The Sant'Anou uses this port as one of its starting points, and the Water Stream travels between the city of Onion in the urban area and the Port of Dryleaf; 10 ferries of the Sea Flame Horse sail from the Port of Dryleaf to the Seventh island.

Recently, Qinghui heard that the port of dry leaves has also opened ships to the Alola area!

Deadleaf City is divided into two areas as a whole, the central city and the harbor area, but no matter which area it is, most of it is covered by grass and coastal beaches, and in the central city, there is another one in the elf world. A fairly well-known club: Elf Fancier Club!

This is an organization spread all over the world of elves, and almost every region has their branch buildings. The original intention of the establishment of the elves enthusiast club was to provide a place for people who like elves to communicate, and also to show each other. Collection, and even hold a "genie exchange conference" regularly!

It's just that the members here generally prefer unevolved and cute elves. They don't like fighting, but prefer gorgeous contests!It is a loyal supporter of the Gorgeous Competition and the Miccoli Cup!

Even the president of the club is the same, Mr. Suki Sa, the president of the Elf Fanatic Club, often attends the glamour contest as a judge of the glamour contest!

The bus station in Kuye City is in the central city, and Qinghui gets off here.

After getting out of the car, Qinghui gently sniffed the air around him. The air of the whole city had a faint salty smell of the sea.

Perhaps because it is a coastal city, Qinghui noticed that most of the residents of Kuye City had the wheat color that has been bathed in the beach for a long time, and the expressions of the passers-by were relatively leisurely, which was similar to that of Rainbow City and Golden City. City dwellers are in stark contrast.

The bus station is not far from the Elf Center. After getting off the bus, Qinghui came to the Elf Center to simply solve his lunch problem.

After lunch, Qinghui took out the high-level elf picture book and dialed the communication of the chairman of the alliance.

After a while, it was connected.

A bald image of the chairman appeared on the small screen.

"It's Qinghui, is it a good choice to contact me?"

Without waiting for Qinghui to speak, the chairman took the initiative to ask.

"Well, for the first elf egg, I want to choose Bangira's elf egg."

Qinghui said very simply.

"By Kira? No problem, where are you now? Did you come to the alliance to get it yourself or did I send someone to deliver it?"

The chairman didn't seem to be surprised by Qinghui's choice, and immediately asked after hearing Qinghui's choice.

Qinghui said, "Can I trouble you to send it over? I'm in Deadleaf City now and will stay here for a while."

"Dead Leaf City? Okay, I will let someone choose a good elf egg and send it to you. What about the cultivation resources? Do you want the raw materials in our alliance to be ready-made here or make them yourself?"

"Raw materials, but in addition to the raw materials, we also need some high-quality ores from the alliance. I wonder if it is possible?"

Qinghui thought about it and said.

"There is no problem with a small amount of high-quality ore. You can list the list of materials and send it to me directly. The alliance will provide raw materials for about half a year at a time. If you still need it in the future, you can apply again. It will be delivered to Deadleaf City in about three days. Elf Center, remember to pick it up when the time comes."

The chairman agreed very simply.

"Then thank you, Chairman." Qinghui thanked him.

"Just in time, you contacted me today, so I'll find someone else to contact you, and I'll tell you about the rewards for your actions in Silver."

The chairman waved his hand, motioned Qinghui to wait a bit longer, and continued: "You have done a good job in Golden City, so the alliance has decided to reward you with a bonus of 500 million yen and 15 alliance points. These things will hit you later. on your account, you can check it later."

"Thank you, Chairman."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank you, I have to remind you that your actions in Silver may attract the attention of the Rockets, and you are very important to the league now. Although the Rockets have been hit a lot now, they should not There will be too much action, but it's still possible to send small-scale personnel against you!"

The chairman looked a little serious: "I know that you will definitely refuse the alliance to send you protection forces, so you must be careful on your travels in the future!"

"In addition, we also found that in this clean-up incident, it is very likely that there are high-level people in the alliance who are on the side of the Rockets, so if you contact the alliance in the future, you can directly contact me or the Four Heavenly Kings, or directly contact Dr. Damu and ask him to relay it."

Chapter 88 Hatching, flashing Lalu drawing! 【Please subscribe! 】

"Is the situation so serious now?" Qinghui asked.

"It's not too serious, it's just that the alliance is preparing for a thorough investigation, so there will be more actions recently. We are also afraid that the other party will jump over the wall, so be careful yourself!"

The chairman explained, but did not elaborate.

"Okay, I understand." Qinghui nodded~. "That's good, if I have nothing to do, I will hang up first, and there will be a meeting to open later."

"Goodbye Chairman."

Hanging up the communication, Qinghui thought silently, do you need a mask or something to hide your identity?Or get a Variety Monster?

"Hey, I'm still thinking too much!"

"Silver Company is a chance meeting. Even if the Rockets notice themselves, according to Sakagi's character, they will not directly take action against me, a trainer who has not yet grown up, and I have no value for kidnapping. Not Dr. Oki..."

"Just be more careful when you go out in the future."

Qinghui shook his head and put these thoughts behind him.

Standing up and walking out of the elf center, Qinghui went shopping in Deadleaf City. After three days, he will be able to have his first quasi-god elf!

Although still a fairy egg...

However, this also prevented him from starting the special training plan directly for the past three days, so...

"Let's go to the Dengeki Gym in Dryleaf City tomorrow!"

Qinghui didn't want to waste these three days of good time. The previous battle yesterday had already tested the recent progress of the elves, and he didn't need to challenge the Electric Shock Gym again. Or go sunbathing on the beach for three days in a row, and have some battles!

