Grandma Juzi said, "Don't be in a hurry to refuse, this is also for your safety. Geng Gui is only responsible for protecting your safety. He will not take action in the battle of the elves, you can rest assured. He will not take action until the time of crisis. It's going to work."

"Alright then, thank you Granny Chrysanthemum!" Qinghui did not reject Granny Chrysanthemum's kindness.

"Gengar remember your mission, go ahead." Grandma Juzi looked at Gengar.


Geng Gui nodded and merged into Qinghui's shadow without anyone noticing.


Qinghui nodded towards Meng Yao, and Meng Yao also returned to Qinghui's shadow.

I saw Qinghui's shadow swayed slightly, and then calmed down as usual.

"Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum, then I'll go first." Qinghui said.

"Go ahead, be careful when doing the task, this time the task is not so simple, don't be careless." Grandma Juzi urged.

"I know."

After Qinghui said goodbye to Kikuko, she quickly ran to the entrance of the gopher cave.

The other members of the fifth group were waiting here, and seeing Qinghui coming, Honghe nodded friendly towards him, and then looked at the others:

"Come on, let's go down."

After that, he took the lead into the gopher cave.

Entering the small earthen bag in the shape of a kiln, the ground is flat at the beginning, but as it goes deeper, the ground shows a downward slope, and the slope is not small!

This is also the only way to enter the Gopher Cave from Deadleaf City. Along this narrow path, everyone finally entered the Gopher Cave completely.

The location where you enter the gopher cave is an "underground hall", which has a square shape and a large area, but there are 5 paths all around!Don't know where to go.

At this time, there were several miner's lamps lit in the hall of the Gopher Cave. Looking at the mottled traces on the miner's lamps, the alliance should have been established here a long time ago.

Many of the trainers who came to gopher cave training in the past also relied on these lights for lighting.

Usually, some belligerent gophers will be active nearby, and the trainers don't need to run too far at all, and most of them can conduct battle training in the hall.

And now, there is no other sound in the hall except for those who came down!

The gophers didn't even know where they ran or hid!

Qinghui and the others came together, and the captains of several other squads and five additional guard members came over.

"How is it? Are specific tasks assigned?"

Honghe took the initiative to ask.

"Well." One of the leaders nodded, then turned and pointed to a dark entrance in the underground hall: "There, it was the entrance to Nibi City when the alliance was exploring, so one, two, three Group No. [*] will go there, Group No. [*] will go to the left side road for exploration, Group No. [*] will go to the one on the right, Group No. [*] is over there, Group No. [*] is here..."

"The five of us will stay in this hall, and we can contact you directly if there is anything."

"Then, let's start each other!"


Several captains who led the team responded.

Honghe directly turned his head to look at the people behind him: "Let's go, let's explore the fork in the road over there, I hope the road will be smoother."

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and walked over there.

When we just entered the fork in the road, there were still a few miner's lamps glowing outside, but the whole passage seemed to be very quiet, except for the footsteps of Qinghui and the others, there was no other sound.

"Take out the flashlight and prepare for lighting later."

Honghe walked at the front of the team, took out a flashlight, and released two of his elves at the same time: a water eb and a...

Tulong brother!

I saw that the body of this Tulong brother was mainly yellow, with blue stripes at the same time, and there were small white wings on the body, but such small wings made it impossible to fly at all, and the tail was like a drill...

Qinghui checked the information of the two elves, Shui Yibu's strength reached the quasi-celestial king level, while the strength of Tulong's younger brother was elite level.

It's just... the sex of this Tulong brother is actually female!

Immediately after he came out, the younger brother Tulong watched the surroundings vigilantly. At the same time, his own sensory organs also played their role to the maximum extent, sensing the situation on the ground at all times.

Although the Tulong brother is a kind of general elves, the elves of this race are very timid by nature. The wild Tulong brother will run away immediately when they encounter danger, and they basically only inhabit the depths of the cave where the light cannot place of arrival.

So she is very used to the environment of the gopher cave now.

Obviously, this earth dragon brother of Honghe can play a very good role in exploring and leading the way in the environment of the gopher cave!

Qinghui also did not expect that the younger brother Tulong, who almost no one would choose, could play a huge role in this specific environment!

"It seems that the members of the guards that the alliance chose to send are all selective... Just in this Honghe, there is Shui Yibu who can restrain the gophers. This is the main battle, and the younger brother of Tulong is suitable for this kind of situation. The environment can also be used by sprites for exploration."

"Presumably other teams have similar configurations..."

Qinghui looked at Tulong's younger brother who was constantly probing his head and looking around on the ground in front of him, and couldn't help thinking.

"Mary Luli, come out."

Qinghui also released his elf. Facing the unknown situation ahead, it is a good choice to have the elf accompany him, and he can respond in time to a crisis situation.

