Qinghui was curious.

"...That guy Ash!"

When Xiao Mao heard Qinghui say this, his face was a little wrong: "Girlfriend, that's all from the past! Originally, I was going to go to Lampulchi to play after I challenged this gym, but I saw you before the challenge. That speech in Rainbow City, and the final challenge!"

"So I didn't challenge the gym, but went to practice near the [*]th road in the east. Now that I come back from practice, I plan to use this gym to test how much my strength has improved. By the way, I will collect the orange badges here. After all, I But to become the strongest trainer!"

"As for girlfriends, they only affect the speed at which I draw my sword, so..."

Xiao Mao said nothing.

But Qinghui has come to understand that the person who co-authored and influenced the plot is really him!

If it weren't for that live broadcast, Xiaomao's life path would be exactly the same as in the original drama, but it was influenced by Qinghui, which caused Xiaomao to change ahead of time!

This is also Xiaomao's advantage. He can always quickly realize his shortcomings and make corrections in a timely manner. Although the changes have not been completely completed, they are slowly changing in a positive direction!

However, Qinghui feels that it is also a good thing for Xiaomao to change sooner.

"Then let's go in together? I'm also going to challenge the Dengeki Gym..."

Qinghui took the initiative to invite.

"Okay, let's go in together, but I hope I can have a showdown with you after playing the Dengeki Gym!"

Xiaomao agreed, and then he made his own request.

"A duel with me? Well, let's borrow the venue of the gym for a while."

Qinghui, of course, readily agreed to this kind of confrontation.

"Let's go then."

Qinghui and Xiaomao walked side by side into the Dengeki Gym.

As soon as he entered the door, a staff member in uniform came over: "Excuse me, are you here to challenge the gym?"

"Yes, we both have to challenge, is it convenient now?" Qinghui asked.

"There is no one now, you can challenge. Please come here to register first. Who will challenge first?"

The staff led the two to the side, took out a registration form from the table, asked them to fill in the information, and asked at the same time.

Hearing this, Qinghui and Xiaomao looked at each other, and finally Xiaomao said, "You challenge first, after all, you came first."


Qinghui nodded, quickly filled out the registration form, and handed it to the staff.

When Xiaomao also finished filling in, the staff led the two to the battle field.

The battlefield of Dead Leaves Gym is also sand, and the most important thing in Dead Leaves City is sand!

The owner of the gym, Ma Zhishi, was already waiting on the other side of the battlefield.

Qinghui watched Ma Zhishi take the registration form handed to him by the staff and gave him a "pretentious" look, and then raised his head to look at Qinghui and Xiaomao opposite and said, "Because there are many daily People came to challenge the gym, and many of my elves were injured, and now they are training in the elves center, and you two are here today, so today’s rule is 1VS1.”

"If you win, you can take the orange badge from me. If you lose, I will decide whether to give you the orange badge or not depending on your performance during the battle, is it okay?"


When Qinghui heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, so he could only train one elf...

But fortunately, I can have a battle with Xiao Mao in a while, and even if it is one-on-one, I can also train other elves.

Qinghui nodded and stepped onto the battlefield.

"Okay, the spirit I use is Raichu!"

Ma Zhishi didn't write any ink, and when he saw Qinghui on stage, he threw a Pokeball directly.

A biped rodent-shaped elf appeared in the battle field. Raichu's fur was dark orange and his abdomen was white.

Like Pikachu, Raichu has two brown stripes on his back.The long, thin black tail is electro-optical, flat and yellow.But it doesn't have fingers like 4.0 Pikachu, instead it has small round brown palms.

Under the small black eyeballs, there is a yellow electrical bag.Its feet are large and brown.Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside and yellow on the inside, and have a curled portion at the end of the ear.

Qinghui briefly looked at the information on this Raichu: Type: Raichu (senior)


Category: mood As Qinghui knows, this Raichu pursued evolution too early in the Pikachu period, so that it did not learn those high-speed skill moves at all!Not even the most basic lightning flash!

In Qinghui's opinion, this Raichu has been cultivated crooked by Ma Zhishi!

However, it seems that Ma Zhishi's idea is to let the elves evolve?

That's fine.

"Stinky Flower, this match is up to you!"

Qinghui also took out a Poké Ball and summoned Smelly Flower.

"This matchup, Smelly Flower VS Raichu, 3...2...1...start now!" The staff acted as the referee and gave the order to start the game.

According to the rules of the gym challenge, Qinghui has the right to attack first.

"Stinky flowers, sweet aroma, and release hypnotic powder!"

Qinghui knew that speed was the biggest weakness of this Raichu, so he would take advantage of his illness to kill him!Grab the weakness and enlarge it infinitely, and finally defeat the opponent in one fell swoop!

"Raichu, use the electric shock!".

Chapter 90 Dinner begins!Fire Dinosaur VS Wind Speed ​​Dog! 【For subscription】

After Ma Zhishi heard it, he immediately asked Raichu to counterattack.