As for today, take a good stroll around this seaside city!

Qinghui walked with Ibrahimovic, one person and one beast, on the street. The moist and slightly salty air made him unconsciously relax. He had been living a tight period of time recently, and now it is rare to have time to relax.

When Qinghui was wandering in the central city, he also saw a large mansion that looked quite old.

Outside the gate of the mansion, two heroic forces are erecting a sign that reads: Sakuragi Research Institute!

"It seems that this is the place where Dr. Sakuragi bought and converted it into a research institute, but I don't know when it will be completed?"

Qinghui thought silently, and after seeing that there were no human beings near the building except Haoli, he couldn't go forward to ask.

In addition, Qinghui also visited the Elf Fan Club. When they came here, people outside watched Qinghui with Ibrahimovic and thought he was also one of the members who wanted to join the club, so they invited him in. , but was declined by Qinghui, he was not particularly keen here.

Then, following the Elf Fan Club and continuing to the west, Qinghui came to the beach area by the sea!

At this time, it was just after three o'clock in the afternoon. There were many tourists on the beach area. There were huge parasols standing there in rows. There were many adults and children with swimming rings on the sea playing in the water.

There are also many children on the beach, stacking sand castles together, creating a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere.

Since I came here, it is impossible not to enjoy a beach bath. Qinghui rented a parasol booth at the workbench near the beach, bought beach pants, slippers and other necessary equipment, and ordered a lot of drinks and fruits. .

After changing clothes in the dressing area, Qinghui came to the umbrellas and beach chairs he rented and released all his elves. "Mi~"


When they came to the beach, the elves were very happy. Although the fire dinosaur was not used to the humid air, he still liked the sunshine here!

After a while, a waiter brought Qinghui some fruits and drinks. Qinghui lay comfortably on the beach chair and had a beautiful afternoon tea with his elves.

After eating the fruit, Mari Luli and Minas quickly ran to the sea after obtaining Qinghui's consent. Compared with the beach, the two of them prefer the feeling of the sea!

The two elves were swimming in the sea. This was the first time they came to the seaside and saw the sea for the first time in their "Elf Life", so they seemed very excited.

As for Qinghui's other elves, little Ibrahimovic and the fairy elf were lying on a slightly smaller beach chair next to Qinghui's beach chair, squinting their eyes and appearing a little sleepy; Stink Flower was standing on the edge of the parasol , so that she can get better exposure to the sun, she really likes this sunny and humid environment!

Fire Dinosaur is also reluctant to stay under the umbrella, he prefers the sunlight, so he is alone on the beach outside the umbrella, playing with the sand with his tail from time to time, just like Erha.

Qinghui, who was full and drank iced juice, quickly fell into a state of drowsiness while lying on the beach chair.

Drop drop!

Half asleep, Qinghui vaguely heard what seemed to be a sound near him.

Drop drop!

Drop drop!

Moreover, the sound continued, Qinghui woke up in a daze, and his brain was down. "What's going on?" Qinghui didn't think of it for a while.

Drop drop!

At this time, the sound rang again, and Qinghui realized that the place where the sound was made was his backpack! "Grass, it's the sound of the hatching device!"

Only then did Qinghui react, and quickly opened the backpack to check the hatching device of the two elf eggs in the bag.

It was the incubator of the Laluras Elf Egg that made the sound!At this time, the color of the green light indicator that was always on in the hatching device has changed to orange, and it makes a "didi di di" sound every once in a while!

This means that the elf egg is about to hatch!

Qinghui immediately took out the incubator of the Laluras elf egg, sat up, put the incubator on the beach chair, opened the top transparent cover, and looked forward to watching the elf egg hatch!

At the same time, he also took out the prepared moo-moo milk from his backpack, and was waiting for Laluras to hatch!

The sound of the incubator also attracted the attention of the surrounding elves. Except for Minas and Mari Luli, who were still playing in the sea, other elves gathered around, curiously waiting for the birth of a new life.

After about [*] minutes, the elf egg, which had been motionless before, suddenly began to shake!

Then, the shaking became bigger and bigger, and cracks began to appear on the elf egg.

The whole process lasted for about ten minutes, and the cracks became denser and denser, and then gradually spread to the bottom of the elf egg.

Then, the eggshell was completely shattered! "Lalu~"

A humanoid elf with a height of about 40 cm appeared in front of Qinghui!

I saw that she had a white body, but her body and legs made her look like she was wearing too long clothes, and her light blue hair was too long like a bowl cover, covering most of her face, The hair is parted by two flat red horns that go down the middle, one larger towards the front and one smaller at the back.

"This hair..."

Qinghui was left with a deep surprise after seeing Lalu Lasi's hair color!

Glitter Lalu drawing!

Qinghui immediately checked the information of Lalu Lassi: Type: Lalu Lasi [Flash] Infancy (novice level)

Gender: Early Classification: Mood Pokémon Attribute: Superpower, Fairy Trait: Telepathy

Current status: Jia It seems that the strength of this Lalu Lasi's parents is quite good. Just after birth, she will have a voice of charm and shadow clones, and she also inherited her father's superpower-based skill move of swapping venues! "Lalu~"

Lalulas also looked around curiously. Because she was an elf of super power, she was still in the elf egg before. In the last few days of hatching, she could vaguely sense some situations outside, of course, Qinghui. And his elves, also know that Qinghui, who has been in contact with her recently, has a very pure heart, so she has a great impression of Qinghui!





The elves surrounding Qinghui's beach chair greeted the newly born Laluras.

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