Considering the size of this place, Minas is not suitable for summoning now. After all, his size is really too big. If Minas comes out, their actions will be greatly affected.

The same goes for the other trainers, who have released their own elves, without exception, all of them are not very large elves.

"Brother Tulong, you lead the way, we will follow you, don't be afraid."

Honghe squatted down and comforted his younger brother Tulong, who seemed to be a little scared.

"Comprehend, include, sigh~"

Brother Tulong agreed, and then he came to the front of the team and moved forward cautiously.

Brother Tulong lives in a similar environment all year round, so their night vision ability is very good, and they can see the road and the situation in front of them accurately without the need of lights. In this way, if brother Tulong is exploring the road ahead.

Qinghui and the others don't have to worry that the light of their flashlights will affect the gophers who may be hiding in them.

Qinghui took a flashlight and walked in the middle of the team with Mari Luli.

But unlike other trainers and Honghe, Qinghui's hand 107 flashlight did not shine on the ground in front, but like the researcher beside him, the flashlight in his hand shined on the walls around them!

With younger brother Tulong exploring the way ahead, Qinghui still trusts him, so he no longer worries about the situation ahead, but observes the walls on both sides as he walks.

The walls are all mud walls. Judging from the traces of these mud, it seems that they have not been excavated for a long time, and even some places are still wet with mud!

"Watch out for the top of your head!"

At this moment, a male trainer beside Qinghui suddenly pushed Qinghui lightly.

Only then did Qinghui notice that there was a pointed stone hanging upside down in front of him!

If he hadn't been reminded by the people around him just now, he only looked at the surrounding walls, and he would definitely bump into it if he continued to walk.

"Thank you."

Qinghui thanked the trainer who reminded him.

"No thanks, my name is Maozheng, and I'm a water elf trainer."

The trainer smiled and introduced himself.

"My name is Qinghui, a new...human trainer." Qinghui also said.

"Qinghui, I know you, and I think everyone here should know you. I think everyone watched the live broadcast more than a month ago."

"Yeah, it's amazing to have such a big discovery at such a young age! Get to know me, my name is Yuki."

The only girl walking in front of the team also turned her head and said.

"My name is Donghu, he is Winter Leopard, my half-brother."? ? ? ? ?

"What half-brother, don't talk nonsense, we just grew up together and grew up together. It's a pleasure to meet you, Qinghui."

The other two boys also interjected.


Qinghui also took this opportunity to get acquainted with all the members of the team. Qinghui will have to get along with them for a long time, and there is no harm in starting a good relationship now.

Honghe, the leader, saw that Tulong's younger brother did not find any danger, so he let the team members in the rear chat in a low voice.

The researcher who accompanied the team has been observing the surrounding walls, muttering something in a low voice from time to time, and did not participate in the conversation on Qinghui's side.

Everyone got to know each other briefly and didn't talk much. After all, they were in a situation where they might encounter danger. At this time, their carelessness was not only irresponsible to others, but also irresponsible for themselves!

Gradually, the team fell into a quiet environment again. In the long tunnel, only the slight footsteps of the crowd and elves and a few small lights were left.


Chapter 101 Soul Painter, Brother Tulong! 【For subscription】

Until Tulong's younger brother suddenly returned to Honghe's side! "Breakthrough~"

She touched Honghe's legs with her tiny wings, and whispered at the same time.

Qinghui, who was observing the wall, noticed the movements of Tulong's younger brother, and immediately took his eyes back and looked at the position of Honghe at the forefront of the team.

During the journey just now, although Qinghui did not understand the knowledge of geology, but as he went deeper, Qinghui found that the traces of the surrounding soil became more and more "new", and there were more and more moist soils, which showed that it was very important. Maybe this tunnel was newly dug by the gophers!

In other words, there may be a large number of gophers ahead! "You mean, gophers were found ahead? Are there many?"

Honghe squatted down, looked at Tulong's younger brother with some anxious gestures, and asked tentatively.

Seeing that the gesture was unclear, Tulong brother twisted his body and drew it on the ground with his tail.

At this time, Qinghui brought Mari Luli forward and looked at the description of Tulong's younger brother.After a while, brother Tulong drew a lot of... circles on the ground...

It's just that some circles are just a single circle, while others are three circles nested together.

Qinghui understood that a single circle represented a gopher, and three circles nested together represented three gophers!This is the most realistic way to draw the soul. It is easy to understand... After a simple count, there are 4 three gophers in total, plus 8 gophers, a total of 12 elves!

This number is not small, and it is likely to be one of the gopher families living in the gopher cave.

After brother Tulong finished painting, he drew a few question marks next to it.

"You mean, you only found these, but there may be more gophers?" Honghe asked. "Comprehensive!" Tulong's younger brother nodded.

"Okay, I understand, it's hard work for you, let's rest here first."

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