At the same time as Qinghui issued the order, the smelly flower began to emit a sweet aroma. Along with the sweet aroma, there was also a hypnotic powder that floated much faster. Soon, the entire battle field was filled with this smell. .

In the face of this all-round skill move with no dead ends, Raichu could only stay in place, and the electrostatic bag on his cheek began to flash twice, releasing the electricity stored in it!

In this wave, Raichu chose to fight with Smelly Flower!

His own speed is not fast, and his speed is affected by the sweet aroma. It is difficult to avoid the next hypnotic powder flying towards him, so he directly chooses to discharge him in situ. Confront, and hope that you can burst out of character, so that the electric shock on the smelly flower has a paralyzing effect!


Raichu's electric shock hit the smelly flower, but the smelly flower felt that this kind of electricity was not even electric therapy, at most it was an electric shock massage?

Anyway, Smelly Flower doesn't feel any pain, but feels comfortable all over!

The small-probability paralysis effect did not trigger, and the smelly flower was almost unscathed!

Raichu was hit with hypnotic powder, and shortly after the shock, he was hit with sleep powder. Although he insisted, he didn't persist for long, so he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

An elves that fall into a sleep state are basically in an undefended state unless they have a move like Sleep Talk. They can only wake up if they suffer great pain or sleep for a period of time.

The sleep time of each elves is not necessarily the same. If they are the ones who have undergone "professional training", their resistance to sleep state will be stronger, and they may be able to wake up when they are slightly exposed to external stimulation.

But the Leiqiu in front of Qinghui obviously did not undergo this kind of training. Qinghui looked at the power of the electric shock skills just now, and he even suspected that this Leiqiu was born less than a year ago? !

As the ultimate evolution of an elves, it stands to reason that even if you use weaker skills, if you don't deliberately control its power, it won't be too weak!

This Raichu is clearly not up to that point!According to a bit of fantasy, 19 this Raichu took medicine to force a breakthrough before the foundation was laid during the Pikachu period. Although the breakthrough was successful, it was like a crumbling building with an unsteady foundation!

"Stinky Flower, use a poisonous attack!"

Qinghui saw that Leiqiu was hit, and continued to order, just the first wave of attacks, his advantage was already infinite, to be honest, this Leiqiu really disappointed him.


The stinky flower's stamens secreted venom and shot towards Raichu, who was sleeping on the ground.

"Raichu, wake up quickly with the help of the poisonous pain! Then use [*] volts!"

Smelly Flower's poisonous attack successfully poisoned Raichu in the sleeping state, but when the toxin entered Raichu's body, his body trembled slightly, as if there was a sign of waking up.

Then, the toxin burst into damage for the first time, and the pain caused Raichu to wake up.


Raichu, who woke up, used [*] volts directly at the smelly flower!

"Stinky Flower, use Ultimate Absorb!"

"Raichu, carry it over, get close to the opponent, a million-ton punch!"

It may be due to the anger caused by the pain. Raichu's power of [*] volts this time is very powerful, and the speed of the current is extremely fast. I don't know if Ma Zhishi has a special method or an accident!

The Smelly Flower who was hit took two steps back in pain, and her stomach had scorched marks from the electric shock!

This time, Smelly Flower's injury was not small, she resisted the pain in her abdomen and released the ultimate suction.

At this time, Raichu was running towards the smelly flower, and at the same time charging!

"Stinky Flower, Flying Leaf Knife, stop the other party from coming!"

Qinghui was not in a hurry. This Raichu was not fast, and the Flying Leaf Blade could also block the opponent, which would allow the poison in Raichu to cause him more damage.


Countless blades flew towards Raichu!

Raichu had some regrets during the run. Of course, why didn't he learn one or two acceleration skills and then evolve? !

If there is a flash of lightning, he should be close to the smelly flower by now!

It's so troublesome to hide a flying blade knife like it is now!

"Raichu, forcibly hold on to it, the opponent has no ability to fight in close quarters, as long as you get close, there is still a chance!"

Although Ma Zhishi has a little help in cultivating elves, his vision still has nothing to say. Through the battle just now, he has discovered that the cultivation direction of this stinky flower is biased towards the auxiliary type, and his own speed is not fast, otherwise he will be shocked by himself. When Qiu made a long-range attack, Qinghui should let the smelly flower dodge!

"Smelly flower, use growth, and then spray the solution!"

Qinghui is very calm. Since the other party wants to eat skills, he will let the other party eat enough!



Both Stink Flower and Raichu followed the instructions of the trainers on both sides and strictly implemented them. Stink Flower grew in place and grew larger and sprayed the solution towards Raichu, who was getting closer and closer, while Raichu could hide. Then dodge, and if you can't dodge it, force it to eat it. In the end, you still managed to get close to the stinky flower!

It's just that Raichu, who had crossed the "line of fire", was already scarred by this time, and the purple on his body was getting thicker and thicker!

boom! !

The scarred Raichu seemed to have been completely inspired by his ferocity, and he punched Smelly Flower viciously!

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