to cause such a large amount of damage. It should be a trainer specially sent by the Rockets, and it should be guarding the 4.0 side to support their retreat. of."

Miss Junsha also said: "This time the alliance will take this matter very seriously, openly attacking the Silver Company and robbing the items at the auction, the alliance will definitely investigate to the end, and now you have successfully stopped each other, Keeping so many powerful elves behind must be a big blow to Team Rocket!"

Dawu also figured it out at this moment, and said with a smile: "It's true, they seem to have robbed a lot of things to go, but compared with the elves they left behind, maybe they still lost!"

Qinghui looked around at the elves who fell to the ground, and also felt that the Rockets suffered a miserable loss this time. In addition to those items at the beginning of the second half that might contain precious things, the rest of the lot was big. Some of them are elf eggs, and the elf eggs of the fairy type...

To be honest, it's not really worth the money...

For these things, there are a full six elves of the heavenly king level they left behind!

If this is given to one person, he can directly become the king of heaven!The quasi-king level is even more numerous...

Qinghui suddenly remembered that he still had the Pokeball in his bag!There are even the sprites of the two Rocket Corps soldiers that were killed in Rainbow City before... I was busy with the thesis and completely forgot about this...

Fortunately, the elves in the Poké Ball are basically in a sleeping state, and they won't consume too much, otherwise they might starve to death if they are locked in for such a long time...

PS: I vomited, and I waited in line at the hospital for a long time. Then I saw that there was no time for treatment, so I prescribed some anti-inflammatories and let me eat first...

Chapter 75 Sakagi is going to dig stones? 【Subscription】

"After going back, feed them something and find a suitable place to release them..."

Qinghui thought silently.

Then, he took out the few Poké Balls containing the big rock snake, naughty thunder bullets and bat bats that were collected today, and handed them to Miss Junsha: "This is the captain of a Rocket team that I collected during the battle before. spirit."

These elves have basically been cultivated and formed, and their strengths are not very good. Although Qinghui can be further cultivated, the energy spent will not be much more troublesome than reining one to cultivate.

Moreover, Qinghui has no interest in these elves either. He doesn't want to raise a naughty thunder bomb that likes to perform explosions...

So it's better to take it out and hand it over to the alliance, and you can exchange for some alliance points.

"But I don't seem to have any shortcomings now..."

Qinghui was stunned, "Never mind, the more of these things, the better."

Miss Junsha took the Poké Ball handed over by Qinghui and said, "I will report these to the alliance. Although the alliance did not issue a mission this time, this emergency is also thanks to your help outside, Qinghui. I believe the alliance is not Will be stingy with rewards!"

"Even if the alliance doesn't give rewards, I will!"

At this time, a voice that was a little old but still full of energy came over.

Qinghui turned his head to look, and saw an old man in traditional clothes walking towards him under the escort of two bodyguards.

"I'm the chairman of Silver Corporation. Thanks to you guys this time, I stopped the Rockets' action! Otherwise, all the lots we prepared will be taken away by the Rockets!" The old man walked over and said to the three of them. .

"Are your losses big?"

Mikri looked around, his eyes stayed in the storage area behind the exchange area for a while, and then he turned his head and asked.

Hearing Mikri's question, one of his men approached the old man's ear and whispered a few words.

"Today, about half of the fairy eggs to be auctioned in the second half were lost, and a lot of items in the second half were also lost. Specifically, they are still in the process of statistics. The items in the first half were lost because no one came to exchange them. Plus 11 floors were destroyed..."

The old man looked around, and suddenly smiled again: "But it's not a big problem, look at the elves all over the ground! There is no weak one! I believe that the Rockets have more losses than us! Moreover, I will not let the Rockets go. of!"

Speaking of the Rockets, the old man was obviously very satisfied with their results, and he said to Qinghui with a smile on his face: "Thank you for your shot this time, it's been a great help! You can come up with anything you want! What a pity! The quasi-god elf egg we got was taken away, or 19 will give it to you directly!"

The old man was very atmospheric to Qinghui.

Qinghui wasn't sure whether the old man in front of him was talking politely or he really wanted to reward him, so he could only laugh and say that he didn't need anything.

Hearing Qinghui's words, the old man was a little dissatisfied. He thought about it and said, "Well, you can come to me anytime recently, and I will give you the reward yourself. You should be satisfied."

"And Dawu, I have a few stones here, would you like to take a look?"

As soon as the stone was mentioned, Dawu, who was a little bored at the side, immediately became interested: "What kind of stone?"

"Well... I can't describe it well, it's in my office, but now I have to take care of things here, why don't you and Qinghui come together tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if you like it, you will put the stone Take it."

"Michelle, your words..."

Michaeli smiled: "I don't need anything, and I'm not interested in stones."

"Let's help you promote the Mikkuri Cup? In the entire Kanto area, our Silver Company can help you promote it!"

Michaeli nodded with a smile and agreed.

This is what they deserve. After all, if they hadn't helped in time, Silver Company would have been robbed of a batch of valuables. Don't forget that the identities of those who attended the banquet on the twelfth floor were not low!

In case anyone in the Rockets can't think of going to work on the whole time, tying up a few people or something, this can be a huge blow to Silver Company!

But now, things that can be solved with money are nothing in the eyes of the old man!

He is not short of money, he has no interest in money in his life!

He hasn't even touched the money!

At this time, the Heavenly King-level trainer from Silver Corporation also came over and thanked Daigo and Mikri.

His elf was badly wounded and is now being treated.

If Daigo and Michael hadn't arrived in time, he might have ended up here today.

Dawu waved his hand indifferently: "No need to thank you, it's just a small matter, if you really want to thank you, you might as well eat the whole time. I just took a bite in the banquet hall before something happened, and then I came down to fight again, and I was already hungry. broken!"

"That's right, get us something to eat. We don't want to go back to the banquet hall to eat again. We've already been recognized, and we'll be treated like monkeys when we go back."

Michael nodded in agreement.

"No problem, come to my office. Someone will deliver the food. It just so happens that the people from the alliance are also rushing here. You can discuss it directly in my office at that time."

The old man nodded and asked a bodyguard to lead Qinghui and the three of them towards the office.

When Dawu said this, Qinghui's stomach began to growl. Although he ate relatively late at noon, he didn't eat too much because of chatting while eating. There were several battles just now, and there were still more than N. The big melee where the elves appear is indeed a big load for a trainer's spirit!

This kind of battle in which the commander has to keep an eye on the surrounding situation at all times is much more difficult than a one-on-one battle on the battlefield!

"Mr. Dawu, Mr. Mikri, Mr. Qinghui, the treatment of your elves has been completed, then let them rest and recover naturally."

Miss Joy also came with a few spirits.

The three put away the elves and followed a bodyguard to the boss's office on the ninth floor. The office is large and luxuriously decorated.

"Please help our elves prepare some food when you prepare food. I didn't bring energy cubes when I came out today."

Qinghui said to the bodyguard who saluted and left.

"Okay, sir."

After the bodyguard finished speaking, he left the office and closed the door.

There are several huge sofas in the office, with a large coffee table in the middle, which seems to be a place for temporary meetings.

Qinghui, Dawu, and Mikori occupied a sofa, slumped on it, and relaxed directly.

"I haven't experienced a battle of this magnitude for a long time! It's tiring, but it's really cool!"

Daigo sighed while lying on the sofa.

Although their battle looked relatively peaceful, it was a four-on-five battle after all!

Although their elves have good self-judgment ability, it is also necessary for Daigo and Mikori to pay attention to the skills released by the fifteen elves at all times, and to respond accordingly.

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